On a loose rein- by Dick Lancaster
In theknackers hands were the also-rans,young,skinny, beaten and broke,
Helping them loadingwith quiet goadingwas awiley old horse dealer bloke.
Hang on matehe said open that gateand cut out the white sox bay,
His head’s on right and he’s not up tight and I think I can make him pay.
I’ve got you a horse he’s a cracker of courseyou better come over and try him,
Chum was his name on the hills he was gameand I decided to buy him.
First trek down the coast two fifty K’s at the mosthe showed he hadheart and ability,
In the roughhe is bold stays cool and I’m told he strives it with clever agility.
With his head held low he seems to know to watch where he’s putting his hooves,
andon a loose rein he uses his brainto followor make his own moves.
At a puddle not deep or muddy wet seep where others splashed through as they found it,
He’s very keen to keep his sox clean and jumpsover or works his way round it.
His Long forging stride is not a smooth ride but he’ll walk at this pace to the last,
And if you’re behind him and weaving you find himcall out if you want to come past.
He’s a standard breed of the pacing creed and I tell why he‘s not on the track,
He’ll stay in the hunt if his head’s in front but if not he’ll drop offthe back.
On mahia beach wherethe long sandy reach stretchedout ahead like the turf,
He was off at a pace and keen for a race ere we cooleddown in the surf.
I’m winning with trainingbut when we’re loose reininghe’ll find a low tree to walk under,
With no warning call I’m avoiding a fallspitting out bark and cursingasunder.
In the yard he’s a gent no nasty intent and nothing he’ll ever pull back from,
But sideways he’llcreepand silent he’ll keepjust as I’m throwing his tack on.
I give him no thanks for playing these pranksand I get the strongest impression,
He thinks it’s funny to rib the blind bunnyjust look at his laughing expression.
But his antics aside he’s a pleasure to rideand there’s one thing for sure in the dust,
When on a rough trail and I’m tempted to bail I gotta have confidence and trust.
So I rely on thishack and the gear on his backandwhat’s more between us than leather,
This horse and his eyes,and thanks to you guys we can trek the back-country together.