Tuesday, December 6, 2005

10:00 a.m.

Item 1. Call to Order

The Executive Committee of the Oklahoma Chapter of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) convened on December 6, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. in Oklahoma City, with President Deborah Jenkins presiding.

Item 2. Roll Call


Ladeana Anderson

Kathy Bell

Ginger Booth

Rick Chadwick

Leona Edwards

Blake Farris

J D Foster

Deborah Jenkins

Harlan Johnson

Rita Love

Richard Marshall

Roy Marshall

Garey Ogle

Larry Perkey

Glen Redding

Elton Spears

Kenneth White


Kay Absher Excused

Karen Canavan Excused

Kimberly Gholson Excused

Dwight Gragg

Peggy Hayes Excused

Lisa Hardman

Alvis Kennedy

Susan Olivarez

Gary Reagan

Nancy Roark

Melvin Taylor

Mike Wolf

Item 3. Approval of Minutes from August 17, 2005 OK NAHRO Executive Committee Meeting

J D Foster made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 17, 2005 Executive Committee Meeting.

Elton Spears seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Item 4. Treasurer’s Report

Kathy Bell presented a written report from September 30, prepared by outgoing Treasurer, Bobby Cunningham, reflecting final expenditures and transactions. She also presented a current report stating that the current balance in the checking account is $17,175.87, the savings balance is $16,368.99 and there are two CD’s at $20343.54 and $10,215.09. The CD’s remain at ONB in Tulsa, while the checking and savings amounts have been transferred to First National Bank & Trust of Elk City. The CD’s will be transferred upon renewal in March.

Kathy made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s reports as presented.

Ladeana Anderson seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Item 5. Reports


President Deborah Jenkins presented a written report. She commended the Tulsa Development Authority and the Tulsa Housing Authority for an outstanding job hosting the Fall Conference. She also recognized Bobby Cunningham’s service to the organization. Deborah also reported that OKNAHRO was well represented at the SWNAHRO Leadership Training and Transitional Committee Meetings held in Overland Park, KS in August. National NAHRO’s Annual Conference was held in Chicago in October and seven OKNAHRO members were appointed/reappointed to national committees. Kay Absher, Board of Governors; Deborah Jenkins, CR&D; Roy Hancock, Housing; J D Foster, International; Kay Absher and Melvin Taylor, Member Services; Karen Canavan, Professional Development; Lisa Hardman, Small Agency Task Force. Deborah congratulated each of them on their appointments. Deborah also reported that a number of families were evacuated to Oklahoma as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. These families are being assisted through the Housing Choice Voucher program. She updated information on KDHAP. Deborah expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Chapter as President.

Deborah made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Kathy Bell seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Senior Vice-President:

Melvin Taylor was absent from the meeting and no written report was made available.

VP for Housing:

Blake Farris presented a written report stating that the Housing Committee will meet for the first time at the Legislative Conference in February 2006 to discuss the goals to be accomplished next year. The committee is searching for an additional member to replace Susan Olivarez who has resigned. The topics to be presented at the Winter Conference will include information on the development and implementation of effective ACOP’s and will be instructed by Greg Jungman. The second session will present information on the development and implementation of the HCV Admin Plan. An instructor for this session has not been secured. The Housing Committee looks forward to serving all the members of OKNAHRO during this new term. Blake encourages all of the membership to contact any member of the committee with suggestions or questions.

Blake made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Glen Redding seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

VP for CR&D:

Kenneth White presented a written report indicating that two sessions are being planned for the Winter Conference. Topics will include Medicare Overview and Medicare Part D, both presented by Linda Clure with the Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program of Oklahoma.

Kenneth made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Roy Marshall seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

VP for Professional Development:

Ladeana Anderson presented a written report outlining topic suggestions from the previous PD Committee, including Project-based Accounting, Flexible Voucher Program, Landlord-Tenant Laws/Issues, Income/Asset Verification Methods (EIV, OESC, DHS systems). These topics will be explored over the next year as HUD issues new guidance. Their first planned committee meeting will be held on Wednesday during the February Conference.

Ladeana made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Richard Marshall seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

VP for Member Services:

Peggy Hayes was excused from the meeting, but presented a written report stating that the Chapter has current membership of 299 with 8 Lifetime Members. The Chapter has 12 new members for the 2005-2006 year. Member Services is currently working on the membership renewal drive. The Committee is seeking ideas regarding promotional items. The Committee was asked to develop criteria for the designation of Life Time Membership. They have prepared a rough draft of that criteria as follows.

