Scout Olympics Camporee 2012

Cub Scout Activities

Cub Scout Games this year are themed to the Olympics and FUN!

Scout parents and leaders – games are sponsored and staffed by pack volunteers and we thank you for your support. ALSO to help make Camporee go smoothly, each adult is asked to help with at least one hour of time in any camp task – Snackoree, Parking, Campfire, setting up Friday and cleaning up Sunday. Please let your Cubmaster know your availability – we will send around a Duty Roster for sign-ups. We need you!

Following a special Opening Ceremony, 10 competitive scored games will run in the morning until 12:30 p.m., then pick up again after 2 p.m. until dinner time. For optimal game flow-thru, packs need to be divided into mixed rank “camp dens” of 4 or 5 scouts each. Scoring based on pack total performance (times will be averaged over total # of scouts). Scout spirit, unit cohesion and team cooperation are important components of scoring. There will also be afternoon games for Scouts just for fun, and these will not be scored.

Archery will be scheduled by packs throughout the day. The horizontal Rock Wall will be up for afternoon free-time play. (Volunteer leaders will be needed for these as well).

This year’s Scavenger Hunt is set up as a Bingo card – see description below.

There will NOT be a Den Flag competition this year, but base points will be given for having them with your “camp dens” and they are encouraged.

Cub Scout Campfire starts at 6:30 p.m. and pack awards will be handed out then. We are starting before the Boy Scouts so that those Webelos who are bridging will be ready to go from our fire to theirs and not miss awards. It also gets our scout families back to their tents and in bed a bit earlier!

This year we are hoping to host a “Tot Lot” again, will advise if we can get this staffed.

If you have any questions/comments about the Cub Scout Games, please email Greg Veneklasen at jgregv(at) (or call 323-953-2848) or Belinda Traughber at Belinda.traughber(at) (Replace (at) with @).


8 a.m.


9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Archery: scheduled by dens/packs throughout day.

Noodle Javelin Throw

Pack 307

Equipment: Pool noodles reinforced with wood dowel in center, securely taped.

Formation: 2 to 6 packs/teams of up to five each; distance lines set at 5, 8, 11, and 14 ft.

Teams line up in columns at start line with javelins laid out along start line. On signal, first scout in each line takes up javelin, takes two steps and throws. Scouts must wait until activity leader signals all clear to retrieve javelin (like archery). Scouts throw in turns until every scout from each pack throws twice. Best throw counts.

Frisbee Discus Throw

Pack 431

Equipment: Frisbees, white 4’ posts/stakes.

Formation: 2 to 4 packs/teams of up to five each; distance lines set at 5, 10, 15, and 20 ft, with posts set at 15’ line.

Teams line up in columns at start line. First scout in each line is given a Frisbee “discus.” Each scout steps into hula-hoop circle, turns completely around once and throws. Scout should not step out of circle. Scouts throw in turns until every scout from each pack throws twice. Best throw counts.

Hammer Throw

Pack 564

Equipment: “Hammers” made of socks, sand, cord.

Formation: 2 to 4 packs/teams of up to five each; distance lines set at 6, 10, 14, and 20 ft.

Teams line up in columns at start line or a circle (could be a large hula hoop). First scout in each line is given a “hammer”. Each scout stands in hula-hoop circle, spins twice and throws. Scout should not step out of circle. Scouts throw in turns until every scout throws twice. Best throw counts.

Fill the Well Relay

Pack 229

Equipment: Sturdy paper/plastic cups; water; 1 gallon jugs marked off in four even increments; funnels, stools, buckets, digital stopwatch/timer.

Formation: 2 to 4 packs/teams of 4 to 5 each; 2 to 4 buckets set at 5 ft in front of start line, 2 to 4 gallon jugs on stools set at 20 ft. in front of start line.

Scouts line up in columns at start line. First scout is given a cup. At the signal, each scout runs to bucket 5 ft n front of start line, fills it with water, then hops on one leg to jug and pours into funnel, then runs back to tag next scout in team. Scouts dip and hop until every scout from each pack finishes.

30-Yard Freestyle Dash

Packs LDS & 148

Equipment: course markers, 2 sets of cardboard or laminated “action” cards each with different methods of movement (walking backwards, on all fours, cartwheel, somersault, holding ankles, crab-walk, hop on one leg, bunny-hop, etc - there can be duplicates), digital stopwatch/timer.

Formation: 2 packs/teams of 4 or 5 each; two 15-yard courses of 2 markers for each: one at 7 yds and one at 15 yds out from start line.

Teams line up in columns at start line. Stack of action cards are mixed well by first scout of each team. Activity leader then places a stack of cards equal to the number of scouts on team face down at the start line and by each marker. At signal, the first scout in each line turns over top card at start line, then performs that action up to first marker, turns over top card there and does that action to second marker, turns over top card there, and does that action back to start line where he tags next scout on team.

Scouts dash until every scout from each pack finishes.

15-Yard Greek Olive Dash

Pack 118

Equipment: Large, colorful plastic serving spoons or toy shovels; large olives; 4 large bowls.

Formation: 2 packs/teams of up to five each; scouts arranged 3 yds apart from each other in two straight lines; bowls placed at start and finish lines. (Finish line is at either 15 yrds for 4-scout teams or 18 yrds for 5-scout teams).

