P.O. BOX 2289
October 17, 2016
6:00 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of the Onalaska Independent School District met for a Regular Board meeting on Monday, October 17, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., in the Administration Building. Roll was called and the following were present:
Board Members
Ted Wiggins, President
Brandon Smith, Vice President
Dennis Hodge, Secretary
Pobla Gallier, Member
Tom Curran, Member
Russell Jones, Member
John Haynes, Member
Staff Members Guests
Lynn Redden, Superintendent Debbie Kirkham, Auditor
Angela Foster, Business Manager Lew Vail, Reporter
David Murphy, Elementary/Intermediate School Principal
Anthony Roberts, Junior Senior High School Principal
Larissa Grubbs, Assistant Principal Elementary/Intermediate School
Donald Meekins, Assistant Principal Junior Senior High School
Ashley Porter, Executive Assistant to Superintendent
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Pobla Gallier, Vice-President. Ted Wiggins was not present.
The invocation was given by Dennis Hodge.
The pledge was given in unison by everyone.
1. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Brandon Smith , to adopt the Agenda, as presented. Motion carried 6 for, 0 against.
2. Motion was made by Dennis Hodge, seconded by Russell Jones, to approve the minutes of the previous meetings Regular Meeting of September 19, 2016. Motion carried 6 for, 0 against.
3. No one spoke in Open Forum.
4. A presentation was made my Debbie Kirkham, Auditor for Weaver LLC, for the Annual Audit Report.
***** Ted Wiggins in at 6:05*****
5. David Murphy, Elementary-Intermediate School Principal, reported on the academic and instructional events at the campus.
Anthony Roberts, Principal at the Onalaska Junior-Senior High School, reported on the academic and instructional events at the campus.
Lynn Redden, Superintendent, reported the following: The monthly activity calendar was presented, the needint for November was rescheduled to the 14th due to a District Holiday. Bond Proceeds, Construction and Enrollment/Attendance updates were given. Principals David Murphy and Anthony Roberts were presented with the Principals Proclimation honering their commitment.
No report from the Board.
6. Motion was made by Tom Curran, seconded by Russell Jones to approve the consent items as presented.
a. Tax Report
b. Budget Amendment
c. Quarterly Investment Report
Motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
7. Motion was made by Russell Jones, seconded by Tom Curran to approve the Annual Financial Audit Report for fiscal year ending August 31, 2016 prepared by the audit firm Weaver, LLC, as presented by Debbie Kirkham. Motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
8. Motion was made by Pobla Gallier, seconded by Dennis Hodge to approve the following property bids which meet the established threshold:
Lot 4, Block 16, Section 1, Cedar Point, Account #C0500057000, Cause #T15-531 from Teresa Nunez in the amount of $385.00.
Lots 7, 8, 9, 60 & 61, Block 16, Section 1, Cedar Point, Account #(s) C0500057300, C0500057400, C0500057500, C0500062600 & C0500062700, Cause #T15-532 from Teresa Nunes in the amount of $2,500.00.
Lot 57, Block 17, Section 1, Cedar Point, Account #C0500069400, Cause #T15-538 from Douglas E. Bryant in the amount of $400.00.
Lot 7, Block 48, Section 2, Cedar Point, Account #C0500177600, Cause #T15-550 from Charles R. Butler in the amount of $1,500.00.
Lot 1 & 2, Block 3, Section 3, Impala Woods, Account #9s) I0300064000 & I0300064100, Cause #T14-117 from Betty Muckleroy in the amount of $1,200.00.
Motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
9. Motion was made by Brandon Smith, seconded by Dennis Hodge to reject the bids for the following properties which did not meet the established threshold:
Lot 3, Block 16, Section 1, Cedar Point, Account #C0500056900, Cause #T15-530 from Teresa Nunez in the amount of $862.00.
Lot 66, Block 2, Section 5, Impala Woods, Account #I0300126700, Cause #T11-319 from Ruffin and Karen Molliere in the amount of $300.00
Motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
10. The Board did not enter into closed session.
11. N/A
13. Motion to adjourn was made by Pobla Gallier, seconded by Dennis Hodge, at 6:55 p.m. Motion carried 7 for, 0 against.
Ted Wiggins, President Dennis Hodge, Secretary