OLRA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2012

Attendees: Greg Hack, Chris McCawley, Amy Sullivan, Jamie Gaudet, Emily Powers, Ari Skoufos, John Laundon, Ed McCusker, Bill Plage, Heather Stone, Cindy Foster, Mary Ann Konishesky, Kristy Dorsey

Minutes from November 28, 2011 meeting approved.

Treasurer's Report:

OLRA received payment for summer town programs about $21,000. We have also received money from the Fruit Sale, but have not paid out for product costs yet.

2010 taxes are done. Greg Hack has been working on 1023 form, and we are getting help from an accountant in terms of filing the 1023, taxes, and updating our 501(c)3 status.

Now that OLRA will be handling its own payroll, Heather Stone has requested W2s from all employees. She has received about 2/3 of them back. 1099s will go out this month. Folks who do not send in the W2 forms on time will not be eligible for re-hire.

The Board still needs to evaluate the question of insurance and whether or not those people we hire will be employees or contractors.

News & Updates:

Greg Hack was very pleased to report that we received a replacement inflatable launch! All on the Board agreed with the concern as to what to do with this new boat, as we have had 2 broken boats. This one has a wood transom, as opposed to the others, which had composite transoms. Stonington has had several of these boats, so John Laundon will consult with them. Boat is rated for a 40 hp motor; ours is a 25 hp, but will be tested before proceeding.

It would appear that we will not get a STEAP Grant at this time. Other grant awards have been made over the past few weeks. This is not to say that it will not happen ever; just not now. Skip Sibley has indicated that we are still in the pipeline. They will find out if we need to reapply. OL has received 2 STEAP grants in the past 2 years - curbing of roadside near church, and repairing of the dam at Rogers Lake.

Merchandising - the red winter hats turned out to be a big hit! Holding back on further merchandising until 501c3 status is updated. Bags are cheap! Cost is $3 - 5 and could easily sell for $10+. We can also consider hats, hoodies, water bottles, etc.

Report on USRowing Annual Meeting in Hartford -Greg Hack, Chris McCawley, and Melanie Allen McConkeyattended the USRowingmeetings. All agreed that the speakers were inspiring. Fundraising was a big theme, with the message that all fundraising is mission-driven. The attendees also left feeling that we need to get organized about our programs (ie, transition from Learn to Row to other programs). How do you get the Learn to Row folks into the fold? The changes are both organizational and cultural. The Annual Survey indicates that we can improve on how we welcome our new rowers. Also at the USRowing meeting in Hartford,RegattaCentral was promoting their website capabilities. Designed to do everything you need to do as a club from the administrative standpoint.

Follow-up Discussion:

The Town of Old Lyme would like us to take over the responsibilities of payroll and receipt of fees for summer programs. Seems to make sense, both parties agree. Workers Comp is a question - ifthe workers are considered employees, then must we purchase Workers Compensation insurance? If the workers are considered contractors, this would not be required. USRowing provides liability coverage (but not workers compensation) as part of our membership. The Board voted and approved that we take over these financial responsibilities.

In prior meetings, the Board had discussed compensating Heather Stone for her role of overseeing payroll, tax preparations, etc. Heather is keeping track of hours for payroll, tax forms, etc. Her other responsibilities, as Treasurer, are volunteer. The Board voted and approved $1,000 fees paid to Heather plus waived her annual dues.

Insurance & liability issues were raised at theUSRowing Annual Meeting. The High School sets certain coaching safety requirements for HS coaches, and we should implement more specific training and safety requirements for our Club programs as well. Pettipaug has safe boaters license certificationprogram. It is possible that they will open this training to the membership of OLRA.

OLRA should also add "Code of Conduct" wording to the Rules of the Road regarding pushing or throwing people off of the dock. This should be added to the membership book, where people sign that they have read and agree to this policy. Perhaps we should spray paint dock? The docks are Town property, but we use the docks, so our liability is not necessarily limited. Club members must behave in a manner that promotes safety for themselves and the other members of the club.

Erg-a-thon: Cindy Foster met with Emily Powers and Ari Skoufos to map out program. They know a local band, which may attract more attention. (Silver Hammer). John Laundonwill have race schedule in middle of February. Looking at a May date. Looking at other town events and the benefits of coordinating with other town events (ie, Duck River Garden Club). Other ideas - raffles, t-shirts, etc. Cindy will check with state website regarding gambling laws and whether raffles are allowed at these events. John would like to work with Valley to organize their own erg-a-thon.

Boat Purchase: The boat purchase committee met in December to evaluate the state of our current fleet and the needs of the club in the near future. The committee's assessment included feedback from coaches, captains and rowers. For 2012 - buy lightly used mid-weight double and a lightweight single, refurbish Vespoli quad and red Hudson double, and purchase a matched set of 4 sweep oars and 6 sets of sculling oars. The committee also expressed an interest in purchasing a jon-boat sized to use 25 hp motor. If we do this, then we will purchase a suitable sized motor for the inflatable. The rough budget for 2012 is $31,500. This is comparable to what we've spent in each of the past 2 years. Donate or sell the wooden quad and the Van Dusen double. John Laundon is putting in a plea for ergs. Have 7 working ergs. Can booster club buy more? Two years ago they gave us one or two. John will ask Rob Roach. When high school revamps weight room, perhaps we can get some. Need Model D. Ideally want 3 more - 1 from boosters, plus 2 others.

Plan is to develop diversity in our fleet. Will do our best to obtain competitive bids and keep price under proposed budget. Board voted and approved this plan and expense.

Repair costs for the damaged HW Hudson are $1,875. We considered paying out of pocket, but our insurance agent recommended that we submit claim. With claims history we've had, it is reasonable to make a claim. The insurance policy deductible is $250. The boat is being repaired and will be returned to us in February.

Some of the men’s boats are having speaker and speed coach problems. This was not picked up in fall clean-up and inventory. It was suggested that perhaps the wooden quad could be hung in the new school. Jamie, Emily and Ari can talk it up with the high school principal and Greg Hack offered to send email if it would help the cause. Very cool notion!

Old Business Items:

Chris McCawley is working on a draft of our Member Handbook. It was suggested that the Handbook include rules about delinquent payments. (ie, membership will be suspended if you are financially delinquent.) Chris will distribute draft of the document for review and comment.


Chris McCawley will coordinate meeting with RegattaCentral. Lori Kolar's brother also offered to build a site from scratch free of charge.

Fruit Sale:

Kudos to Lori Kolar for her significant efforts with the fruit sale. Lori sent a follow-up email with a recap of this year's fundraiser and recommendations for next year's efforts.

Annual Meeting on January 23rd. Venue is still TBD.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ann Konishesky

OLRA Secretary