February 2018
For You
This newsletter is considered to be a resource to all residents and businesses. The Town is currently looking for citizens that would be willing to volunteer their time, talent, and services in various capacities in the Town (strategic planning, monthly events, newsletter ideas, initiatives to name a few). If this is you please contact the Town Hall and provide your name, phone number, and email. We would love to speak with you.
Town of Morningside
From the Mayor’s Desk
Hello Morningside,I hope that each of you had a great holiday and you are off to a great start to the year. We had some great events in 2017 from the 4th of July Parade, National Night Out, Trunk or Treat, Senior Luncheon, Breakfast with Santa and so many more. 2018 is gearing up to be just as great with events. In 2017 we implementedmore ways to stay connected. Our Facebook Page: TOWN OF MORNINGSIDE and our Website: Morningsidemd.gov.
On the horizon, Morningside will be distributing new Trash and Recycle Containers to all residents. The letter is in this newsletter as well. I ask that you exercise patience as we move forward in the process. As a Town we strive to provide the best services, events, and information to our residents.
We look forward to your constructive feedback as we continue to build, grow, and enhance this great Town that we live in. As always feel free to reach out to me at or . I look forward to seeing you at our Town meetings (Work Session-2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pmandTown Hall Meeting- 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm), or any number of our events throughout the year.
Sincerely Your Mayor,
Benn Cann
Contact Us
Town of Morningside
6901 Ames Street
Morningside, MD 20746
Dates to remember:
February 13, 2018 – Town Work Session – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
February 19, 2018 – Town Offices closed in observance of Presidents Day
February 20, 2018 – Town Regular Meeting – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
March 5, 2018 – Petitions for Candidates for Office due by 5pm – Morningside Municipal Center
March 13, 2018 – Town Work Session – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
March 20, 2018 – Town Regular Meeting – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
April 2, 2018 – Special Registration Day for May 2018 Election – 1-9pm – Morningside Municipal Center
April 10, 2018 – Town Work Session – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
April 17, 2018 – Town Regular Meeting – 7pm – Morningside Municipal Center
**Notice to Residents**
On March 3, 2018, the NEW trash/recycle carts-
containers will be
delivered to the Town Hall parking lot for staging to prepare DELIVERY to residences on
March 3, 2018 starting at 7:00am.
Please do not remove the carts/containers from
curbside for about an hour after they are dropped off.
All assigned carts/containers need to be registered with serial number and house address by delivery crew.
Please contact the
Town Hall if you have any concerns or questions.
/ The Town of Morningside will hold an election on the 1st Monday in May (May 7, 2018) to fill 2 Council Member Positions. Those positions are currently held by Sharon Fowler and Katie Blade.
Before the election can be held there are a couple of things that need to happen:
A Board of Supervisors of Elections must be appointed to oversee the collection/validation of petitions for office and then to oversee the actual election process. The appointment of the Board will take place at the February 20, 2018 Town Council Meeting.
Section 52-21. Board of Supervisors of Elections.
There shall be a Board of Supervisors of Elections, consisting of three members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council on or before the first Monday in March each year. The terms of these members shall begin on the first Monday in March each year in which they are appointed and shall run for one year. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Mayor with the approval of the Council for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members of the Board shall be qualified voters of the town and shall not hold or be candidates for any public elective office during their term of office. Before entering upon the duties of his office, each member of said Board shall take oath as prescribed by Section 52-62 of this charter.
Petition forms may be obtained at the Town Administration Offices, 6901 Ames St, Morningside, MD 20746 M-F, 8am-5pm. They are due no later than 5pm, Monday March 5, 2018.
Section 52-28. Nominations.
Candidates for election to the office of Council Member or Mayor shall file with the Board of Election Supervisors a petition signed by at least ten registered voters of the Town of Morningside by 5pm the first Monday inMARCH (March 5, 2018). The petition shall be verified and contain the following information: (1) the name, address and phone number of candidate; (2) a statement of eligibility pursuant to [section] 52 of the Charter; (3) a statement that the signatures on the petition are genuine, and (4) a request to be placed on the ballot. No person shall be eligible for elective town public office who has not fulfilled the requirements of this section. No candidate shall file for election to more than one public office at any one election. The Board of Election Supervisors shall be the final judge of the qualifications of candidates for offices under the requirements of this charter. In the event that there are no candidates for an office, or an insufficient number of candidates to fill the councilmanic positions, the deadline for filing petitions shall be extended fifteen days. Any person submitting a petition agrees that a background check may be done prior to assuming office if elected. (Res., Oct. 4, 1957, sec. 28; Char. Amend. No. 76-2, 4-2-76; Char. Amend. No. 87-1, 8-17-87.)
