On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Lagasse, the following resolution was offered:


A resolution authorizing Grooming Cottage represented by Lynnette Garcia (Owner) to place signs at various locations to advertise their Event, in conjunction with JPAS, hosting adoptable pets and offering rabies shots at the Grooming cottage, located at 513 Hickory Avenue, and to provide for related matters. (Council District 2).

WHEREAS, the Grooming Cottage, is hosting , in conjunction with JPAS, hosting adoptable pets and offering rabies shots at the Grooming cottage on Saturday October 25, 2014;

WHEREAS, they have requested permission to place signs advertising the Parish Fair at various locations starting on Saturday, October 11, 2014 through Monday, October 27, 2014;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:

SECTION 1. Grooming Cottage is hereby granted permission to place signs advertising their adoptable pets and offering rabies shots, which is being held at 513 Hickory Avenue, Harahan, Louisiana 70123, Saturday October 25, 2014; and at the following sign locations:

1.)  Hickory and Jefferson

2.)  Hickory and Camden

3.)  Citrus and Jefferson

4.)  Citrus and Dickory

5.)  Dickory and Earhart

6.)  Hickory and Sauve

7.)  Airline and David

8.)  Airline and Clearview

9.)  Jefferson and Edwards

SECTION 2. That the signs permitted for placement on public rights-of-way herein shall not include any corporate or sponsor names, logos or text, except to identify the primary sponsoring organization to which this resolution grants permission to erect said sign advertising the primary sponsor’s function or event.

SECTION 3. That permission is hereby granted to erect temporary signs advertising the adoptable pets and offering rabies shots event for a period of 14 days, said signs are to measure no more than four feet wide by eight feet in length and a copy of this resolution shall be attached to each sign and that signs are to be removed Monday, October 27, 2014.

SECTION 4. The Parish Clerk is hereby requested to forward a copy of this resolution to Ms. Lynette Garcia, Grooming Cottage, 513 Hickory Avenue, Harahan, Louisiana 70123.

The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:


The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 8th day of October, 2014.