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Dear Applicant

Thank you for expressing an interest in a job vacancy with Lancaster City Council. I have pleasure in sending the application form and further details for the job in which you have expressed an interest.

Your written application form and the information you provide is the basis on which it is decided who to invite for interview. You are strongly advised to read the enclosed Application Form Guidance Notes before completing your application form.

The Council is committed to working towards achieving equal opportunities for everyone and to valuing diversity. The policy needs to be reviewed regularly to find out if we are succeeding in this aim. This is why every applicant is asked to complete an Applicant Monitoring Questionnaire. The information you provide will help the Council to ensure that its recruitment and selection procedures afford fair and unbiased treatment to all applicants. Your responses are confidential and will not be available to anyone directly involved in deciding who to appoint.

The information you provide will be retained for a period of six months following the closing date for the vacancy. After that date it will be destroyed. If you are successful however you are advised that your job application will form the basis of your personal record.

It is not practice of the Council to acknowledge application forms. The Council aims to contact those who have been selected for interview within 3 weeks of the closing date. If you have not heard back within this time, please assume that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to receiving your application.

Yours sincerely




The information on the application form is used to decide whether we should invite you for interview.


First of all, read through all the information supplied to you with the application form. You should pay particular attention to the Job Description, which outlines the duties of the post, and the Person Specification, which states the skills, experience and qualifications that are required for a person to be able to do the job.

The Job Description does not include all tasks which may be undertaken by the post holder, but gives an outline of the main duties which are currently undertaken.

The Person Specification details the skills qualifications and experience necessary for the job as either “essential” or “desirable”. If you do not have all the essential qualities stated, it is unlikely that you will be selected for interview.

Please do not send in a CV in support of your application. This is because the application form is designed so that information can be compared on a like for like basis. In addition, CVs are unlikely to address the demands of a particular post and are therefore unlikely to do you justice.


Vacancy Details – Please give the reference number, title of the job that you are applying for and the Council Service where the post is located e.g. Governance Services

Personal Details – This is the information that we will need in order to contact you. Please note if you do supply an email address we may use this to contact you to invite you to any interviews so please ensure you check your email.

Education and Training – Give details of all education, training and qualifications undertaken from secondary school onwards.

Membership of Professional Bodies - Give details of any professional bodies of which you are a member, including the membership grade and renewal date.

Present Employment – Give details about your present or most recent job.

Previous Employment – Give details of your other jobs in date order from the most recent and listing all work since leaving school/college. You should explain any gaps in your employment history and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

General Information in Support of Application – In this section you will need to explain why you think you can do the job. You should demonstrate how you meet the person specification by describing any work, experience or training you have had. This could be paid work, voluntary work or work done at home. Please note that if you do not demonstrate that you can meet all of the essential criteria, you are unlikely to be interviewed, so make sure that you do this on the form.

Applicant Monitoring Questionnaire – The Council is committed to working towards equal opportunities for all and has employment policies in support of this. In order to make sure that these policies are effective and discrimination does not occur, we need to collect the information asked for on the Applicant Monitoring Questionnaire. The information provided will not be seen by or used by those involved in the selection process.

Referees - Your first referee should be your present employer, or if you are not employed at present, your last employer. Your second referee may be a previous employer or someone who has knowledge of your skills and can comment on your ability to do the job for which you are applying. An example of this would be a referee from a club or charity where you do voluntary work, or your school or college.

Rehabilitation of Offenders - You are expected to complete this section if you have been convicted of a criminal offence other than those which are “spent” under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. For some posts we will also require a satisfactory police check once an offer of employment has been made. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Applicants with Disability – Applicants with disability who demonstrate that they meet the essential criteria for a job will be guaranteed an interview.

If you have a disability, there are a number of ways in which we can help you if you need it from giving assistance with completing the application form, making special arrangements if you are invited for interview and making adjustments to the job where reasonable.

Please indicate your requirements on the enclosed Applicant Monitoring Questionnaire or ring Human Resources, on the number on the back of this leaflet, who will be pleased to help you.


Your completed application form will be used to decide if you should be selected for interview. If you are selected for interview you should be notified within three weeks of the closing date. If you have not been contacted within that time you should assume that your application has been unsuccessful.

Please return your completed application form to:

Human Resources

Room S28

Lancaster Town Hall

Dalton Square



Telephone:01524 582077 / 582078




Lancaster City Council is committed to providing an efficient recruitment service to every job applicant. To us, quality means meeting the needs of those who use our Service.

From time to time, we may contact job applicants for their assessment of the service they have received. Should you be contacted by us, your assistance will be much appreciated and the information you give us will be used to continually improve our Service.