If you are a current resident within the Town of Morningside and are a registered voter for State and National Elections, (and have updated your address with the State Board of Elections) then you are eligible to vote in Town elections. If you are not registered for State and National elections, you can fill out a registration form that will make you eligible to vote in Town of Morningside elections only. Those forms can be obtained at the Morningside Municipal Center, 6901 Ames St, Morningside, MD 20746 8am-5pm, M-F. Just bring a valid ID and proof of residence with you when you come to fill out the paperwork.
Section 52-24. Voters.
Every person who (1) is a citizen of the United States, (2) is at least eighteen years of age, is a bona fide physical resident of the Town, and (3) is registered in accordance with the provisions of this charter and town ordinances, shall be a qualified voter of the Town. Every qualified voter of the Town shall be entitled to vote at any or all Town elections. (Res., Oct. 4, 1957, sec. 24; Char. Amend. No. 76-2, 4-2-76.)
There will be a Special Registration day for people to register to vote in the election of May 2018. This date will be April 2, 2018 from 1-9 pm. This will be the last date to register to be able to vote in the May 7, 2018 Town election.
Section 52-25. Registration.
There shall be a special registration on the first Monday in April each year between 1:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. of the qualified persons not registered to vote. If necessary for the performance of registration or the convenience of the citizens of the Town, the Council may designate additional hours or special registration days. (Res., Oct. 4, 1957, sec. 25; Char. Amend. No. 76-2, 4-2-76.)
Section 52-29. Elections, Absentee Ballots, Write-in Votes.
a. No primary elections shall be held. The names of all candidates properly nominated shall be considered as nominees of the general municipal election to be held on the first Monday in May of each year.
b. Any qualified voter registered to vote in the Town of Morningside is entitled to vote in any municipal election by absentee ballot.
c. The Town shall also provide for write-in votes at all elections. (Res., Oct. 4, 1957, sec. 29; Char. Amend. No. 76-2, 4-2-76.)
Section 52-35. Regulation and Control.
The Council shall have the power to provide by ordinance in every respect not covered by the provisions of this charter for the conduct of registration, nomination and town elections and for the prevention of fraud in connection therewith, and for a recount of ballots in case of doubt or fraud. (Res., Oct. 4, 1957, sec. 35.)
At the January 16, 2018 regular meeting of the Morningside Town Council Ordinance (Chapter 21)was introduced to create the Office of Emergency Management. This ordinance will be voted on at the February 20, 2018 regular meeting of the Town Council. A copy of the ordinance is available at the Town Administrative Office, 6901 Ames St, Morningside, MD 20746 M-F, 8am-5pm for public review.
Collection of bulk trash will be every Wednesday. Each resident is limited to (3) three Bulk items per collection. To schedule a Bulk pick-up, residents must call Bates Trucking Company at (301) 773-2069 and give their address and the items to be picked up, by Tuesday before 2:00 p.m. in order to be placed on the list for a Wednesday pick-up. Calls for bulk pick up received by Bates after 2:00 p.m. on a Tuesday will not be picked up until the following Wednesday. Bulk will be picked up between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Appliances, including washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, furniture and other household items. Appliances doors should be removed for safety purposes. Appliances which have CFC refrigerants and PCB type capacitors and similar items shall be disposed of according to all state, federal, county and local government requirements.
Bates requires that the residents disassemble large furniture to a reasonable size. Doors with glass need to be taped across the glass, broken down items should be taped or tied to make the pick-up process easier.
Wood and all other small items must be bundled and tied; it can be no longer than four feet.
Greeting Town Residents,
It is my pleasure to serve you. With the Spring and Summer ahead of us there are a few things we must be mindful of as it relates to code enforcement;
Take pride in your landscape. Grass should be no taller than 10 inches. Properties should be free of open storage i.e. other than lawn furniture, mowing equipment and outdoor toys… Anything else will be considered a public nuisance (open storage)
If code observes violations on your property we will post your dwelling unit with a 2-day courtesy letter. If there is no compliance on the said violations, code enforcement will continue with the abatement process.
Let us also be mindful of our wrecked, dismantled, and unlicensed automobiles parked on our properties. These items will be cited by the Code Enforcement Official.
It’s a great day in Morningside,
Phone 301 736-7400: Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.
Business Ads (Place Your Business Ad here)
Susan Mullins – Independent Thirty-One Consultant
Contact me today to get 10% off
your first order of $45 or more.
Thirty-One is your place for purses, totes, bins and more.
Yvonne Rodgers - Precious Lil Ones Day Care
6924 Pickett Drive
Morningside, MD 20746
(240) 716-8607
***In an effort to go green and reduce cost, this will be last newsletter mailed to every resident. If you want to continue receiving the paper newsletter you MUST contact the Town and be put on the mailing list. Otherwise a copy of the newsletter can be found on the Town Website ().***