Please contact us if you would prefer this form in an alternative format.
Once completed this Application should be returned to:
Firefighter Recruitment Unit, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, The Knowle, Clyst St George, Exeter, EX3 0NW or emailed to
Job details
Personal Details
Current/Latest Employment
Current/Previous Fire Service Employment
Are you currently a serving Firefighter or have you ever served as a Firefighter in a UK Fire and Rescue Service?
Yes, currently Yes, in the past No
If yes: On-Call Duty System / Wholetime (delete as appropriate)
If yes, please state which Fire & Rescue Service: …………………………………………………..
Work and Other Relevant Experience
Please list below a record of previous employments and activities over the last 10 years, either paid or unpaid. These should be in date order, starting with the most recent. You may include earlier experience if you wish. Also include details of full time education in date order.
Please indicate if you are:
Employed full time (30 hours or more per week)
Employed part time (29 hours or less per week)
Self Employed
Fire Station
Do you have your employer’s permission to attend emergency incidents during
working hours?
Yes No N/A
Are you able to respond from your home to the Fire Station within 5 minutes?
Are you able to respond from your employment to the Fire Station within 5 minutes?
Yes No
ResponseHow do you intend to respond to the Fire Station:
Car Bicycle
Motor Bike/Moped On Foot
If you need your employer’s permission to respond during the working day ask them to complete the enclosed consent form and return it with your Application Form.
N.B. you must be able to reach the station within 5 minutes
Please provide the name and contact details of two referees. One of these must be your current employer. If you are not currently employed, please give details of your most recent employer. If you have no previous employment, please nominate someone who has known you and your work for at least two years eg if you are in or have recently left full-time education, you should nominate your school or college tutor. Please also state in what capacity the named referees are known to you. You should not nominate a relative or personal friend as a referee.
Please provide email addresses where possible and post codes. If you are unable to provide referees please contact the Recruitment Unit on 01392 872294 or 01392 872231.
Please note that referees will only be contacted if you are invited to interview stage.
Entitlement to Work in the UK:To comply with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 all prospective employees will be asked to supply evidence of eligibility to work in the UK. We will ask to see an appropriate official document. Do not send these now. Further information will be sent to you if you are selected.
Criminal Convictions
To the best of my knowledge, the information I have supplied on this form is correct. I understand that giving false information or omitting relevant information could disqualify my application and, if I am appointed, could lead to my dismissal.
I agree to the information provided on this form, including any sensitive information, being retained on file and processed in accordance with the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Data Protection Policy and, where appropriate, under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Signed / DateOur Values
We value…
- Service to the community
- People
- Diversity
- Improvement
We value service to the community by…
- Working with all groups to reduce risk
- Treating everyone fairly and with respect
- Being answerable to those we serve
- Striving for excellence in all we do
We value all our employees by practising and promoting…
- Fairness and respect
- Recognition of merit
- Honesty, integrity and mutual trust
- Personal development
- Co-operative and inclusive working
We value diversity in the service and the community by…
- Treating everyone fairly and with respect
- Providing varying solutions for different needs and expectations
- Promoting equal opportunities in employment and progression within the service
- Challenging prejudice and discrimination
We value improvement at all levels of the service by…
- Accepting responsibility for our performance
- Being open-minded
- Considering criticism thoughtfully
- Learning from our experience
- Consulting others
I have read and understood the Fire and Rescue Service Core Values and will commit to practice and actively promote them.
Yes No
Title of Post applied for: On-Call FirefighterWhat is your gender?
Male / Female /
Other (Please specify)
/ What was your age on your last birthday?
16 to 24 / 35 to 44 /
55 to 64
25 to 34 /
45 to 54 /
65 or over
Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion or belief?
Yes No
If yes, what is your religion or belief?
Buddhist /
Jewish /
Christian /
Muslim /
Other (Please specify)
/ Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Gay/lesbian /
Heterosexual /
Other (please specify)
Under the Equality Act 2010, a person had a disability if:
- They have a physical or mental impairment and
- The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-to-day activities
Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010?
Yes No
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service works hard to ensure equal and fair outcomes in recruitment, retention and progression. As part of this, we want to make sure that we are being fair and that people from all backgrounds are represented in our recruitment and selection processes. We would like to ask you some questions so we can gather information about the types of people who are applying to work with us. This will help us to spot any gaps and take actions such as reviewing how we advertise our vacancies. On arrival at our office, this form will be separated from your application form and it will not be seen by the people who shortlist or interview candidates. The information you supply will be recorded confidentially and will be used to look, in general terms, at who is applying for vacancies and who is not.
What is your ethnic group?Mixed/multiple ethnic groups / Any other mixed background (Please specify)
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other ethnic group / Any other ethnic group (Please specify)
Asian or Asian British / Other Asian background (Please specify)
Black/African/ Caribbean/ Black British / Any other Black / African / Caribbean background (Please specify)
White / Other White background (Please specify)
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish