Minutes – August 31, 2016 SILGA EXECUTIVE


Minutes of Executive Meeting – Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Meeting held at the District of Clearwater offices, Clearwater, BC


President Councillor Chad Eliason

1st Vice President Councillor Shelley Sim

2nd Vice President Director Patty Hanson

Past President Councillor Marg Spina

Directors Councillor Lori Mindnich

Councillor Keith Thom

Director Karla Kozakevich

Councillor Charlie Hodge

Director Mike Macnabb

Councillor Donovan Cavers

Alison Slater, Executive Assistant

Absent Councillor Helena Konanz


President Eliason called the meeting to order at 10:36 am.

Update from Mayor John Horwood, Clearwater

-  Yellowhead Highway only 50 years old. This road hasn’t helped the economy of the

area (Clearwater, Avola, Blue River), even with traffic increase from the Alberta oil patch.

-  Forestry jobs/economy is very low compared to the past. Most of the logs are now cut and transported outside the area, either to Chilliwack or Barriere. Most of the mills have shut down in the area.

-  Communities are dead or dying – no good jobs, no schools/services, no reason to stay.

-  Aging demographic

-  DOC is trying to provide services to the residents – hospital is still open, healthy community programs, bussing throughout the North Thompson and to Kamloops.

-  Working on getting better internet to help with telecommuting jobs

-  When provincial government closed down elementary school, district leased it for $1/yr and moved all government services into it – DOC offices, courtroom, ICBC etc. Used gym/fields for programs – available all day. Great for community.

-  Why did Clearwater incorporate? To assist with the significant costs to maintain a large volume of roads.


Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Charlie Hodge THAT:

The agenda be adopted as presented.



Moved/Seconded by Patty Hanson/Marg Spina THAT:

The draft minutes of the Executive Meeting held at Peachland on June 29th, 2016 be adopted.



1.  MIA letter requesting confirmation of SILGA representative on MIA Board

Moved/Seconded by Karla Kozakevich/Mike Macnabb THAT:

President Chad Eliason be appointed to be the SILGA Representative on the MIABC board.



1.  SILGA Luncheon at UBCM

·  No candidate speeches

·  Still working with MIABC to have sponsor speech

·  There will be “In Memorium”, list of SILGA resolutions and information on educational session on the tables

2.  SILGA meeting at UBCM – Monday Sept 26th at 12 pm.

·  Approximately one hour to go over the minister meetings and the luncheon





1.  Finance Report – Director Mike Macnabb

·  As at July 31, 2016 SILGA had $32,751.53 in the bank and $132,313 in the MFA account.

·  Directors were in receipt of the General Ledger and MFA account reconciliation to July 31, 2016.

·  SILGA is in good financial shape. With the current reserve no changes to membership fees are being considered at this time.

Moved/Seconded by Patty Hanson/Donovan Cavers THAT:

SILGA allocate up to $5,000 year for 3 years ($15,000 total) to fund travel and convention expenses to send 2 youth to the UBCM convention.


Moved/Seconded by Lori Mindnich/Keith Thom THAT:

The finance report be received.


2.  Convention Report – Sun Peaks 2017, President Chad Eliason

·  Sun Peaks Grand will be used for the entire convention, including welcome reception.

·  Trade show will run on Wednesday evening (during welcome reception) and Thursday


·  Dunes for golf.

·  Gravity Go carts/Segway tours


·  Waste water treatment centre/composting facility

·  Trail system and village tour

·  Health care facility

Potential Speakers/topics:

·  Paul Martin

·  Shawn Atleo/Manny Jules

·  Airbnb hotel tax / bylaws – how to regulate

·  Health care – rural retention and attraction

·  Keeping rural schools open

·  social media and community engagement

·  legal topic – Fulton and Co.

·  tourism funding

·  rural innovation initiatives

·  grant writing

·  LGLA session

·  CAO review process

-  Lunch on the town will be put into the agenda

-  Local students for introductions – will try – but it is a small school

Next meeting is September 13th.

Moved/Seconded by Lori Mindnich/Keith Thom THAT:

The convention report be received.


3.  Resolutions Committee Report – Director Patty Hanson

Amended procedures for late resolutions.

As these are constitutional changes, they must be submitted to the membership at the 2017 AGM to be voted on. All changes, if passed, will be effective for the 2018 AGM.

10.5 Late Resolutions

(1) Resolutions submitted following the expiry of the regular deadline shall be considered "Late Resolutions" and shall comply with all other submission requirements, except that a copy of the resolution shall be provided to SILGA by the Friday noon preceding the date of the Annual Meeting. The resolutions committee will meet on the Tuesday preceding the AGM to provide recommendations as to whether the late resolution(s) should be brought to the membership for inclusion in the resolution debate. All late resolutions must receive an affirmative vote of three-fifths (60%) of the Member Representatives in attendance at the AGM to be included in the debate.

