Reading 4/6
★ One i-Ready lesson is due on Monday, November 21st!
★ No i-ready due Monday, November 28th!
★ Students need to prepare for their book conference. Students chose their book conference date and time. Please read the rubric.
★ Students need to prepare for their “How-to” presentation.
★ Students need to prepare for the Mummies, Tombs and Treasure assessment on Tuesday.
★ Students should be working on their How-To Mummify Booklet.
★ Also, I sent home a letter. We will be mummifying a chicken in class on Wednesday, November 30th. We will need donations. Please look for that letter in your child’s folder.
Monday Expectation Homework
Independent Book Choice / ● Students had 3-4 weeks to read a book of their choice.● Students were given an oral book conference rubric.
● Students were asked to choose their conference time and date.
● Students should be prepared for a 10-15 minute conference based on the rubric. / Prepare for book conference.
Guided Class Book / Review Chapters 1-6 as a whole group.
Read Chapter 7 as a whole group.
Answer the questions on the Reading Guide and Study Guide.
Mummies, Tombs and Treasure assessment Tuesday. Use study guide. /
Students should have read Chapter 6.
Tuesday Expectation Homework
Independent Book Choice / ● Students had 3-4 weeks to read a book of their choice.● Students were given an oral book conference rubric.
● Students were asked to choose their conference time and date.
● Students should be prepared for a 10-15 minute conference based on the rubric. / Prepare for book conference.
Guided Class Book / Collect Mummies, Tombs and Treasure Guided Reading Notes for a grade.
Pass out Mummies, Tombs and Treasure assessment. Collect for a grade. /
Language Arts 4/6
Monday Expectation Homework
Mummy Booklet / Review Steps 2-4 and expectation.Briefly model Steps 5-6 and assign. / Complete Steps 5-6
How-To Essay / Collect Rough Drafts for a grade.
How-To Oral Presentations / Pass out Student Evaluation sheet. / How-To Presentations will be Monday & Tuesday.
Tuesday Expectation Homework
How-To Make a Mummy Booklet / Students are creating a How-To Make a Mummy Booklet.Students need to complete Steps 7-9.
Students may need to complete their illustrations and coloring in 5th period or at home.
It is important that students use their class time wisely.
Steps 7-9
How-to Oral Presentation / Students should be prepared for their oral presentations. / Some students will be presenting on November 28th. Names and dates were picked randomly.