Evaluation forHigh School Principal



(The InterstateSchool Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards Based Professional Development for

School Leaders was used as a framework for the development of this evaluation instrument.

Performance indicators and concepts, which are applicable to principals, were selected for inclusion.)

The building principal shall be evaluated on the various requirements of the position. The criteria contained within this instrument are critical elements for this leadership role in ______School District. The elements are used by the superintendent to assess and evaluate the current performance of the principal, and to offer suggestions and/or recommendations for the principal’s improvement. The performance indicators listed under each standard describe a portion of the building principal’s roles. An overall rating should be given for each performance indicator. Ratings shall be selected from the following: Excellent, Satisfactory,or Unsatisfactory.

Illinois Law requires that principals on one-year contracts must be evaluated annually by February 1st and principals on multi-year contracts must be evaluated by February 1st of the final year of their contract. If the principal is not evaluated prior to February 1st, the employment contract will automatically extend for one additional year under the same terms and conditions as the prior year’s contract. (105 ILCS 5/24A-15)


  • The principal clearly and consistently performs at a high level, exceeding what is required.
  • The principal demonstrates originality and creativity, and is a highly motivated self starter.
  • The principal demonstrates a high level of thoroughness, analysis, and applied reason.
  • The principal is actively involved in the school and community activities and promotes the school district.
  • The principal consistently represents the best interest and needs of the students, school, and district.
  • The principal approaches work with a high level of interest, competency, self-confidence and enjoyment.
  • The principal consistently demonstrates decision-making ability based on school vision and mission.
  • The principal models excellence and influences others to aspire to achieve the same.


  • The principal performs all tasks outlined in the job description in a capable manner.
  • The principal assumes responsibility as delegated by supervisors in an acceptable manner.
  • The principal is involved in school/community activities.
  • The principal displays capable decision-making abilities.
  • The principal approaches work with interest, competency, and self-confidence.


  • The principal performs tasks in the job description in an inconsistent and often unsatisfactory manner.
  • The principal assumes responsibility as delegated by supervisors with often unsatisfactory performance.
  • The principal’s involvements in school/community activities are unplanned and unorganized.
  • The principal’s positive relations are difficult to develop and respect by others is marginal.
  • The principal demonstrate inconsistency and/or lack of common reasoning abilityin decision making.
  • The principal approaches work with unacceptable interest, and a lack of competence and self-confidence.

Standard 1: Facilitating a Vision of Learning

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

Performance Indicators: The principal facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

Rating: / E / S / U

1a.The vision and mission of the school are collaboratively developed and communicated with the students, staff, and community members.

Rating: / E / S / U

1b. The progress toward the vision and mission of the school is communicated with the students, staff, and community members.

Rating: / E / S / U

1c. The district’s core beliefs and values are communicated to the students, staff, and community members and consistently modeled.

Rating: / E / S / U

1d. The vision and mission of the school shape the educational program, plans, and actions of the school.

Rating: / E / S / U

1e.Financial, human, and material resources are sought to support the implementation of the school goals.

Rating: / E / S / U

1f.Barriers to achieving the vision, mission, and goals are identified, clarified, and addressed.

Rating: / E / S / U

1g.The vision, mission, goals, and implementation plans are regularly monitored, evaluated, and refined as needed.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)

Standard 2: School Culture and Instructional Program

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

Performance Indicators: The principal facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

Rating: / E / S / U

2a. All individuals are treated equitably with fairness, dignity, and respect.

Rating: / E / S / U

2b. Professional development promotes a focus on student learning consistent with the school goals.

Rating: / E / S / U

2c.The responsibilities and contributions of each individual are acknowledged.

Rating: / E / S / U

2d. Diversity is considered in developing learning experiences.

Rating: / E / S / U

2e.Life long learning is encouraged and modeled.

Rating: / E / S / U

2f.There is a culture of high expectations for self, student, and staff performance.

Rating: / E / S / U

2g.Appropriate technologies are used in teaching and learning.

Rating: / E / S / U

2h.Students and staff accomplishments are recognized.

Rating: / E / S / U

2i.Multiple opportunities to learn are available to all students.

Rating: / E / S / U

2j.The school is organized and aligned for success.

Rating: / E / S / U

2k.Curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs are designed, implemented, evaluated, and refined as needed.

Rating: / E / S / U

2l.Curriculum decisions are based on research and are in the best interest of the students’ academic needs.

Rating: / E / S / U

2m.The school culture and climate are assessed on an ongoing basis.

Rating: / E / S / U

2n.Multiple sources of data are used for decision making purposes.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)

STANDARD 3 - Management

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all studentsby ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe,efficient, and effective learning environment.

