Proposed Revision to API Standard 1104, 20th Edition

Rev. 0

ID:5/5.6.2/ 25, 2010

Section:5 Qualification of Welding Procedures forWelds Containing Filler-metal AdditivesPage 1 of 2


Current Text / Proposed Text / Justification
The tensile-strength test specimens (see Figure 4) shall be approximately 9 in. (230 mm) long and approximately 1 in. (25 mm) wide. They may be machine cut or oxygen cut, and no other preparation is needed unless the sides are notched or are not parallel. If necessary, the specimens shall be machined so that the sides are smooth and parallel.
Figure 4 shows the standard API 1104 tensile specimen with dimensions / Requirements
The tensile-strength test specimens shall be either of the types shown in Figure 4.
a. The standard specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figure 4a. They may be machine cut or oxygen cut, and no other preparation is needed unless the sides are notched or are not parallel. If necessary, the specimens shall be machined so that the sides are smooth and parallel.
b. The reduced section specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figure 4b. The weld reinforcement mayshall be removed.
Figure 4 will show Figure 4a, the standard API 1104 tensile specimen with dimensions and Figure 4b, the current Figure A.1 / Currently Section 5 requires flat straps for tensile testing with a note that the weld reinforcement should not be removed.
Appendix A requires a reduced section tensile specimen and the weld reinforcement is removed.
The Fracture Mechanics subcommittee would like Section 5 to allow either of the two types of tensile test specimens above. This would allow users of Appendix A to qualify welding procedures without the need to use two types of tensile specimens.
I agree with their proposal. API 1104 adopted the strip tensile specimen as an easy test to perform in the field without requiring machining capability. The option of using a reduced section tensile specimen (with the weld reinforcement is removed) will provide a specimen type which would reduce the chance of a tensile specimen failing in the grip region which is a problem at times. Note that tensile testing is also used for welder qualification. The wording below will allow either type specimen to be used for welding procedure qualification and for welder qualification. Allowing it for both is easier to word than restricting the option to just welding procedure qualification.