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Product logo / Product name
Interface Specification
NBB Classification:IT Governance code
NBB Sub-classification:Project Phase
Department Group:Service Group
Document version:0.1
Status:Under Review
Authorized by:Person Responsible
Reviewers:AAG Team
Commentators:All those interested
Abstract:Thisdocument template is to be used for writing the Interface Specification for the development of a business service. It forms part of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) andshould refer to and be used in conjunction with the Architecture Specification for the associated business service.
© National Bank of Belgium, Brussels
All rights reserved.
Reproduction for educational and non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged.
Product nameInterface Specification
Table of Contents
1.1Document history
1.3Interface identifier
2.Interface description and environment
3.Communication protocols
4.Services provided
4.1General description
4.2Detailed description
5.Service limitations
6.Error handling
6.1Error handling behaviour
6.2Error codes
7.Supporting information
8.Outstanding issues
9.Definition of terms and abbreviations
Product nameInterface Specification
Note 1: The widely differing variety of product interfaces make it unwise to be overly prescriptive regarding layout and content. The layout proposed in this template is indicative and should be considered critically and adjusted to produce a clear, complete and detailed interface specification for the product that is being developed.
Note2: Instructions for template use and information for users are italicised in blue throughout this template document.
Note 3: Text in black is generic and for inclusion in all final versions of Interface Specification documents.
This is the document template to be used for writing the Interface Specification for the development of a business service. It is part of the Architecture folder of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). TheInterface Specification is created from the Architecture Specification for the business service during the SDLC Elaboration phase. It is used during the Elaboration and Construction phases to create the documents required for the Design, Operations and Quality Assurance folders.
The Interface Specification defines how thethe software product being developedrelates to external entities and the other aspects of its environment. It is a written commitment to the associated product features and performance that will be made available externally, on the basis of which the design of both the product and external entities can proceed independently.
1.1Document history
Provide the following information for each version or revision of the Architecture Specification covering the particular business service:
DateVersionAuthorDescription of change
List the associated Architecture Specification and other items referenced in this document, together with the location of a maintained copy for each item.
1.3Interface identifier
State the unique identifier for the interface, together with the software product to which it relates.
2.Interface description and environment
Provide a general description of the product interface, its purpose, users and connected entities and the environment in which it functions. Refer, as appropriate, to the relevant sections of the product Architecture Specification.
3.Communication protocols
List and define in detail, by reference to specific versions, the communication protocols used to communicate across the interface. State which protocols apply to which types of user for each of the services provided.
4.Services provided
4.1General description
List the services provided at the product interface and describe how each servicewill be used by each type of user or connected entity. Refer, as required, to the relevant sections of the Architecture Specification.
4.2Detailed description
For each service, provide a detailed description that specifies in detail all the interfacing information required to enable design to proceed. The format of each detailed description may be structured to suit the particular interfacing requirements but should cover the following aspects:
4.2.1Service pre-requisites
Define the external conditions (if any) that must prevail before the service is invoked.
4.2.2Service requirements
Define the external inputs required at the interface for the service to execute.
4.2.3Syntax of service requests and responses
Define in detail the syntax of all service requests and responses crossing the interface;
4.2.4Semantics of requests, responses and events
Describe the meaning ofall service requests and responses crossing the interface and relevant external events.
4.2.5Data types
List and describe the different data items that will be transported, including the following: and distribution for each of size, quantity and frequency
5.Service limitations
Describe any limitations that the interface specification or the associated product Architecture Specification impose on the extent of the services provided (eg: connectivity, concurrency, growth).
6.Error handling
6.1Error handling behaviour
Describe, referring to the relevantsections of the Architecture Specification, the general approach adopted for the detection, correction, reporting and logging of errors.
6.2Error codes
Provide a categorised list of error conditions, error codes and meanings that may exist at the product interface.
7.Supporting information
Include in this section any additional information items,explanations or rationale for decisions taken that will assist in the design of their products.
8.Outstanding issues
Include in this section any unresolved interface issues that could affect the design of the product
9.Definition of terms and abbreviations
Complete, as appropriate, for the particular product development.
NBBNational Bank of Belgium