ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ ] Unapproved [X ] Approved
Transcultural Nursing Issues Special Interest Group
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Attendees: (List of attendees submitted)
Place: Congress Meeting – Washington, DC
Convention Ctr., Room 36, Table 5
Begin Adjourn
5:05 PM (EST) 6:30 PM (EST) Recorder: Mildred Kowalski
Call to Order
M. Kowalski called the planning session to order at approximately 5:05 p.m.
Role Call
All members were introduced and signed an attendance sheet.
Mildred Kowalski introduced herself as the current Coordinator. Francisco Conde has been elected to the role of Coordinator-Elect and will assume that role after Congress 2002. Delia Bacquiran has assumed the role of Co-Editor to Dennis Pyritz, Editor. The need to identify a Coordinator-elect was communicated. The Transcultural Nursing Issues SIG currently has 41 members, and increase of 2 members (5%).
Review and Approval of 2001 Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
Review of the Year’s Accomplishments
Two suggestions for joint presentations were submitted in 2001. The TNI SIG was not notified of any accepted presentations. However, some members of the TNI SIG will be presenting a Transcultural session on Sunday. This session is not a SIG sponsored session.
A request for ideas for ideas for presentations was made. Dr. Lupe Palos and Milli Kowalski are faculty of the Hispanic Mosaic project, sponsored by ONS. This project will be presented at five cities in the USA over the next seven months. A submission to present an abbreviated session will be submitted as a joint project between the Mosaic group (Gloria Velez-Barone) and the TNI SIG.
Another suggestion was made to present actual case studies of patients from diverse cultural groups and specific nursing interventions for culturally sensitive/competent care.
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Transcultural Nursing Issues Special Interest Group
Review of the Year’s Accomplishments (cont.)
An effort was made by the coordinator to contact each member by telephone, e-mail or land mail,
during the year. Letters were sent to each nurse who expressed interest in the SIG by leaving a business card at Congress 2002.
Communication Methods
A discussion was held about the best method of communication. E-mail seems good for the group in attendance. Phone conferences were also considered a good way to communicate. Two weeks notice was recommended.
Afternoon or evening times were said to be best.
Work Groups:
Evidenced Based Research Application
Francisco Conde chairs this Work Group, but was not able to attend ONS. The application for funding of a research seminar of experts, to learn the best practices for early prevention and detection of cancer in diverse populations was drafted. The application was completed by a small group and should currently be in final review. The plan for submission is by June 2002.
Reception to Celebrate Cultural Diversity
Milli Kowalski has initiated the application process; DeLois Weekes has agreed to help with the completion of the application. The target for completion of the application is June 2002.
New Business:
Review Strategic Plan
A telephone conference was held to review the changes in the strategic plan. In addition, hard copies were circulated at the planning meeting for review.
Suggestions for changes were made and major changes include the reinstatement of Goal II D, “Develop multicultural core competencies for various areas of patient care.”
While the core competencies have been written, application to patient care has not been done. A recommendation that application of the core competencies to case studies be a Congress 2003 topic submission for the SIG.
It was recommended that a letter to the Steering Committee be forwarded to recommend that the core competencies should be included as criteria for review of sessions as well as considered during every activity of the ONS organization.
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Transcultural Nursing Issues Special Interest Group
Review/Revise TNI Strategic Plan (continued)
There is a need to acknowledge what has been done as well as to make recommendations for what additional steps need to be taken. An infusion of the standards is needed at every level of the organization. It was recommended that a Work Group be formed to address the issue of drafting recommendations for future actions. The team will be comprised of Lupe Palos, Jodi Pelusi, DeLois Weekes, and Ryan Itano (not present). Lupe, with some encouragement, agreed to chair the group.
The draft Strategic Plan will be amended and sent to each member, by Carol DeMarco, for voting prior to submitting the revised plan for ONS approval.
Members will need to vote by June.
Announce Election Results
Francisco Conde is the Coordinator-Elect and will begin his one-year term after Congress.
Open Leadership Positions
In May 2003 a new Coordinator-Elect will be needed. Members were reminded to seriously think about filling the position or making recommendations for another member.
Delia Baquiran read about the need for a Co-Editor in the agenda of a meeting and volunteered for the position. Delia attended the Leadership meeting for SIG members yesterday, but could not attend Congress today. These recommendations were part of an internal document. A copy of the recommendations will be requested from the Steering Council. This will facilitate implementation of the TNI SIG.
A member is needed to maintain the website. Milli will follow up with a member who expressed interest in maintaining the web site.
ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ ] Unapproved [X ] Approved
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Transcultural Nursing Issues Special Interest Group
New Business (continued):
The continued work as Editor for the SIG TNI by Dennis Pyritz was acknowledged. A formal Certificate of Acknowledgment will be sent to Dennis on behalf of the SIG.
Helen McCarthy’s (absent) assistance to the
Coordinator was acknowledged. Helen served as the Coordinator Ex-officio and was extremely helpful to Milli over the year. A formal acknowledgment will be sent to Helen for her help.
A request for a member to attend a Focus Group on Outcomes on Saturday was made. No one in the group could attend. [Late note: M. Kowalski attended the session.]
Action Items/Key Issues
Additional ideas for Congress were submitted by members for consideration. For Fall Institutes of Learning it was suggested that an Assessment of symptoms across cultural groups be provided. Or, the response of several cultural groups to a specific type of cancer or event could be a topic. Another suggestion was an evaluation of appropriate tools to use with diverse groups, or different types of providers within Ethnic groups.
Our poster needs a new look. Members suggested submitting photos of themselves at work and linking the photo to a cultural competency. Members in attendance agreed, but photos from all members are requested.
Delia Bacquiran, Co-Editor wanted to know if themes for our newsletter would be a good idea. Our next deadline (after April) is mid-June. A suggestion to submit articles on detection and prevention was made. Three members at the meeting agreed to submit articles by June 1 (JP, IC, LP). Joint Newsletters will be considered in the future.
The meeting was adjourned.
List of attendees at Transcultural Nursing Issues SIG Planning/Networking Meeting at Congress 2002
SIG Members Non-SIG Members
M. Aleman Donna H. Paul, 12087 E Amherst Pl., Aurora, CO 80014-3101
I. Combs
M. Kowalski
G. Palos
J. Pelusi
M. Price
D. Pyritz
A. Siegert
K. Taoka
D. Weekes