Minutes of the meeting of Winterbourne Parish Council held on February 21st, 2018 in the Ron Burton room of the Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls at 7.30pm
Present were – Cllr C Penn (chairman) Cllr M Atkinson (vice-chairman), Cllr R Judd, Cllr A Burrows, Cllr Campbell-Kearsey, Cllr M Young, Cllr Ostli-East, Cllr P Biggins and Mrs M Thomas (Parish Clerk), Unitary Cllr Mike Hewitt
Action1. / Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Grace.
2. / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest registered.
3. / Minutes
To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on January 17th, 2018 - Parish Council resolved to unanimously accept the minutes as a correct record and which were then signed by chairman Cllr Penn as such.
4. / Questions from the public
There were no members of the public present.
5. / Reports Unitary Councillor Mr Michael Hewitt
Cllr Hewitt reported on Wiltshire Council matters which included note that he had met with senior officers to discuss the Council budget which had included budgetary items relating to flooding and highways amongst others. The Parish Council noted its concern of the state of the surface of the road leading up to Mill Corner on the A338 and which the Parish Council agreed it would add to the Wiltshire Council reporting application for possible remedial repair. / Clerk
6. / Report from Cllr Charles Penn following attendance at the Amesbury Area Board on 18th January 2018
Cllr Penn reported that he had attended the meeting and where it had been decided by the Area Board to grant the Parish Council a community area grant of £5K towards the planned purchase of new equipment for the play area at the amenity site.
7. / Matters arising from previous meeting
There were no matters arising from the last meeting(s).
8. / Maintenance, with review of WPC Maintenance Log (ML) (seasonal, scheduled and reactive maintenance) to include items as below:
Highways – the Parish Council confirmed that Cllr Atkinson had agreed and would attend the next CATG meeting which is due to be held on 5th March 2018. The Parish Council agreed that it would like to add to the agenda of a CATG meeting (i) request that the resurfacing of Vicarage Lane be completed and (ii) resurfacing of Figsbury Road be added as a priority. On another note Cllr Judd was asked to request the final invoice from the tarmac contractor following resurfacing works at Vicarage Lane and once the invoice is received for the Clerk to request the agreed contributions from both the Diocese and the Bourne Valley Nursery.
It was noted that Wiltshire Council had attempted to clean the A338 either side of East Farm but that the mud has not been completely cleared. The risk of blockage to storm drains, and damage to road structure from weed growth, remained. Clerk to write to Wiltshire Council requesting the necessary work is completed.
Parish Steward – Cllr Judd to enquire when weedkilling in the Parish is to be undertaken and following a request by the Parish Council that the areas of Summerlug and Horsebarrow have a weedkilling exercise carried out.
Community days – Parish Council agreed that Cllr Atkinson would source approximately three bags of scalping’s and to be added to the exit of the short alley way between Paddock Close and the The Bank to aid traverse of the area. Parish Council confirmed the date of the next community day to be held on 24th February 2018.
Riverbank project – no items noted in relation to this item. / Clerk/Cllr Judd
Cllr Judd
9. / Finance
Approval of WPC February 2018 banking statement - Parish Council perused the banking statement with resolve unanimously to accept the statement.
Parish Council considered and approved invoices of(with online payments authorised by the agreed signatories on behalf of the Parish Council: Cllr Penn and the Clerk): Hurdcott Landscapes £390 INV 4935 (maintenance), T-signs Ltd £114.00 (cctv signage), Elaine Milton Heritage and Planning Ltd £1589.40 (heritage assessments), Cllr R Judd £64.10 (expenses), Salisbury DBF £558 (Salisbury Diocesan Glebe – rent notice), Woodford Forest & Landscape Ltd £989.50 (supply of gates and barrier), Linden Hire £485.26 (ref: Cllr Roy Judd). / Clerk/Cllr Penn
10. / To consider the Winterbourne Parish Council 2018/19 budget
The Parish Council considered the budget with resolve to add the item to the next meeting agenda where it is planned to accept the budget and before the end of the current financial year. Parish Council members were asked to consider the budget before the next meeting and to question any items each may have. ACTION: Clerk to distribute by email the current budget to Council members. / Clerk/full Council
11. / Parish Council portfolio listing – review of portfolio roles and plans:
Community resilience and crime prevention plan–the Parish Council agreed that the plan be circulated to Parish Council members and to schedule the item for discussion in September 2018.
Initial Response Plan (IRP) – review and finalisation of–a reviewed copy of the IRP was presented to the Parish Council with several amendments noted – Parish Council agreed that Cllr Biggins would make the necessary corrections with the copy then to be classified as finalised and (i) added to the Parish web page, (ii) an A4 copy to be laminated and to retained at the Glebe Hall, Defence CBRN Centre, Methodist Church and St Michael and All Angels Church in the Parish and (iii) add a note to the forthcoming edition of the Village Link to state that there is a reviewed and current copy of the IRP available on the Parish web page.
