Olney Memories # 89
January 2, 2012
A fine gentleman and loyal reader and contributor of our Olney Memories group passed away on November 13, 2011. I’m sure most of you will recognize his name, Jim Dale, by remembering the numerous articles he submitted in the Olney Memories. I first met Jim through Olney Memories and got to know him well through them. He wrote numerous entries for Olney Memories and his knowledge and memories were excellent about the history of Olney and his writings were a joy to read. We grew to be good friends and shared many good times together through e-mails to each another. I will miss him very much and I’m sure we all will miss seeing his name now and then in the future issues of Olney Memories.
A BIG thank you to so many many of you who helped locate so many lost people and wrong e-mail address of those on our OM’s mailing list. The finding of so many of our “lost members” made lots of people happy, for I received notes and expressions of “thanks for finding me”, and “I wondered why I wasn’t getting the OM’s anymore”, and “sorry, I forgot to let you know my address had been changed”, and etc. And on a sadder note, some of these people on the list were deceased. There are still somemissing which I will list below hoping that we will still be able to locate a few more.
Pam Adams
Carol Easterday Bassett
Mike & Ginger Berger
Chritina Burton Biggers
Diana Brautigam
Beulah Schwartz Brummer
Linda Purdy Collard
Cindy Combs
Dean Dietrich
Polly Roe Dougherty
Leslie Farris
Steve & Carolyn Gallbreth
LaDonna Cook Golf
Cheryl McShane Greene
Linda Hall
Patric Hall
Keith Hawkins
Lora Lee Moir Hensel
Joe & Pat Holson
Steve Horral
Ken Jones
Bill Keen
Pat Landis
Susan Lybarger
Mary Ann Marks Malone
Avery McKinney
Jerry & Darlene McQuaid
Vicki Slunaker Merritt
Ed Mosser
Amy Kribbs Packer
Sharon Yates Patterson
Katie Harris Porter
Flo Potter
Harold Quick
Major Dan Ragain
Ruth Reckling
Patricia Reynolks
Joyce Jones Robinson
Larry Runyon
Michael Stiff
Kay Sumpter
Marcia Bristow Todd
Kay Totten
Gary Wachtel
Brooks Walker
Fremont & Judy Walker
Ralph Webber
Thank you once again for helping me with this effort.
Ann Weesner King
Richard Williams
Hello Tigers!
Today I enjoy announcing our scholarship program!
Mr. Simpson, Principal, EastRichlandHigh School, and I have created a scholarship account for our ERHS Alumni website. Beginning immediately, members can donate! All you have to do is mail a check to our high school, care of Mr. Simpson, Principal!
The Address:
EastRichlandHigh School
c/o: Chris Simpson, Principal
1200 East Laurel Street
Olney, IL 62450
Your Check:
Make your check out to “ERHS” and in the note space, write “Alumni Website Scholarship.”
The Record:
You will receive a letter from the school accountant for your tax record. I will receive periodic reports listing the names and amounts, and I will email you, thanking you and asking details about listing your donation on the website.
Our Goal:
Our goal this year for the 2012 scholarship is $1,000. If we reach two thousand, we will offer two scholarships. Any amount over that will be kept in the account for the 2013 scholarship(s).
I have asked Mr. Simpson to develop the criteria; I have asked that his faculty, when time, select the recipient(s).
The Need:
We all know the need. Many of the 2012 Seniors come from homes with limited resources and, in these economic times, may have to put off continuing their education, just as my mother had to do so in 1939.
The Tiger Quilt:
Now, many of you know that Mary Alice Resor Hart, Class of 1960, has donated an art quilt to aid in the scholarship program. I’ve talked to her, and we are very interested in seeing one of our members receive the quilt. We’re not sure how best to proceed with that. Perhaps it could be a prize to the highest donor during a given period of time? Or maybe a raffle with each donor receiving a chance in a drawing – perhaps multiple chances based on the amount given? But first we need to check on the legality of our website conducting a raffle. Your help is welcome.
The Campaign:
Your checks are welcome now and will be so welcomed throughout the year. Remember; mail them to the school address above. Thank you for being great Tigers!
Go Tigers!
Richard Williams
Class of 1960
Pat Van Matre
Lori Barger
Hi Ann,
Just got this Lori Michels Barger class of 1982 I thought you would enjoy. If Lori sent this to you, GREAT!! if not enjoy. Wish Olney looked like now.
Pat Van Matre
Class of ‘54
Ann Weesner King
In the last couple issues I mentioned my grandmother’s 1905 Olney Cookbook and printed some ads from the book that I thought were interesting.Here are a few more I thought you might enjoy.
Ann Weesner King
Class of ‘60