On the following pages, you will answer the
of your website.
Click inside all the boxes that apply as you do your evaluation. When prompted for a written response, type inside the spaces provided.
Your name/s:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Your teacher:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Your class name (e.g. Research4Today)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Today’s date:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Type in the name of your website here:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Can I trust the author of this site?
The “author” of a website can be an individual person, or an organization made up of many individuals.
Indicate here whether the author of your website is a person or an entire organization:
Choose an item.
If the author is a person, write the person’s name here:
Click or tap here to enter text.
If the author is an organization, type the organization’s name here:
Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ I found an About Us link, a biography, or something else that tells me who is behind this information
☐ I checked the copyright symbol © at the bottom of the website page and found the name of the publisher of the site
Here is the name of the publisher:
Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ I Googled the author/publisher
Here is the information I found that tells me that this author is an expertI can trust on my topic.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Does the content on this site meet my standards?
☐ This site has information that addresses my topic
☐ The information has citations or links to its own sources when it makes claims or cites statistics
☐ As far as I can tell, the information presented on the site seems to be balanced and well-written
☐ The information is up-to-date. Here’s how I know:
☐ There is a copyright date listed at the bottom of the home page: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ The page with information on my topic has a date of latest update: Click or tap here to enter text.
Do I understand the purpose of this site?
This site is based on:
☐ fact
☐ opinion
☐ both - and the stand on the issue and the opinions expressed on the site are:
Choose an item.
Who is it for?
The intended audience are the following.
Click all that you think apply.
☐ the general public
☐ elementary school students
☐ middle school
☐ high school students
☐ college students
☐ teachers
☐ political supporters
☐ politicians
☐ donors
Is this site easy to use and free of cluttered advertising?
☐ The design and features of the site help me understand the content
☐ It is easy for me to tell the ads from the subject content
☐ There is little or no advertising, flashing or animated ads, and pop-ups to distract me
☐ There is no click-bait on this site
Is this Web site good enough to cite?
☐ Yes, this site is a trustworthy source for my research
☐ No, this site does not meet my standards for academic research