#6 Word List Pavers 2012


On the FRONT of the card,

·  write the word in capital letters

·  write the part of speech


(use the same color for each part every time)

·  write the definition

·  list at least 2 synonyms

·  use the word in a sentence

Word / Definition / Synonym / Sentence
Antics / (n) Ridiculous, unpredictable behavior / Pranks; shenanigans / The antics of the chimpanzees amused the crowds at the zoo.
Avowed / (adj) Declared openly and without shame / Admitted; sworn / The governor was an avowed supporter of the health care plan.
Banter / (v) To exchange playful remarks; tease (n)talk that is playful / Joking; raillery / My friends and I often banter good-naturedly for hours
Bountiful / (adj) giving freely, generous; plentiful / Abundant, copious / On Thanksgiving, people all over the country celebrate the gifts of nature.
Congested / (adj) overcrowded, filled or occupied to excess / Jammed; packed; choked / The doctor grew concerned when the patient’s lungs became congested with fluid.
Detriment / (n) harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage / Hindrance, liability / His attitude was a detriment to the club spirit.
Durable / (adj) sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; (n) consumer goods that last a long time / Long-lasting; enduring / Denim is a durable fabric. Most people own household durables such as furniture and appliances.
Enterprising / (adj) energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination / Vigorous, ambitious / An enterprising young person may turn a hobby into a way of earning money.
Frugal / (adj) economical, avoiding waste and luxury; poor, meager / Thrifty; skimpy / At home we prepare frugal, but nourishing meals.
Gingerly / (adj/adv) with extreme care and caution / Cautiously; warily / Pedestrians made their way gingerly along the slippery, snow-covered streets.