A Life Time Member should:

·  Be an active member at the time of retirement

·  Be retiring completely out of the business or a related field

·  Could not qualify to be an allied member

·  Served in at least one or more positions on the Executive Committee

·  Received the honor of OKNAHRO Member of the Year

·  Must be eligible for nomination for Regional Life Time Member

·  Have been dedicated to the promotion and well being of OKNAHRO for an ongoing number of years

The Member Services Committee asked the Executive Committee for suggestions, questions and comments. Member Services will have a final draft ready to bring before the Executive Committee at the Winter Conference in Oklahoma City in February.

Deborah Jenkins made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Ladeana Anderson seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

VP for Commissioners:

Leona Edwards reported that she had attended the SWNAHRO leadership training in Kansas City and found it to be beneficial. The information provided for Commissioners was very useful and goals were set. The committee recognizes the need for training at the local level. She plans to have a Commissioners’ Roundtable session for questions and answers during the Winter Conference.

Leona made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Richard Marshall seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Item 6. Legislative Report

Richard Marshall reported that the 2006 Appropriations Bill has been approved by Congress, but has not been signed by the President. He asked if members of the Committee were receiving duplicate information from his office and from NAHRO. He will update as necessary. SLPHA is still in the works. The Rural Economic Task Force is trying to spark job creation, implement new policies to encourage economic growth and business development in rural areas. Problems identified include a need for better roads and additional housing. There is a new state initiative to report illegal immigrants. This is scheduled to come up in the next session. Glen Redding raised the question as to whether Housing Authorities are state agencies. A brief discussion ensued. He felt that some clarification is in order to be able to explain to others. Richard also stated that NAHRO, CLPHA, and PHADA have asked the insurance commission for $50,000 in consulting monies to bring consultants in to help them understand Project Based Management. The funding has been approved. Glen also announced that there is a new bill in Congress to exempt small PHA’s from the PHA plan process. This will help to lessen the administrative burden on small agencies. PHA’s would still be required to do some planning. Deborah reported that PHA’s should expect to receive approximately 91% of eligible funding for 2006.

Richard made a motion to approve the report as presented.

Leona Edwards seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Item 7. Conference Reports

Glen Redding reported that the Winter Conference would be held at the Sheraton in downtown OKC February 15, 16, and 17. Room rate will be $99.00, with an additional charge for parking. A discussion ensued as to the location for the Legislative Reception. Options considered included the Capitol Rotunda, the Clarion (Plaza) Hotel, and the Sheraton. The consensus of the committee was that because of convenience to the legislators, we consider the Clarion (Plaza) Hotel. Ginger Booth volunteered to contact the hotel for availability. She reported back that the Clarion (Plaza) Hotel is available and she tentatively booked the room.

Blake Farris asked if any time is being scheduled at the Winter Conference for standing committees to meet. It was decided that any committees desiring to meet could do so in someone’s room or in any other space available at the hotel.

Deborah asked whether we had decided to discontinue the Legislative Reception in Washington, DC. Rita Love stated that this has been discontinued. JD Foster asked if any plans have been made for a delegation to travel to DC in March. Glen suggested that someone coordinate appointments so that legislators are not overwhelmed with visitors.

The Spring Conference will be held at Western Hills and will be hosted by Muskogee, Bristow and Fort Gibson Housing Authorities May 24, 25 and 26.

Dates for future conferences will be discussed at the Winter Conference.

Item 8. New Business

Garey Ogle stated that he has received requests to post the by-laws, mission statement, etc. on the website and asked if anyone has the documents in Microsoft Word so that he can do that. Deborah would also like to see the minutes posted on the website.

Item 9. Other Chapter Business

Deadline for submission of OKNAHRO Scholarship applications is March 31.

Ginger Booth asked the Executive Committee for permission to purchase a new tape recorder for meetings. She estimated that the cost would be less than $100.00.

Garey Ogle made a motion to approve the purchase up to $100.00.

Richard Marshall seconded the motion.

Motion carried.

Richard asked for a brief report of how disaster victims had been helped in Oklahoma. A discussion was held by those present as to the numbers of people they had assisted.

Item 10. Adjournment

Garey Ogle made a motion to adjourn.

Rita Love seconded the motion.

Motion carried.