(2) Late resolutions will be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee prior to the Meeting and only those of a subject matter which could not have been submitted by the normal deadline date outlined in section 10.4 will be considered.

(3) Late Resolutions shall be available for discussion after resolutions printed in the resolutions book have been considered.

(4) Late Resolutions admitted for plenary discussion shall be dealt with in the order presented in the Late Resolutions report.

(5) In the event that a late resolution is recommended to be admitted for discussion the sponsor shall produce sufficient copies for distribution to the Convention.

(6) The Late Resolution will after reading be properly before the Meeting and the procedures for handling resolutions will apply.

Constitution, Bylaws and Policy legal review

·  Staff to get quotes from law firms

·  Executive board to review above legal documents as well as the legal documents from other area associations and provide feedback to staff before September 26th meeting.

Moved/Seconded by Charlie Hodge/Chad Eliason THAT:

SILGA get a legal review of our constitution, bylaws and policies.


Moved/Seconded by Marg Spina/Mike Macnabb THAT:

The resolution report be received.


4.  Member Services, Education and Advocacy Committee – 1st Vice President Shelley Sim


·  The past year has been a very positive year with attention to updating committees, financials and procedures

·  The strategic plan is the working document

·  Website has been updated and looks great.

·  Suggestion to take some key points from the strategic plan to send out in newsletter

·  Advocacy has been successful for the mussels; noting that more can still be done

·  Finances are good form

·  Suggested that as we search for a host municipality for the conference that the offer is extended to Regional Districts and see about a collaborative effort.

·  Good response to our youth initiatives

·  Looking to hear about new issues that communities are facing

·  Issues in regards to forestry and resource extraction and the impact those activities have on communities

·  CO’s are also a concern to communities – where is the control?

·  Natural Resource Officers are also in demand

·  Above to be rolled into Destination BC noting the success of the campaign but activities are eroding what we value to be special


·  Health Minister

Update for GP for Me

·  Education

Discuss rural funding formula

·  Environment

CO’s, Natural Resource Officers

Ø  Staff to ask to meet with the Leader of the Opposition at UBCM


·  Education programs were well attended

·  Members have indicated interest in more education sessions

·  topics like “Best Practice at Meetings” and “Coles Notes for the Community Charter”

·  Minister meetings went well

·  Convention has been well received and viewed as good value members

·  Question asked in regards to should we have two education sessions or roll them into the SILGA conference. Suggestion has been to use this as an “ask” to the community


·  Suggesting a round table discussion


·  Suggesting to bring fire chief from small, medium and large communities to talk about how they are implementing the changes and the impacts it has on budgets, volunteers

·  Suggestion to make this a key issue to the NDP and their team

Moved/Seconded by Shelley Sim/Marg Spina THAT:

The member services, education and advocacy report be received.


5.  Communications Report – 1st Vice President Shelley Sim


·  Discussed doing a bi-annual newsletter with the intention of sharing information

·  September / March editions

·  Check out our new website

·  Send in your community photos

·  Update on the mussels

·  Save the date for the convention

·  Include a synopsis of SILGA resolutions and update from UBCM

·  Send the information to a designer and have them do it if staff can’t


·  It was discussed that board outreach could be revamped. Although there have been communities have been receptive to the slide show, some board members found the task onerous and challenging.

·  Slide show to be presented every second year; this would allow for fresh images and ideas to be presented.

·  The luncheon at SILGA is good opportunity to share information on the table (upcoming events, save the date for the convention).

·  The commitment to the newsletter and other communication is another venue to stay in touch.


·  Doing a good job using social media does take an investment of time. Directors Cavers and Thom have agreed to take this on.

·  It is agreed that any communication that comes out of SILGA will be informative without having a “political” slant or one-sided interest. We are excited to share positive news stories about our member communities and sharing the work and efforts of our executive and informing people about SILGA events and resolutions.

Moved/Seconded by Donovan Cavers /Keith Thom THAT:

The communications report be received.


6.  Nominations Report

·  Lengthy discussion as to when to have the Electoral Area Director vote. Should it remain with the table officers, although this position is not a table officer position, or should it be grouped with the Directors at Large. Equality and fairness come into play as often it is easier to get elected as a DAL then as a EAD.

·  However, should a Regional District Director be allowed to get on two ballots, while a municipal councilor does not have that option?

·  Staff to come back to executive with information on what other area associations nomination policies are.

Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Karla Kozakevich THAT:

The nomination report be received.


Date of Next Meeting – Sept 26, 2016 at UBCM


Moved/Seconded by Donovan Cavers /Keith Thom THAT:

At 1:00 pm the SILGA Executive Meeting of August 31, 2016 be adjourned.


Alison Slater

Executive Assistant