OJT Pre-Contract Checklist

Business Name:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Contact Person:
Telephone #:
Email Address:
How long has the business operated in the area?
Is the business being sold or merging with another company? / Yes / No
What is the primary product or service of this business?
How many full-time employees does the business have?
How many new hires are anticipated in the next two (2) years?
What job titles/job descriptions will need to be filled in the next two years?
Does the business use a staffing agency? / Yes / No
If yes, name and location of the agency?
Are jobs expected to continue for a year or more in the normal course of business? / Yes / No
What skills will current workers and new hires need to acquire to be fully productive?
What type of training is normally provided to new hires?
Does the business have sufficient equipment, materials and supervisory time and expertise to provide necessary training? Yes No
Name of the person responsible for training new hires?
Name of the person responsible for training individuals hired under an On-the-Job Training (OJT) contract?
What licenses or entry qualifications do your workers need?
How many hours per week are trainees expected to work?
What are the expected shift times and days?
What is the starting wage for this position?
What is the wage rate for similar positions?
What is the wage rate after completion of training?
Do any jobs pay based upon commissions, tips, piece work or incentives? / Yes / No
Is there a base wage that commissions, tips, piece work or incentive pay is added to? / Yes / No
If yes to either of the above, what entry earnings may be expected for each job?
What fringe benefits are provided to regular employees?
When are these benefits made available an employee?
Who is your Workers’ Compensation carrier (or an equivalent system)?
Will OJT trainees be covered? / Yes / No
Are any of these jobs covered by a collective bargaining agreement? / Yes / No
If yes, obtain and attach a “concurrence letter” from the union(s).
Are any employees on layoff currently? / Yes / No
Job classification of employees currently on layoff:
Are there any outstanding wage and hour, health and safety, or discrimination complaints filed against your company or any adverse decisions rendered against the company? Yes No
If yes, explain nature of ruling.
Has your company relocated from another area in the U.S. within the last 120 days, leaving any workers unemployed? Yes No
What percentage of previous OJT trainees, over the last two (2) years, have completed training and been retained by your firm? (Number of employees retaineddivided by number of OJTs) %
If the retention percentage is below 75%, what improvements are planned?
Revision: 2015-06-24 / Page 1 of 2