

The Old Johns Rugby network is for ex York St. Johns Rugby Club members. Currently its activities consist of:

1.  Facebook Group (about to be put into the archives because of lack of activity)

2.  Re-union at Old Johns Weekend with a 15 a side match via St. Johns Rugby Team (the match is not completed every year!)

3.  Occasional commitment to the St. Johns 7s supplying a team to partake in the tournament.

There is no formal club or history (John Maw is currently writing a book on the Clubs history) and the traditions of the club and re-union are gradually being lost through time. The Club as it stands is only capable of organising a re-union which consists mostly of Old Johns that have left within 5 years of leaving University, at the Old Johns weekend.

Why a strategic plan now?

The Old Johns Weekend would continue to work well with numbers returning to the University remaining healthy each year. However, there are a few crucial aspects:

·  A loss of contact with ‘Old Johns’ post 5 years from leaving – now is the time to contact all Old Johns so we can

·  Create a sustainable & formal club that will build memberships & retain friendships thus

·  Creating a history and legacy of Old Johns Rugby now that reflects our long and illustrious past.

·  Through our University years we gained a lot from our involvement and interaction with the Club – now we can give something back to the Club & Community.

Key Issues

Key issues to be addressed and answered in this plan are:

·  The ability to form a formal club & non-profit making foundation.

·  Maintain a sustainable annual calendar of events and elected committee.

·  Recruit active members to attend events and raise money for the schemes for the foundation.

What does the strategic plan cover?

·  The strategy sets out the visions, aims and objectives and targets.

·  It will also set out the timeframes & include methods for the strategy implementation

·  This document is set out in 3 key areas

1.  The Process

2.  Strategic Plan

3.  Implementation plan

The Process

Duration: 8 weeks for the Plan to be confirmed and implemented:

Wk Commencing 22nd Aug:

·  Draft 1 Completed

·  Steering Group Selected

·  Draft 1 sent to steering Group

Wk Commencing 12th Sept:

·  Steering Group send back Draft 1 with comments

·  Draft 2 compiled and completed

·  Draft 2 sent back to steering Group

Wk Commencing 26th Sept:

·  Steering Group send back Draft 2 with comments

·  Draft 3 compiled and completed

·  Draft 3 sent to steering Group & active members

Wk Commencing 3rd October:

·  Steering Group and members invited to send back Draft 3 with comments

·  Final and complete Plan is produced and put out to all members

·  Completed date - 8th October

The Steering Group

This group has been selected from recent Old Johns of the past decade that have had an active past of involvement within Old John activities. Their organisational abilities, expertise within their current careers and passion of the Old Johns network make them ideal to start the process of implementing a Strategic Plan.

Nathan Ashman

Dan Lycett

Michael Lawrenson

James Geldart

Angus Miller

Jonny Smith

Craig Hutchinson

Alex Smith

Gary Pidgeon


Mission Statement:

The Old Johns Rugby Club is dedicated to building a family of Old John members focused on the creation of a community of life long friendships. These friendships can maintain and build traditions for the future, not only within the Old Johns Club, but also through our foundation and its work with children from a challenging background. The vision is to use our camaraderie, expertise and passion of rugby to help create a thriving rugby club and foundation.

Our Values:

As all Old Johns we hold the same values – these values are what brought us together and still hold us together. The ten values all members have are:

·  A love and involvement in Rugby Union.

·  Honesty in our approach to all aspects of life.

·  Success within a team environment.

·  A desire for fun & enjoyment.

·  A friendly and open manner.

·  Ability to take on and complete challenges.

·  Generosity.

·  Personal accountability.

·  Camaraderie.

·  Experience and support in charitable fund raising.

Objectives in the next 5 years:

·  Create an Old Johns Rugby Club & website to grow the Old Johns network.

·  Hold an Annual Dinner through the organisation of an Old Johns RFC Committee.

·  Create a newsletter allowing communication of Old Johns across the World.

·  Hold an annual 15s match v the St. Johns

·  A team to enter the annual St. Johns Charity 7s

·  Raise Money through a non-profit making Foundation and deliver a rugby program to an identified group of children from a challenging background.


Short Term (Now to May 2012):

·  Agree the composition of a temporary Committee.

·  Complete the process of formalising Old Johns RFC as a registered Club.

·  Agree the format for a Web Site for Old Johns RFC.

·  Start a bank account for Old Johns RFC.

·  Register members.

·  Commitment to Old Johns Weekend + match v current Johns.

Medium Term (now to May 2013):

·  Hold the 1st AGM and agree the formal Committee.

·  Agree a date for the 1st Annual Dinner/Reunion.

·  Start the foundation (A non-profit making foundation – can be a registered charity on making £5000 a year) post AGM.

·  Complete web site ready to launch.

·  Complete design of Club Tie, pricing & launch (first funds to account – 50% of profits to foundation).

Long Term (May 2012 to May 2016):

·  Annual Dinner with Charity raffle.

·  Annual AGM (short AGM!!) prior to Annual Dinner.

·  Complete fund raising events.

·  Annual Match v St. Johns.

·  Commitment to St. Johns 7s on annual basis.

·  Bi-annual news letter of Old Johns across World + input from present Johns.

·  Link to work experience for current Johns in organisations with Old Johns.

