OldShire Offices
CornerDuncans Rd &WattonSt,Werribee
FacilityInformation FactSheet
Centre Facilities
One largeroom with tablesandseatingfor50
Domestickitchen facilities
Theroomsare suitablefor:
Small seminars
1xLargeRoom–Room 2 - seatingfor 40people
Finishing Times
Community Centres must be vacated by::
Monday–Thursday10pmsharp Friday–Saturday11pmsharp Sunday 10pmsharp
Note:setup and packuptimesare requiredtobe
A bondof$200ispayable byall activity providers (both casual and regular). A$30key bondisalsopayableprior tohire. Casual activity providers must pay the full amount of hire fees and bonds applicable to the Facility prior to any confirmation of the booking. Regular activity providers will be invoiced on a monthly basis.
All fees payable must be paid in full,30 days prior to the booking with a minimum of 14 days (refer to Cancellation section). Uponsatisfactorypost-function inspection and return of key, bondswillberefunded.Allow14business daysfor issueofa refundcheque.
Ratesand Charges(GSTinc)
Pricesarecurrent asof1July 2017.
Private Activities$44.00per hour
CommunityClasses$22.00per hour
Not for ProfitGroup$11.00per hour
or Organisation
Please refer to Category definitions for further information.
Room 1 Werribee District Historical Society Museum
(Room not available for hire)
Opening Hours:
Saturday10am-1pmand Tuesday 10am-3pm
Room 3 & 4 Artist in Residence
(Room not available for hire)
Public LiabilityInsurance
Public LiabilityInsuranceiscompulsory. Casualcover
is available tobepurchasedthroughCouncil
(excludingprivatebusinesses) for a cost of $25.50
Thehirershall onlybeentitled tousethe particular
part/softhe buildinghired. Council reservesthe righttohireoutany otherportionofthebuildingfor anyother purposeor purposesatthe sametime.
Provisionof food
ProvisionoffoodattheFacilitymayrequire afood
permit.Contactthe City’sEnvironmental Health
Department on97420777for furtherinformation.
Alcohol must not be sold, served or consumed without notifying the Facility Officer. Theprovisionofalcohol atthe facilitymayrequire aLiquorLicensefromtheLiquor LicensingCommission. Visit information.Alcohol is nottobeprovidedwithinany WyndhamCityfacilitytoanypersonundertheageof18years.
This Centre/Facilityisasmoke-freevenue.Smoking
is onlypermitted indesignatedsmokingareas outdoors which are not undercover and is a minimum of 4 metres from the entrance of a building.
Notificationof cancellationof bookings bythe hirer
mustbeprovidedin writingto Council. Refer to
Clause 6 Changes to Bookings and Cancellation by theHirer in the Wyndham City Conditions of Hire. Uponnotification of cancellation all bonds will be refunded with hire fees refunded as follows:
30 days or more = 100% refund of hire fees
14 – 29 days = 50% refund of hire fees
Less than 14 days = No refund of hire fees
Thehireris to ensurethe followingmatters areattendedto afteruseof theFacility:
All furniture mustbecleaned andreturnedtothe setlayoutasperCentre/Facilityrequirements;
Stove,fridgeand benchestobecleaned;
Toiletstobeleftin a cleanandtidycondition;
All rubbishtoberemoved frompremisesand disposedof byhirer;
Hirersneedtosupplytheirown consumables, extra garbagebags andcleaningagents;and
All external exitsmustbesecured andlocked with alarmset,whereapplicable,beforeleavingthe premises
Category Definitions
Private Activities:Corporate or private activities wherethe purposeof thehireis exclusive or to generateprofit for an individual or company.
CommunityClasses: Planned activity classes open to the general public; including arts, education, culture, fitness well-being, skill development and hobbies.
Not for Profit Group or Organisation: Not for profit community groups or organisations based in Wyndham that are open to the general public at no cost or for a small donation.
For more information refer to the Facility Hire Agreement.
Contact:The Community Facilities Officer
03) 9742 0867 or (03) 9742 0817