Old Bolingbroke Parish Council Meeting

Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held in The Ramsden Hall on

Tuesday 26th February 2016 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

Attendance: With Cllr Sandra Dawson in the Chair there were present, Parish Councillors: Victoria Ayling and Will Grover. Clerk – Sarah Kulwicki.

Apologies:There were none.

Also Present: 11 members of public in attendance

The meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m.

122. Chairman’s Announcements

The Chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.

123. Apologies for absence and reasons given

There were none.

124. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 not previously notified and/or consideration of any written request for Dispensation

There were none.

125. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Monday 23rdFebuary 2016 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Grover and Seconded by Councillor Dawson and Resolved by all that the notes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd February 2016 be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman.

126. To receive reports on LCC/ELDC issues from councillors.

Lincolnshire county councillor Victoria Ayling informed the council that there are still ongoing issues with Pot Holes which she will continue to monitor. Councillor Miss. Ayling has agreed to send the clerk the breakdown between temporary pot hole repairs and permanent. No questions were asked.

District Councillor Will Grover reported that the last months County News publication was misleading as it advertised that people could put glass in their litter bins but this is not the case so please don’t do it. ELDC transformation programme are looking into doing this in the future. He reported that the local plan is going to referendum which contains areas where housing will potentially be built, rural areas may be affected. He also informed everyone present that the District Councillors allowance has been increased by £50 which he was personally against and will not be taking this increase. LCC are also running the Big energy switch so worth doing if you want to save money on your energy bills the closing date for this is the 16th May. No questions were asked.

127. To resolve to suspend the meeting and allow for an open forum

It was:

Proposed by Councillor Grover and Seconded by Councillor Ayling and Resolved that the council move into an open forum.

(i)One member of public raised concerns with the fact that the Minutes are not published before the meeting.

(ii)One member of public raised concerns with the fact the village where not better informed about the street lights and the cost. The clerk was asked to look into the council having a referendum for this.

(iii)Some members of public raised concerns with the fact the Old Bolingbroke Parish Councils precept has increased by 105% and is the of the highest increase in ELDC. The council responded and informed them that all precepts have increased and more services are being offloaded to local councils. The Council also told them that the council had reserves in 2015-2016 and could precept a smaller amount then but now all reserve funds have run out.

(iv)A member of public raised issues with the fact that the county councillor and District Councillor were no local and why where they making decision on what happened within the village. District Councillor Grover and County Councillor Miss. Ayling informed the member of public that neither of them want to be on the council they are here temporarily doing the job that should be done by members of the public. They urged the people here to come forward and be on the council.

(v)One member of public told all present that they are not making being on the council very desirable as the public tend to cause a lot of hostility towards them.

128. Financial Matters – Payments for approval

a)Microsoft Office - £59.99 PAID

b)LALC Subs- £142.69 PAID

c)Clerks wages and expenses (February) – £177.59 Tax £38.83

d)Clerks Wages and expenses (March) - £127.08 Tax £31.77

e)Community Lincs Parish Council Insurance - £262.47

f)Coningsby Book shop (stationary) - £8.40

g)Rose Garden feed (S.Dawson) - £8.79

h)Donation towards Newsletter costs (S.Simpson) - £10.00

It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Ayling and Seconded by Councillor Grover and RESOLVED that all payments listed are approved and be duly paid.

129.To discuss the future of the grass cutting contact

It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Ayling and Seconded by Councillor Grover and RESOLVED by all that the council put the Grass cutting contract out to tender.

130.Planning Matters

(i)S/018/00862/16 – Dewy House, Church Road, Old Bolingbroke. Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a kitchen, utility, plant room, bathroom, and a link through to exciting studio on site of part of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished, erection of a detached garage/workshop and greenhouse on site of the existing garage which id to be demolished. The council are in support of this application.

131.The co-option of potential candidates present.

It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Dawson and Seconded by Councillor Grover and RESOLVED that Mark Etches be co-opted on to the council to fill the vacancy.

Sue Sargent also came forward who is interested in being on the council. She has agreed to send her contact details to the clerk who will send her a nomination pack when they become available.

132. The Ramsden village hall management committee

(i)Update on progress being made by the new committee

Andrew Gore reported that the committee has been formed and terms of ref are signed. He thanked the council for the new car park. He informed the council that there is a mains water leak which they are dealing with.

(ii)To approve the flowing payments:

a)heating repairs - £72.00

b)Bluestones refund - £12.50

c)Refund Mrs. Hall - £25.00

d)Reimburse S. Dawson for ink - £9.00

e)Music Licence - £114.00

It was: -

Proposed by Councillor Dawson and Seconded by Councillor Ayling and RESOLVEDby all that the above payments listed are approved and duly paid.

133.The Ramsden recreation area committee

(i)To acknowledge members of this committee. Any issues to report. – Sandra Dawson informed the council that the village hall committee and playpark committee have now become one as agreed by email. (This will be clarified at the next meeting as agenda item)

(ii)To discuss the bill for the play area safety check (not authorised by the council)

It was: -

Proposed by Councillor Ayling and Seconded by Councillor Grover and RESOLVEDthat the location of the water seal will need to be found before the bill is paid. The clerk was asked to find out if there was an outstanding contract with them.

134.Highways matters

(i) The clerk was asked to report Back Lane as the road is seriously detreating and there are several pot holes.

(ii) The clerk was asked to find out why there are two signs on Back Lane one which says unsuitable for HGV’s and another the says not suitable for large vehicles.

135.Neighbourhood watch –One speeding car in village which is being dealt with. Nothing else to report.

136.To receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters – The clerk told the council that the precept has been received.

137.To receive general correspondence – The clerk informed the council that the LALC Newsletter is available for them to look at along with the Wolds Newsletter. The Police and Crime commissioner poster has been received for display in notice boards. She also informed them that Parish Paths funding has now been stopped.

  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council.

The date of the next meeting is scheduledfor Monday 16th May 2016 to commence at7.30 p.m. in the Ramsden Hall. Please note this will be the annual meeting of the Parish Council.The meeting closed at 8:40pm