Indo-Dutch Joint Research Programme
Dear applicant,
This form is meant to support you in preparing your application. We have created it in order to process your proposal, and to present all applications in a uniform manner to the assessment committee.
· When filling out the form, please remove this box and the explanations below the section headers (##).
· If a question is not applicable to your proposal, please write down “Not applicable” but leave the section header in place
· Please use the table provided when answering question 3
· If you write your proposal in LaTeX, please maintain the sections as indicated
Guidelines proposal Indo-Dutch Joint Research Programme
Before completing the grant application, please study the information in the Call for Proposals.
Please submit your application to NWO in electronic form using the ISAAC system. To submit, a pdf format is required. In order to process the application data properly, the pdf file should not contain any security lock. This is the only electronic format that guarantees that the application will be received in exactly the same form as it has been sent. It is not compulsory to use Word when filling out the application form. It is possible to use for example LaTeX, as long as the headers stay the same.
It is not possible to submit several versions of the same applications in ISAAC (i.e. update your application). If problems arise, please contact the Indo-Dutch programme officer or the helpdesk.
Please complete the application in English. Do not exceed the stated maximum number of words for each item on the form and use a 10-point font size, except for references to the literature, which may be given in 9-point. If you exceed the stated maximum number of words or if you fail to supply the necessary documents, your application may be disqualified and you will lose your chance of a grant.
1a Title of the proposal
## Give the title of the research proposal.
1b Project Acronym
## If applicable.
1c Organisation
a) Name
b) Address
c) If in India: Legal status (indicate if Government Department, Statutory, Corporate Body, Registered Society, Private Company with recognised R&D unit etc.)
1d Details of the Project Leader / Principal Investigator
## Please provide complete information as requested.
First name:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address for correspondence:
Salaried appointment: yes/no
Employment end date:
Preference for correspondence in English: yes/no
Cell phone:
Website (optional):
Competence of Investigator in Project Area (including Industry interaction/Technology transfer):
1e Details of the Principal Investigator
## Please provide complete information as requested.
First name:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address for correspondence:
Salaried appointment: yes/no
Employment end date:
Preference for correspondence in English: yes/no
Cell phone:
Website (optional):
1f Co-applicant(s)
## Please provide complete information for the co-applicants as requested.
## Please fill in the details below for each co-applicant.
## Researchers from Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences can be entered as co-applicants
First name:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address for correspondence:
Salaried appointment: yes/no
Employment end date:
Preference for correspondence in English: yes/no
Cell phone:
Website (optional):
1g Public/Private Representative
## Please provide complete information for the public/private representative as requested.
## Please fill in the details below for each representative
First name:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Date of PhD:
Address for correspondence:
Salaried appointment: yes/no
Employment end date:
Preference for correspondence in English: yes/no
Cell phone:
Website (optional):
1h Competence of Investigators in Project Area
## Please describe the competence of both principal investigators in this project area, including
## Industry interaction and Technology transfer.
1i Scientific Summary & Objectives of the Project
## Provide a summary of your proposal (topic, goal, objectives, approach and potential impact of ##results) in no more than 250 words. This summary, written in more general terms, can also be ##used to fill in the summary field in the ISAAC application process. Please keep in mind that this ##summary will be used to invite possible reviewers, and should as such be a good description of the ##proposed research.
1j Keywords
## Specify up to six keywords. These keywords will be used to find appropriate referees. Therefore,
## choose the keywords with care.
1k Project duration
## Duration of the project: min 2 years and max 5 years.
1l Year-wise break-up of physical achievements with specific intermediate milestones
## In terms of aims and objectives and deliverables (specify the milestones and deliverables –
## description, due date and responsible person – throughout the duration of the project)
1m Likely End User(s)
1n Abstract for layman
## You are also requested to include a summary (maximum 500 words) written for the
## benefit of researchers in other disciplines and a lay readership. This summary should not be a
## direct translation of the English scientific summary. It should include:
## - a clear explanation, in simple language, of the nature and content of your proposal;
## - an account of past work in this area;
## - an account of what you intend to do, and why this is important;
## - an account of the expected results;
## - an account of why your research may be deemed innovative.
## If a grant is awarded, MeitY, NWO and SIA may use this summary for publicity purposes.
1o Abstract for layman in Dutch
## You are also requested to include a summary (maximum 500 words) in Dutch, written for the
## benefit of researchers in other disciplines and a lay readership. This summary should not be a
## direct translation of the English scientific summary. It should include:
## - a clear explanation, in simple language, of the nature and content of your proposal;
## - an account of past work in this area;
## - an account of what you intend to do, and why this is important;
## - an account of the expected results;
## - an account of why your research may be deemed innovative.
## If a grant is awarded, NWO and SIA may use this summary for publicity purposes.
1p (Sub)discipline(s)
## To which (sub)discipline(s) does your proposal apply? Please indicate one or more disciplines in the
## table below. You can chose on the site the discipline(s)
## and subdiscipline(s) that apply to your application. You can fill in three subdisciplines maximally.
discipline: / Fill in your discipline hereSubdiscipline / Discipline code / Description
subdiscipline 1
subdiscipline 2
subdiscipline 3
1q Main field of research (compulsory)
