Legislative Committee Meeting

January 3, 2013

Members: Sue W. Larsen,Melissa Russell,Laurie Alt,George Cody, Barbara Rowe, Tim DeCarlo, Roger Autuori

Lobbyists: Audrey Wasik, Fred Krause

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sue Larsen at10:00.

George Cody reported that Carole Kleinfeld Young would like to see the Voting Technical Standards Board reestablished. It is still in the statutes even though the Board has been disbanded.

The committee discussed overvotes and wants the language to be clear about the intent of the voter. Larger cities may be able to assist with numbers of the unknown category. State that we are the only state that allows the overvote but absentee ballots may have to remain the same. SOTS feels this is too political and would rather do the ballot stating the number of votes per position.

The audit bill basis will be the bill from two years ago.

Peggy Reeves told Audrey Wasik that she would check the HAVA law to see if there are any implications that would impact our bill.

Tim DeCarlo reported on the subcommittee meeting on absentee ballots. The end result is that we need to have SOTS simply the reporting.

Melissa Russell and George Cody will work on the wording for enabling legislation for Poll Books. They will start by searching Title 9 for any wording. We have to make sure the language includes filing a hard copy of the official list after the election and it will be voluntary.

The committee divided the bills so that we could write testimony in advance of the public hearing to avoid last minute rushes to get testimony done.

Poll Books – Melissa & George

Overvotes – Roger & Laurie

CVR – Peter

Audits – Peter & Tim

Primary - Karen

We should meet with CCM to get support for some of our bills.

George Cody suggested we move the Coffee and reception to earlier in the session. Audrey thought that if we did that, the legislators may not have read the bills yet as they are still coming out of committees. We should at the least talk with the county chairs about carpooling, vans, any way making it easier for more to come. We will try to send individual notices to the legislators and maybe get the ROVs to contact their legislators to come.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35.

The next meeting will be February 7, 2013 in MIDDLEFIELD.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue W. Larsen