Dear Colleague

Older People in Acute Hospitals – Review of Inspection Methodology

In December 2012 we started a review of the methodology we use when inspecting the care provided for older people when they stay in acute hospitals. This review builds on the existing methodology and takes account of what we have learnt during the inspections so far. A small group of key stakeholders led by Pam Whittle, Chair of the Scottish Health Council, have guided the review so far and we have now reached a point where we have a revised methodology and self-assessment that we would like to seek your views on.

The self-assessment has been redrafted entirely and now has a clear focus on 11 important outcomes for older people. It is designed to be short and focussed, allowing NHS boards to articulate in a concise manner their strengths and areas for improvement for each of the outcomes. Once completed the self-assessment should allow NHS boards to plan how they can spread the strengths they have identified board wide and develop an improvement action plan independently and in advance of any inspection activity. We would welcome your views on the self-assessment. In particular:

  • is there an outcome for older people that you think is missing?
  • do you think the word limit is realistic?
  • are there any aspects of the previous self-assessment you think are missing and should be added?

The revised methodology takes the existing approach and adds to it in areas where we felt there were gaps. The key additions relate to the addition of clinical experts to the inspection teams and comprehensive case note review that is separate to the inspection of the ward activity. We would welcome your views on the revised methodology. In particular:

  • do you think the revised methodology sets out the framework for a robust inspection of the care provided for older people in acute hospitals?
  • do you think the case note review will add value to the inspection and its findings?

We are seeking views from all stakeholders at this stage to allow interested parties the opportunity to comment and influence the development of the methodology. This also enhances our transparency in respect of our overall approach to scrutiny.

We would be grateful if you could use the attached response form for you views and email them back to Pauline Symaniak () by Friday 31 May 2013.

Yours faithfully

Pam Whittle / Robbie Pearson
Chair Scottish Health Council / Director of Scrutiny and Assurance

Older People in Acute Hospitals – Review of Inspection Methodology

Response form

Responder details
Contact Email
Self Assessment
Question One: Is there an outcome for older people that you think is missing?
Question Two: Do you think the word limit is realistic?
Question Three: Are there any aspects of the previous self assessment you think are missing and should be added?
Question Four: Do you have any other relevant comments on the self assessment?
Inspection Methodology
Question One: Do you think the revised methodology sets out the framework for a robust inspection of the care provided for older people in acute hospitals?
Question Two: Do you think the case note review will add value to the inspection and its findings?
Question Three: Do you have any other relevant comments on the revised methodology?