Old Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

Minutes of Meeting, 2 June 2010

Held at Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver Colorado

The meeting was called to order by the second vice president, Dick Thompson at 7:33 pm.

Officers present were Dick Thompson, 2nd vice president, Tom Kay, treasurer, and Dick Fritz, acting secretary. 41 member clubs were represented. Guests were introduced. A new member club, the Chassis Lassies was welcomed to the OCCC.

It was reported that Bill Rosenbach is in Swedish Hospital (501 E. Hampden) Room 6274. He can not take phone calls but would welcome visitors.

Legislative matters: Leo Boyle is out of town and there are no legislative issues being discussed at this time.

Minutes of the May 5th meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Kay provided the following balances as of the end of May:


Operating Account: $2124.55

Govt.Relations Account: 7951.00

Swap Meet Account: 12727.92

Swap Meet Pre-reg: 215.00

Cruise account: 3019.83

Accounts total= $26038.30 (in checking account)

Swap Meet 2010 deposit: 300.00 (with Adams County Fairgrounds)

Total assets = $26338.30


Pre-paid swap Meet reg: 215.00

NET WORTH = $26123.30

John Koll made a personal donation of $100 and presented a check for $500 from the Mountain & Plains VMCCA Region clubs toward the legislative account. The assistance is appreciated.

Guest Speaker:

William Bowman (303-921-8809) of the City Park Alliance invited car club members to an ice cream social at City Park on June 4th, 6-9 pm. They would like to have a few vintage cars at the event, which is intended to create a friendly family atmosphere at the Park.

Havana Cruise & Poker Run, June 19: Dick Thompson reviewed plans for Cruzin’ Havana. He listed the clubs which will be at each of the five festival sites, from 3 to 9 pm. There will be the VIP free dinner for volunteers at The Stampede Mesquite Grill on Friday, June 18th, but clubs should advise Gale Jetchick (303-360-7505) or Dick Thompson (303-929-5533) NLT June 15th about the number of people who will be attending.

Front Range Airport (Watkins) Vintage Aircraft Fly-In and Car Show: Dick Adams reported that this event has been moved to August 21st. There will be a pancake breakfast from 7 to 9 am. Clubs that want their cars to be grouped together should arrive as a group by 8 am.

OCCC Swap Meet (August 21): Keith Hall will schedule a committee meeting within the month. We need volunteers to step in to assist, particularly with communications, traffic, and day security. These roles earn shares of the proceeds.

Colfax Cruise (September 18): Dick Thompson reported that there will be a planning meeting on June 24th at Piflers restaurant (W. Colfax near Simms).

Cussler Collection Tour (July 17). If there is interest in this tour of the Clive Cussler Collection in Arvada, give Dick Thompson a call (303-929-5533). There was no turnout for the Rambler Ranch tour on May 29th, and reasons for this were requested. It was noted that car clubs do not think of the OCCC generally as an event-organizing entity (other than the cruises and the swap meet). Also, the closed collections (generally not open to the public) have more of a draw. There have been club tours of the Rambler ranch and Cussler collections.

Upcoming club events were announced.

The Forney museum still has open dates in July, August, and September for club Dust n’Shine events.

The next OCCC meeting will be Wednesday, July 7th, at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver, starting at 7:30 pm.

Upcoming club events are listed as a Calendar Addendum to these minutes.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Richard Fritz, acting secretary.