Clerk confirmed that all those named in the original IRP had consented to their inclusion in the document.
Down Barn Road allotment site including:
Review of tenancy agreement–the Parish Council perused documents pertaining to a suggested allotment policy and updated tenancy agreement as suggested by Cllr Penn with resolve to accept both documents. The Parish Council agreed that Cllr Penn would draft a letter for the Clerk to send with the 2018/19 allotment rental plot invoices and revised tenancy agreement to each holder with note of the agreed changes. In addition, the Parish Council agreed to hold a meeting of the allotment holders in late March to early April 2018 and in order to outline the proposed changes to the holders ahead of planned implementation in April 2019. Items listed above proposed by Cllr Judd, seconded by Cllr Burrows (all in favour).
Consideration for Winterbourne PC to join the National Allotment Society - the Parish Council agreed to consider the membership to the society as part of the allotment development strategy.
Cllr Biggins agreed to attend the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Tasking Group at Amesbury due to be held on 14th March 2018 with request that the Clerk forward the any relevant details of the meeting to Cllr Biggins. / Cllr Biggins
12. / Winterbourne Parish Council financial regulations – annual review of
The Parish Council reviewed the regulations following a recent review process with resolve to accept the copy presented, proposed by Cllr Penn, seconded by Cllr Judd (all in favour).
13. / Correspondence
Glebe Hall management committee, nomination of representative - to confirm for the record that the main representative from Winterbourne Parish Council is Cllr Mr Neil Grace (with Cllr Mr Michael Young as deputy) – the Parish Council confirmed the representative to be Cllr Grace with deputy as Cllr Young. ACTION: Clerk to inform the GH management committee of the decision.
Waste and recycling – Parishioner note of – Parish Council considered the suggested information in relation to waste and recycling with resolve that it would delay making a decision on display/distribution of such materials until the new information from Wiltshire Council is made available, and until the Parish Council had considered a plan for further development and use of the Parish Council website.
Defence CBRN Centre – WW1 tree planting – Parish Council considered the communication with resolve that the Centre be involved in the planned tree planting and following its request to do so. ACTION: Clerk to reply to the Centre accordingly and to note that the Parish Council would be in contact within the next twelve months to arrange the involvement. / Clerk
14. / Amenity Matters, to include:
New equipment for the play area – Cllr Atkinson – update following Amesbury Area Board grant application award. Parish Council reported that the Area Board had granted the Parish Council a community area grant of £5K towards the planned purchase of new equipment for the play area at the amenity site. The Parish Council agreed that Cllr Atkinson would collate a list of the equipment suggested to be purchased and to itemise the funds available (to include Section 106) with then presentation to the Parish Council at a future meeting in order to consider and decide.
The Parish Council agreed that Cllr Judd should seek quotations for wooden posts to be placed at the area directly outside of the Glebe Hall(as excess traverse of the area is disintegrating the surface area) with agreed expenditure of up to and including £500. / Cllr Atkinson
Cllr Judd
15. / Planning
17/11650/FUL – High Post golf club, Great Durnford, Salisbury SP4 6AT – 10 new driving bays, ball wash, café, kitchen, video room, golf shop, office/store, floodlighting and improved car park – the Parish Council considered the application with resolve of No Objections to the application.
17/10747/FUL – erection of single detached dwelling and associated works – land adjacent High Trees, Winterbourne Earls, SP4 6HD – Parish Council noted the reported amended changes to the application with resolve of no further action.
18/01505/FUL –Crazy Paving, Winterbourne Earls, SP4 6HA – single storey rear extension – noted that Wiltshire Council had not yet made the relevant documents available with resolve that the Parish Council asks the planning department if it can have an extension to the stated response deadline of 21st March 2018 with plan to add the application to the next meeting agenda of 21st March 2018 with response planned for 22nd March 2018. / Clerk
16. / In accordance with The Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the Council will resolve to exclude the public and press from the following agenda item for the reason that the disclosure of time sensitive commercial interests of the Council and the persons that have tendered is not in the public interest:
To consider tenders received for the annual maintenance contract following tender process
The Parish Council considered two tenders it had sought and received with resolve that it would seek to contact one of the contractors to clarify an item in the contract it was unsure of. The Parish Council resolved that the item would be added to the next available meeting to consider the contracts and upon receipt of the information. / Clerk
17. / Confirmation of date of next meeting
The Parish Council confirmed the date of the next meeting to be 21st March 2018. Cllr Judd tendered his apologies for planned absence at the March 21st, 2018 meeting.
Meeting concluded at 9.07pm