Calendar of
Hints and Tips
for WIs
January:WIsubscriptions due for current year
On receipt of subscription member receives membership booklet containing membership card
Members choose a single resolution from short list using selection slip or a show of hands at WI meeting. Results collated by Federation and sent to National.
Book tickets for Federation Annual Meeting
Ask members for a volunteer to be their WI’s Delegate at Federation AM
Contact Park Farm for allocation of IFE
Federation Festive Lunch
February:Update MCS following payment of subscriptions
January National mailing received in early February (sent in election years only) usually odd numbered years
WI Life issued
March:Federation Annual Meeting (alternatively held in April)
End of Financial Year
Secretary requests nominations for committee
Payment of subscription element for NFWI & Federation is due, in addition Pooling of Fares. By date and amount notified by Federation usually in mailing
WI Life issued
April:New member’s subscription 1st Apr to 30th Jun 75% of total subscription amount
Early April annual financial statement and supporting records made ready for independent examination
Annual Meeting resolution(s) published in WI Life
Resolutions Conference (26th April Moreton Hall)
Contact Link delegate to invite to May meeting to take result of vote on resolution(s) to NFWI AM and invite back for July meeting to report back on Annual Meeting
Consider claiming gift aid on member’s subscriptions if all criteria are met
Before claiming Gift Aid register with HMRC
March National mailing received in early April
WI Life Issued
Committee Meeting Before Annual Meeting:
- Notice of WI AM communicated to members 21 days in advance if not in annual programme
- Treasurer presents independently examined and signed annual financial statement to the committee,
- the President and Treasurer sign on behalf of the committee the Annual Financial Statement
- Content of committee’s annual report agreed
- Treasurer presents Budget to the committee
May:WI’s Annual Meetings
- If necessary election of committee
- Presentation of committee’s annual report and adoption by members
- Election of President from elected committee members
- Presentation of statement of accounts and budget for adoption by the members
- Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner for the following year
- Other Officers appointed at first committee meeting following AM
Discussion & vote by WI members on resolution(s)
NFWI AM link delegate in not present at WI meeting is informed of member’s vote
If an active registered charity update Charity Commission website with any changes to the committee
Update MCS
June:NFWI Annual Meeting
Resolution(s) voted on at the AM by WI Link Delegates
WI Life issued
July:New member’s subscription 1st Jul to 30th Sep 50% of total subscription amount
Next year’s resolution process starts. Do you have an idea?
June National mailing received in early July
August: Update MCS
Book tickets for Autumn Council Meeting
WI Life issued
September:Closing date for resolution submissions to National
August National mailing received early September
WI Life issued
October:New member’s subscription 1st Oct to 31st Dec 25% of total subscription amount
Autumn Council Meeting
WI Life issued
November: Advise membersof the following year’s annual subscription
Register request for IFE with Federation
Update MCS
Resolution shortlist published in WI Life, The Moodle and NFWI website
December: Remind members subscriptions are due in January
Direct members to their WI Life for resolution short list with supporting information also to be found on the Moodle and NFWI website
Membership booklets arrive
WI Life issued
What your Treasurer will need to present to the examiner with the accounts
- Financial statement
- Accounts book or copies of the accounts sheets from excel
- Subscriptions book
- Day book or record of income and expenses at meetings
- All receipts and invoices
- Bank statement showing the balance on 31/3
- The financial statement for last year
- Cheque book
- Paying in book