Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Directorate E - Modernisation of the Single Market
Directorate-General Environment
Directorate C - Quality of Life, Water & Air

Second stakeholder dialogue

on transparency and benchmarking of water quality and services

following-up on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Right2Water”

12 October 2015

DG GROW BREY 5/A (Fernand Braun), Av. d’Auderghem 45, B-1040 Brussels

Draft Agenda

The second dialogue intends to complement the outcome of the first dialogue with an enhanced focus on citizen expectations as regards transparency of water quality and services, as a further follow-up action to the ECI, an instrument with a potential to promote participatory democracy at EU level, and aiming at transparency of decision-making processes and openness towards citizens. Participating stakeholders are encouraged to actively participate in the dialogue sharing their experiences in particular as regards best practice examples about transparency and citizen participation.

10:00 Coffee

Morning session

During the morning session speakers and participants are invited to give their point of view on the expectations of EU citizens with respect to transparency and the information on the water supply services.

Time / Speaker / Topic
10:30 / Matjaz Malgaj, European Commission / Introduction
10:50 / Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary, EPSU (tbc) / European Citizens' Initiative Right2Water
11:10 / Thomas Thierschmann, Citizen Initiative "Berlin Water Table" / ECI "Right2Water": An important component to enhance citizen participation
Berlin Water Services: Citizen demands concerning the protection of Berlin drinking water
11:30 / Marek Szilvási, European Roma Right Centre / Factors complicating access, affordability, and quality of drinking water and sanitation in Romani neighbourhoods and settlements
11:50 / Discussion

12:30 Network lunch

Afternoon session

During the afternoon session speakers from different EU regions and from the water sector will share their experiences about transparency solutions and communication tools used vis-à-vis citizens.

Time / Speaker / Topic
14:00 / Aziza Akhmouch, Head Water Governance Programme, OECD / An OECD Perspective on Water Governance
14:20 / Michele Falcone, Director General, CAP Holding, Milan, Italy / Transparency Accountability and participation in water sector in Italy: Cap Holding’s Experience
14:40 / Pedro Tomás Martín de la Vega, Promedio, Badajoz, Spain, / Successful Water Management Plan for small and medium communities
15:00 / Bruno Tisserand, President EurEau / Successes and challenges of existing transparency measures in place across the EU
15:20 / Discussion
16:10 / Werner Stengg, European Commission / Wrap up – Next steps

16:30 End of meeting