On Monday, August 9, 2004, the Preble Town Board held its monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor, Betty Ann Pitman, with the salute to the flag at 8:00.
Board members present:, Kate Edinger, Peter Knapp, Dick Martin and Dave Morse, Councilmen.
Others present; Don Armstrong, Frank Hogg, Jeff Griswold, Dan O’Shea, Jim Griswold, Dennis Kennedy,
Karen Niday, Lonny Riehlman and Dave Hartnett (CC District Attorney)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #39:To accept the July 12, 2004 minutes as submitted
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin (aye) Dave Morse(aye)
DOG CONTROL:-June report - 1 dog complaint
-No stray cats the month of June
JUSTICE REPORT:$3,145. submitted to the Town of Preble for July
-The road to Barden Homer is doing well. They have raised the grade and put down
another course of gravel as Jeff had asked. Two courses of oil and stone were put down
-Have put down new and regraded the main gravel roads as weather permits
-John Morgan and Preble crew spent 3 days cutting low hanging limbs over Town roads.
-Surface treating will start on either Thursday or next Monday, weather permitting.
-All physical items have been corrected for the PESH inspection. The only remaining
item is a written haz-mat response guide. Some discussion followed.
-New Holland, Binghamton, has agreed to bring the mower tractor up for a week to let us
see if we still want it. Delays on the delivery of Barton’s new tractor has meant this unit
is being used by Barton until acceptance of the new unit.
-Jeff would like permission to attend the fall Highway Superintendents Conference in
Alexandria Bay
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Dick Martin
RESOLUTION #40: To give Jeff permission to attend the fall Highway
Superintendents Conference September 23, 24, and 25.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin (aye) Dave Morse(aye)
RECREATION:-Dave Morse reported that the ball teams are finished for the year. Teen night Karaoke was held on Thursday, August 6th.
Peter commented on what a nice job Babe Carroll is doing with the use of the park.
COUNTY LEGISLATURE:-John was absent.
ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT:-3 building permits pending
-Construction value $82,560.
-Fees assessed $355.
-1 pending
-2 Certificate of Occupancy issued
-41 telephone inquiries
-Issued 1 15-day follow-up notice
-1 pending in court
-2 completed
PLANNING BOARD:-The July 22nd meeting was cancelled; August meeting is the 26th at 7 o=clock
HISTORIAN:-Anne is absent .
TOWN CLERK:-$408.00 - fees collected in June; Disbursed $5.87 to CC Treasurer; $22.50 to NYS Dept. of Health, and $379.63 to Elizabeth Pitman, Supervisor
Nitrates-Betty Ann stated subject still on hold.
Brian Kolb - Grant –Have received check for full amount
Rittenhouse Road -Betty Ann stated she has heard nothing
Tower & Wireless Facilities - Tabled until next month. because of the Planning Board cancelling their July meeting.
Dick mentioned that he had spoken with the Dryden zoning person regarding problems they had but not with this company.
Water Protection & Zoning, Land Use Plan -On hold until next meeting.
Property of Song Mt. Road -Don Armstrong has been in touch with the new owner’s lawyer. They have not applied for a subdivision. If the property is reconveyed to the owner, a subdivision will not be necessary and they will give Song Mountain an easement.
Carpet - On order; should be installed August 30th
Ski Areas of New York - A letter was received thanking Betty Ann for her help with Time-Warner Cable
E-One - A letter was received giving official notification of the closing of the facility on December 31, 2004. Discussion of the E-One facility and the Empire Zone followed. Karen Niday was present and stated that there are several out of state companies interested and leaving the facility in the Empire Zone would help to get new business. It was decided to rescind Resolution #34 of the July minutes to remove E-One New York from the Empire Zone.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Peter Knapp
RESOLUTION #41:To rescind Resolution #34 of July 12, 2004 regarding the removal of E-One from the Empire Zone
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Post Office Checks - 2 checks of $541.67 received
Farm Land Preservation - Underwood - Bill Underwood has stated that he would possibly like to put farm into Farm Protection and would need a letter from the Board supporting it.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #42:To approve having a letter issued to the Farm Protection Program supporting Bill Underwood should he decide to get into the program.
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Barden Home Road Name - Thomas Albert Drive - Barden Homes would like to have the town take over the road. After some discussion, Don advised the Board that the road should be checked to see if up to specs and recommends getting a new abstract before taking it over.
Association of Towns - Dues for 2005 will be $500.
Sales Tax - Check received for $82,580.84; down approximately $2000 from 2003.
Dave Hartnett, Cortland County District Attorney, made a presentation of what his office consists of and what they do. Also, talked about the drug problems in the area.
Lonny Riehlman from Little York Lake is concerned about a neighbor who has built a fence that is devaluing his property and is using his property to work on it. The fence is built to the road and blocks the view of entering the Little York Lake Road. He feels that the town is not enforcing the zoning ordinance laws. Betty Ann will have Doug check the matter out.
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dave Morse
RESOLUTION #43:To pay the General Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 8, Nos. 176 to 195, totaling $3,042.98
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made byPeter Knapp, seconded by Dick Martin
RESOLUTION #44:To pay the Highway Fund Vouchers, Abstract No. 8, Nos. 42 to 53 totaling $14,883.29
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Peter Knapp, seconded by Kate Edinger
RESOLUTION #45: To go into executive session at 9:04 regarding the purchase of land for the Town Garage
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
Motion made by Kate Edinger, seconded by Dick Martin
RESOLUTION #46:To close executive session at 9:27
Kate Edinger(aye) Peter Knapp(aye) Dick Martin(aye) Dave Morse(aye)
The public did not return to the Board room.
Kate moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Dick; meeting adjourned .
Respectfully submitted,
Jane W. Davenport
Unofficial 8/09/2004