Old Johns Rugby Club 2011-2016
Implementation Plan
Aims / 1. Create a Formal Old John Rugby Club & non-profit making Foundation.
2. Formalise a sustainable committee & annual calendar of events.
3. Build an active membership base and communication links.
Objectives / Actions / Timescales / Outcome
Agree temporary Committee / ·  3 Positions to be filled
1.  Chairman
2.  Social Secretary
3.  Liaison with St. Johns / ·  Kylie to ask for Volunteers.
·  Volunteers to be in place by 1st October 2011.
·  Positions to be held until 1st AGM. / ·  Chair – Nic Humphries
·  Vice – Nathan Ashman
·  Secretary – Gary Pidgeon
·  Student Liaison – Angus Miller
Short Term / Formalise Old Johns Rugby Club with RFU / ·  Volunteer to start process
·  Process started with RFU
·  Any outstanding actions to be noted
·  Take actions to committee. / ·  Volunteer to be sought by Kylie in September.
·  Process to be started by 1st AGM
·  Report to Committee on updates. / · 
Agree format for web site / ·  Kylie to seek any expertise within Old Johns network
·  Steering group to start process of content
·  Committee to start process of layout / ·  Volunteer to be sought by end of September (Kylie).
·  Steering group to send ideas through group email and formalise by October.
·  Committee to formalise layout and seek feedback by December. / ·  Web Site complete & launched.
·  www.oldjohnsrugbyclub.com
Start an Old Johns Bank Account / ·  Bank account set up for Club Funds
·  Set up club/society account with signatories. / ·  Kylie & Nathan to start process.
·  Completion by December. / ·  Paypal used on website
Register details of active members / ·  Database to register interested active members set up.
·  Facebook used to recruit and obtain details. / ·  Kylie will start process in September.
·  Volunteer Social Sec will continue to update through to AGM. / ·  150 members registered
Commitment to Old Johns weekends & communication for these events. / ·  Communication of Old Johns Weekend to all via facebook. / ·  Angus Miller to co-ordinate by date
·  Kylie to upgrade Angus on Facebook page (Sept). / ·  Angus upgraded on facebook page
·  Old Johns Match 2012 complete (13 a side)
Start a Foundation / ·  Create and name the foundation
·  Create a strategic Plan
·  Agree the foundation trustees (Min 3) / ·  Volunteers to be identified in Jan 2012 / ·  On hold – post AGM
Medium Term / Hold 1st AGM and elect formal committee / ·  Volunteer committee to set date of 1st AGM and advertise date
·  Agenda & actions of work to be compiled.
·  Job descriptions of positions to be written (Treasurer added?) / ·  Voluntary committee to seek date by December 11.
·  Paperwork to be completed prior to AGM and distributed through email to members.
·  Job descriptions to be agreed by steering group. / ·  Role descriptions complete and on web site
·  AGM to be held at Re-union in Oct 2013.
Agree date & venue for 1st Annual Dinner/Reunion / ·  Start process of planning 1st re-union
·  AGM could be held before?
·  Find best time of year for this. / ·  Actions to be agreed by Voluntary committee by December 11. / ·  Saturday 26th October 2013
Complete web site and launch / ·  Complete website and launch
·  Advertise with members & non members. / ·  As in short term goals. / ·  Web site launched
·  www.oldjohnsrugbyclub.com
Complete design of club tie and launch / ·  Decide design of tie through steering group.
·  Seek order
·  Start process of selling to members
·  Funds go into account / ·  Kylie to source tie designs through contact (Oct 11).
·  Steering group to decide on design (Nov11)
·  Ties to be ordered Dec 11 and selling. / ·  Tie design sourced
·  Badge designed
·  50 ties ordered May 2012
·  Ties delivered.
·  Ties on sale on website.
Production of annual news letter / ·  Volunteer to start news letter.
·  Link with St. Johns news
·  Input from active members (news)
·  Link to database / ·  Kylie to source volunteer (Sept 11)
·  Liaison to link with St. Johns
·  Liaison to link with active members
·  Send newsletter Jan 12. / ·  Issue 1 sent out Jan 2012
·  Issue 2 sent out Oct 2012
·  Issue 3 to be sent out Jan 2013
Long Term / Hold annual dinner & raffle (10% increase each year) / ·  Sustainable annual dinner
·  Grow new members
·  Raffle for foundation / ·  Reunion date set as 26th Oct 2013
·  Details to be confirmed spring 2013 / ·  Reunion date set – still to agree and plan if dinner applicable.
Hold annual AGM (short AGM!) / ·  Short 20 minute AGM to elect new members
·  Production of accounts & charitable output
·  Introduction of charitable projects? / ·  Short AGM at reunion on 26th Oct 2013 / ·  To be held in Oct 2013
Complete fund raising assignments / ·  tbc / ·  tbc / ·  tbc
Annual match v St. Johns / ·  Full 15s match with match program
·  Possible sponsor?
·  Production of Old Johns Kit – online shop? / ·  Contact made with St. Johns and recent leavers.
·  Last years captain asked to organise it (Dec 12) / ·  Old Johns weekend 2013 and potential match in Oct.
Commitment to annual St. Johns Charity 7s / ·  Full 7s squad at each St. Johns 7s tournament. / ·  Committee to organise
·  Awaiting date for 2013. / ·  Awaiting date for 2013
Link to work experience for current Johns in organisations with Old Johns / ·  Through network find Old Johns with opportunities to support current students (Rugby) with work experience.
·  Mentoring process / ·  Mentoring document in collation
·  1st draft to be circulated to interested mentors Dec 2012. / ·  Mentors coming in with offers
·  Chris Wilson currently writing mentoring document.