## For all applications it is compulsory to fill out one or more research fields that correspond to the
## subject of your research proposal. Please use the descriptions and codes from the NWO research
## field list. Please find the list via:
code + field of research: ………
## If applicable: other fields of research, in order of relevance.
code + field of research: ………
## Please note that it is compulsory to fill out the same information also in the ISAAC system on the tab
## “General Information” (Algemeen) section ”Research fields” (Disciplines) before submitting the
## proposal.
1r Relevance to Big Data and/or IoT
## Use up to 250 words.
## Attention: For section 2a and 2b combined, there is a maximum of 4500 words, not including
## literature references or equations.
2a Detailed Description of the proposed research
## Describe the proposed research as accurately and detailed as you can within the stated maximum
## number of words. See also the evaluation criteria in section 4.2 of the Call for proposals Indo-
## Dutch Joint Research Programme for ICT for more details. The description must clarify the
## character, approach and capitalize the valorisation of the research proposal. It should illustrate
## why this project is of top quality. Include details of:
Research topic
## - Overall aim, key objectives, scientific background
## - Originality, approach and/or relevant elements of the topic
## - Significance, clarity of focus and objectives (potential contribution to science, technology
and/or society)
## - What method(s) and/or experimental techniques will be applied?
## - Risk analysis of the research:
a) Specific problems, hold-ups and difficulties foreseen in the implementation of the project.
b) How do the Principal Investigators propose to overcome them?
c) Details of possible alternative arrangements if the Principal Investigator leaves the institute or is unable for any other reason to continue this project.
## - Potential problems and alternative approaches
## - Feasibility
## - Originality and/or innovative elements of the approach
## - Need, forecast and urgency for the technology proposed to be developed with justification
## such as importance of know-how, import substitution role, pay off w.r.t. purchase of knowhow ## or development of technology competitiveness, technology exports, international alliances
## possibilities etc..
Plan of work
## - Research plan (practical timetable over the grant period)
Please indicate roughly how the entire research project is to be phased in timelines, in periods during the project with deliverables and milestones. More specifically, you should indicate which activities are likely to be carried out and by whom. Indicate roughly which tasks will be undertaken by which members of the research team. The project duration should not exceed four years.
##- Detailed Pert/Bar Chart (Separate Sheet)
## - Duration of the project (min 2 years to max 5 years)
## - Local, national and international collaboration and collaboration of the consortium. Describe in which manner will be cooperated between the academic, societal and industrial groups, added value of international collaboration. Please elaborate on the following aspects:
a) Synergy and complementarity of the partnership
b) Engagement of private and/or public partner(s) in the proposed research, e.g. access to datasets, providing infrastructure, interaction and involvement in the execution of the research etc.
Expected outcome in physical terms (as applicable)
## - Specifications of subsystem/system (as applicable)
## - Nature of documents for technology transfer
## - Manpower trained
o Level of training
o Nos. (industry/outside R&D/Internal)
## - Products, prototypes, tools, instruments, processes, interventions etc.
Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences (option):
## For applicants making use of researchers from Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences as co-
## applications, please make a specification of the description of the applied research activities
## performed by the researchers of the Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences in cooperation with ## private and/or public partners. Please include, amongst others:
a) Involvement of and interaction with private and public partners in the project activities
b) Dissemination, application and implementation of the research results in practice
c) Importance and urgency of the proposed project activities
d) Interaction/ complementarity with the research activities of the project consortium
e) Clarity of focus and objectives and feasibility of the project activities
f) Balance between aims and available resources (budget, staff and material costs)
2b Composition consortium
## The consortium consists of at least two academic departments (one in the Netherlands, one in ## India) and at least one private or public partner. Participation of a Dutch University of Applied
## Sciences is optional.
## Fill in the table below the involved persons and their affiliations. Make a clear distinction
## between the scientific researchers and (representatives) of private or public partners.
ConsortiumPartner(s) research institute(s)
Name / Institute / Role
Private/ public partners
Name / Organisation (Dutch organisations: include KvK-nr.) / Role
## Describe below this table the expertise of the involved partners. For example, relevant
## scientific, practical or methodological experience and possible applications of results. Explain ## the value of the collaboration; synergy, complementarity and added value of cooperation in the ## consortium for the Indo-Dutch programme. Please explain the availability of infrastructure
## within the consortium. Please explain why and how end users are involved or explain why end ## users aren’t involved. Use max. 700 words.
2c Motivation for public-private collaboration (pps)
## Explain here which question of need from the private/ public partner and/ or research institute ## makes the collaboration in a PPS construction valuable. Use a maximum of 700 words
2d Knowledge utilisation
## The knowledge utilisation (or research impact) section should be used to describe in what manner
## the output of the proposed research leads to new technology, insights or applications in
## society, policy, technology or industry.
## Be as specific and concrete as possible on how knowledge transfer to potential users (such as
## companies, institutes, public policy makers, intermediates etc.), would be realised. Keep in mind ## that the information on use and application of research results must be both comprehensible to ## people with no specific prior knowledge and sufficiently detailed for referees and committee
## members to evaluate.
## Use a maximum of 700 words for this part of your proposal
## Describe the innovative aspects, added value and the relevance of the intended research
## results and/or insights from the research for and the contribution to solving economic, societal, ## cultural, policy-related or technical challenges;
a) Describe the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach for knowledge utilization with respect to meeting the need(s) of third parties within and outside of the academic sector, and the involvement of end/users and partners; Please elaborate on the ethical and legal issues involved in possible knowledge utilization
b) Degree of embedding the results in academic as well as in user’s environment within the industry and/or at the level of public partners
c) Describe how the researcher might intend to contribute to the realisation of the possible knowledge utilisation
d) Interaction with and involvement of knowledge users (before, during and after the project)