At signal, first scout scoops an olive from a bowl at start line, then runs with olive in spoon hand extended to next scout in pack/team and transfers olive to that scout’s spoon, who then runs to next scout, etc. Last scout in line runs and places olive in bowl on finish line. If an olive is dropped, it is out of play and the team has to start again.

Scouts pass olives until gone or to 5 minutes, whichever comes first.

Spartan Warrior Sling-shoes

Pack: 415 & 549

Equipment: Slingshots, targets, 4 sets of “snowshoes” – 2”x4” with 4 rope handles, cone markers, balls.

Scouts line up on pair of 2”x 4”s, grab rope handles on each. At signal, scouts move forward in unison toward line, weaving around cones. At targets, scouts stop and shoot slingshot at target, one shot each, then all move to finish line.

Olympic Rings Run

Pack 911

Equipment: 10 large hula hoops of different colors, 5 for each team.

Formation: 2 packs/teams of up to 5 each. Five hoops for each pack/team are arranged evenly in a zig-zag pattern between the start line and second line 15 yards out (10 yds if team is all Tigers).

At the signal, the entire pack/team dashes to the first ring, gets into it and holds it up at their waists – all facing outward. Then they run as a group over the next ring and pull it up to join the first, then dash to the next, etc., until all rings are picked up and held together around the waist. Then they run back together to start line without dropping a hoop.

Aesop’s Apples

Pack 441

Equipment: A large basket; two differently colored sets of six balls to represent apples.

Formation: 2 packs/teams lined up on start line.

An adult leader “Aesop” sits with the basket 10 feet in front of the start line. The scouts of both packs/teams line up at the start line, each holding a ball of their pack’s color. At the signal, they dash toward the basket and do their best to fill the basket. The leader throws the balls away as quickly and as far as possible until time is up.

Road to Athens

Pack 550

Equipment: Tarp, marked with grid of 1 ft. squares. Four different charts of clear path from start to finish, with blackout “pit/cliff” squares.

Formation: Pack/team line up in teams of up to five scouts at one end, activity leader on opposite end.

Activity leady shuffles charts face down and team selects one. Team lines up at one end and each scout attempts to make his way along the tarp grid one square at a time. When scout chooses a square, the activity leader tells him what it is per their chart. The square may represent solid rock path, a puddle, or a pit or cliff (aaaaaah!). If solid rock, player can stay on square and chooses another square; if a puddle, he must step back and choose a different square. If a pit or cliff, player has “fallen off the road” and must go back to beginning and start again.

This is a memory game and the entire team can participate, BUT only the scouts, not the parents or other team. If parents or other team become involved, scout goes back to beginning. (This is about team building and focus).

Scouts traverse road until every scout makes it to “Athens.” Total time for team is logged.


2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Dinner

Morning Games Continueduntil all packs have run through scored games.

Troop 911 Horizontal Climbing Wall for free-play. (in the Scout area)

Knot-tying Board w/Joe Maggio – practice your knots!

Camporee Bingo

Each pack receives a card that has been gridded with twenty squares and filled in with 24 random numbers, plus a master list of 80 random items that can be found at this Camporee. List will include things and people. Scouts will need to locate their numbered items and have the pack leader where item or person was found sign/initial the corresponding square. Return cards to Game Staff for scoring.

Dodge Baseball

Volunteer Leaders (2 - 3):

Equipment: rubber dodgeball

Formation: pack teams of 6 or more.

Layout 40’ baseball diamond w/ pitcher's box center. Players are evenly matched in pack teams. The pitcher rolls the ball on the ground to “batter,” who kicks the ball. As a twist, the batter’s entire den must attempt to run the bases and return home. The fielders try to hit the runners below the waist with the ball. All players getting back home safely score runs for their team. After three pitches, the teams exchange places. If hit, the runners stay on the sidelines until their team becomes fielders.

Trojan Horse

Volunteer Leaders (2):

Equipment: Basketball , 5 markers (hula-hoops?)

Play H-O-R-S-E in basketball court.

Angry Birds Badminton

Volunteer Leaders (2): Joel and Danielle Tomaneng

Equipment: 1 badminton net and posts, small birdies, racquets.

Formation: Teams of two on either side of net; an adult leader as referee/line judge.

Teams of two scouts on either side of the net. Players bat bird back and forth with alternating serves. Each team may hit the birdie on their side twice before sending it over the net, as long as the birdie doesn't hit the ground.

Scoring As soon as one side puts a birdie out of bounds, or it touches the ground, the other team scores a point. Game ends when one team scores 10 pts (5 for Tigers, 15 for Webelos?)

Tiger Games –

(as break for the young ones from the action)

Volunteer Leaders (2):


Equipment: Cards with following scouting-related word jumbles written on them.

Scouts pair off in teams and “translate” the most words in a given time (1 minute).

Action Spelling

Equipment: Set of 5” x 8” letter cards with enough letters to spell scouting-related words of 8 letters or less. Each scout receives 2 letter cards. Activity leader calls out word and team needs to correctly arrange themselves in order.

Pebbles of Demosthenes

Give each boy four or five jellybeans (“pebbles”).

He is to place them on his tongue (not in cheek or between teeth) and then say the Scout Promise.

Puzzles of Delphi - Tangrams

Equipment: cardstock scouting related words cut up in tangram puzzles bagged in sets.

Scouts solve puzzles in pairs to timers (say 10 seconds limit per puzzle).