We are committed to provide the following standards of service:

  • We will send out application forms and further details for vacancies by 1st class post and within two working days of a request being received.
  • We will send a job description, person specification and as much supporting information as possible about the vacancy with requested application forms.
  • Wherever possible, we will include within the body of a job advertisement the proposed week when the interviews will take place, but, in any case, we will strive to ensure that shortlisted candidates are given a minimum of five working days’ notice of the interview.
  • Every candidate who is interviewed will be contacted individually to inform them of the outcome of the interview no later than three working days after the interviews have taken place.
  • Candidates who have not heard from us within three weeks of the closing date should assume that their application has been unsuccessful.
  • We will strive to ensure that requests for feedback are responded to within ten working days. Requests for feedback must be made within 6 weeks of the closing date for the vacancy or within 6 weeks of the interview date for interviewed candidates.
  • We will ensure that an offer letter is sent to the successful candidate within two working days of them receiving a verbal offer. Either a conditional or unconditional offer will be made depending on whether health clearance and references, both of which are deemed to be satisfactory by the City Council, have been received.

If you feel that we are not meeting the above standards of service then we would like to hear from you. Please telephone us on 01524 582077 / 582078 or email

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CONFIDENTIAL / Vacancy Number: Applicant Number:


Please complete this form in order to help us monitor our Equal Opportunities in Employment Policy. This form will be kept separate from your application form and will not be available to those shortlisting. Please tick the appropriate boxes.

Ethnic Group - Would you describe your ethnic origin as:
White / Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
White - English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, British / White & Black Caribbean
White - Irish / White & Black African
White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller / White & Asian
White - Any other white background, please describe / Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background, please describe
Asian / Asian British / Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
Indian / African
Pakistani / Caribbean
Bangladeshi / Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe
Any other Asian background, please describe
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group, please describe

Gender - Are you:Are You:

MaleFemaleSingleDivorced MarriedWidowed

Disability - The Equality Act 2010 defines a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If so, please describe. If none, please state none.

Are they any special arrangements/adjustments that need to be made for you to apply or for the job interview? (If none, please state none). Should you be shortlisted, we will contact you to discuss these arrangements further.

Age 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-65
Date of Birth:
Advertising Media Monitoring - Where did you see this vacancy advertised?
Social Media – Publications –
Facebook Lancaster Guardian / Lancaster Visitor
Twitter Lancashire Evening Post
Professional Journal, please specify …………………………
World Wide Web – Other -
Lancaster City Council Website Job Centre
Jobs Go Public Website Internal – Lancaster City Council Intranet
Local Gov Website Other, please specify ………………………………….




Vacancy Details

Vac No: / Post Applied for:


Personal Details

Title / Forename / Surname
Address: / Telephone (home):
Telephone (work):
Minicom No:
Post Code: / E mail:
National Insurance No:
Do you hold a current driving licence: / Yes / No

Education (Secondary School)

Dates / School Attended / Qualifications obtained or to be taken / Results (incl. Grades) / Dates obtained
From / To

Education (Further and Higher Education)

Dates / College / University Attended / Qualifications obtained or to be taken / Results (incl. Grades) / Dates obtained
From / To

Training (Details of any other training or qualifications e.g. short courses, NVQ’s etc).

Dates / Duration of Course / Organising Body / Course title (including any Qualifications obtained)
From / To
Membership of Professional Bodies: (include grade/status of membership)

Present Employment (Or most recent employment)

Name & Address of Employer: / Grade / Salary
Date Appointed
Notice Required
Post Code
Position / Leaving Date
Reason for Leaving (if applicable)
Brief Outline of Duties and Responsibilities:

Previous Employment (In date order, starting with the most recent first)

From To / Employer / Position Held / Grades / Salary / Reason for leaving

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General Information in Support of Application (use extra sheets if necessary). Please give details of past experience you have gained paying particular attention to how your experience, knowledge and personal qualities match the requirements of the person specification. This information will be used in the shortlisting process and therefore plays an essential part in the selection procedure.

Referees. You are required to provide the names of two referees. Your first referee must be your present or last employer. If you choose not to give your present (or last) employer as a referee you should be able to provide a reason for this at interview. If you are shortlisted for a position we may apply for references prior to the interview. If you are offered a position we will automatically contact your referees. If you do not wish your referees to be contacted prior to the interview please cross the boxes below.

Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Post Code: / Post Code:
Telephone: / Telephone:
E Mail: / E Mail:
Contact: / Contact:

Rehabilitation of Offenders

Are there any criminal offences for which you have been convicted, other than those which are spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974? If YES, please give details
Yes / No

Applicants with Disability

Applications from candidates with disabilities are welcomed by the Council. The Council’s policy is to interview all disabled candidates if they can demonstrate that they satisfy the essential criteria for the job.
The Equality Act 2010 defines a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.


Are you related to Councillors or employee/s of Lancaster City Council? If so, please give details. You are reminded that Canvassing elected Members of the Council and/or employees will disqualify you from employment with the Council.


I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and understand that if appointed, I will be liable to disciplinary action including dismissal and/or criminal action should I knowingly give false information.
I give my permission for this personal information to be stored and processed for the purpose of arriving at a selection decision and for sensitive data to be monitored for the purpose of equal opportunities monitoring. I also give permission for the information provided to be used to form the basis of personnel records should I be appointed.
Signature / Date

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