Performance Indicators: The principal facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

Rating: / E / S / U

3a.Knowledge of learning, teaching, and student development isused to make management decisions.

Rating: / E / S / U

3b.Operational procedures are designed to achieve the vision and goals of the school and to maximize opportunities for learning.

Rating: / E / S / U

3c.Emerging trends are recognized, studied, and applied as appropriate.

Rating: / E / S / U

3d.Collective bargaining and other contractual agreements related to the school are effectively managed.

Rating: / E / S / U

3e.The school facility, equipment, and support systems operate safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Rating: / E / S / U

3f.Time is managed to maximize attainment of the school goals.

Rating: / E / S / U

3g.Resources are aligned to the goals of the school.

Rating: / E / S / U

3h.The organizational systems are monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis and modified as needed.

Rating: / E / S / U

3i.Responsibility is shared to maximize ownership and accountability.

Rating: / E / S / U

3j.Effective problem determining and solving skills are used.

Rating: / E / S / U

3k.There is effective use of technology to manage school operations.

Rating: / E / S / U

3l.Resources of the school are managed ethically, legally, efficiently, and effectively.

Rating: / E / S / U

3m.A safe, clean, and aesthetically pleasing school environment is created and maintained.

Rating: / E / S / U

3n.All assigned personnel are supervised and evaluated according to the district


Rating: / E / S / U

3o.All building activities are adequately supervised.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)

STANDARD 4 - Collaboration with Families and Communities

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all studentsby collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse communityinterests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

Performance Indicators: The principal facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

Rating: / E / S / U

4a.Visibility, involvement, and communication with the larger community is a priority.

Rating: / E / S / U

4b.Relationships with community leaders are identified and nurtured.

Rating: / E / S / U

4c.Information about family and community concerns, expectations, and needs is used continuously.

Rating: / E / S / U

4d.There are relationships with business, religious, political, and service agencies and organizations.

Rating: / E / S / U

4e.Individuals and groups with diverse values and opinions are treated equitably.

Rating: / E / S / U

4f.The school and community serve one another as resources.

Rating: / E / S / U

4g.Partnerships are established with area businesses, institutions of higher education, and community groups to strengthen programs and support school goals.

Rating: / E / S / U

4h.Community resources and social services are integrated to enhance both common goals and school goals.

Rating: / E / S / U

4i.Multi-cultural awareness, gender sensitivity, and racial and ethnic appreciation are promoted and modeled.

Rating: / E / S / U

4j.Media relations are developed and maintained.

Rating: / E / S / U

4k.Opportunities for staff to develop collaborative skills are provided.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)

STANDARD 5 - Acting with Integrity, Fairness, and in an Ethical Manner

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all studentsby acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.

Performance Indicators: The principal shall:

Rating: / E / S / U

5a.Demonstrate a personal and professional code of ethics.

Rating: / E / S / U

5b.Demonstrate values, beliefs, and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance and serves as a role model.

Rating: / E / S / U

5c.Protect the rights and confidentiality of others.

Rating: / E / S / U

5d.Recognize and respects the legitimate authority of others.

Rating: / E / S / U

5e.Open the school to public scrutiny.

Rating: / E / S / U

5f.Fulfill legal and contractual obligations.

Rating: / E / S / U

5g.Apply laws and procedures fairly, wisely, and considerately.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)

STANDARD 6 - The Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Context

A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all studentsby understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic,legal, and cultural context.

Performance Indicators: The principal facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:

Rating: / E / S / U

6a.Communication occurs within the school community on trends, issues, and potential changes in the environment which school operates.

Rating: / E / S / U

6b.There is ongoing dialogue between representatives of diversecommunity groups.

Rating: / E / S / U

6c.The school community works within the framework of policies, laws,and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities.

Rating: / E / S / U

6d.Lines of communication are developed with decision makers outside the school community.

Evaluator’s Comments:

(type response here)


1. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. / E / S / U
2. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. / E / S / U
3. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. / E / S / U
4. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. / E / S / U
5. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. / E / S / U
6. / A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. / E / S / U

Principal’s strengths related to expectations:

(type response here)

Principal’s weaknesses related to expectations:

(type response here)

Additional Comments:

(type response here)

The overall performance rating for the 2006-2007 school year is:

Excellent ______Satisfactory ______Unsatisfactory ______


Principal’s Signature Date:


Superintendent’s SignatureDate:

By signing this document, you are agreeing that you have reviewed the above information and have discussed it

with thesuperintendent. Your signature does not necessarily mean that you are in agreement with the information written.