The Regular Board meeting of the Oklahoma State Board of Examiners for Long Term Care Administrators (OSBELTCA) was held February 27, 2013. The meeting location was at the Shepherd Mall Office Complex, 2401 NW 23rd, Ste 62, OSBELTCA Conference Room, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mr. Bill Weaver, Chair, presided over the meeting.
Mr. Bill Weaver, Chair, OK City
Mr. Bill Pierce, Vice-Chair, OK City
Ms. Susan Barnes, Sec-Treasurer, Marlow
Mr. Curtis Aduddell, OK City
Mr. Brett Coble, Ardmore
Ms. Pat Bean, OK City
Ms. Stacie Ware, Broken Arrow
Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Tulsa
Ms. Susan Haws, Glenpool
Ms. JackiMillspaugh, OK City
Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Tulsa
Ms. Denise Wilson, Langley
Ms. Nancy Atkinson, OK City
Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas, Executive Director
Ms. Brinda White, Assistant Attorney General
Ms. Ginger Dean
Ms. Pam Duren
Mr. Zachary Hake
Ms. Shelia Isenberg
Ms. Mary Brinkley
Dr. Mike Hopkins
Ms. Carey Hake
Dr. Gus Pekara
Mr. Barry Lewellen
Ms. Sue Wantland
Mr. Bill Weaver, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am and stated that we were in compliance with the Open Meeting Act and Authority.
Mr. Weaver asked Ms. Pam Duren to call roll to establish a quorum.
Present were Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson.
Mr. Weaver asked the public to introduce themselves to the Board members.
Motion was made by Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, seconded by Mr. Brett Coble, to approve the minutes of the 1-23-2013 meeting as submitted. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative –Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None. Recusing – Mr. Bill Weaver.
Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Chair of the Education Committee, gave the Education Committee report.
Mr. Aduddell led the review, discussion and possible action regarding granting the request of new potential licensees as Nursing Home Administrators.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Mr. Zachary Hake met the requirements for licensure as a Nursing Home Administrator in Oklahoma.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Ms. Susan Barnes, to approve Mr. Zackary Hake as a Nursing Home Administrator in Oklahoma. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative –Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Aduddell informed the Board that Ms. Shelia Isenberg met the requirements for licensure as a Nursing Home Administrator in Oklahoma.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Ms. Stacie Ware, to approve Ms. Shelia Isenberg as a Nursing Home Administrator in Oklahoma. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative –Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Licenses were presented at this time.
Mr. Aduddell led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the request of continuing education hours for the following seminars:
Tankersley Foodservice
Spring Food Show & Education Seminars
March 6, 2013, River Spirit Casino Event Center, Tulsa, OK
Requesting 4 hrs of CE
Ms. Susan Haws will monitor this program and bring back input to the Board.
Motion was made by Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, seconded by Mr. Brett Coble, to approve the aforementioned program. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
OK Dept of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
ORALA Spring Conference - 2013
Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills, Tulsa, OK
Requesting: March 26, 2013(6 hrs) March 27, 2013 (4 hrs)
Total of 10 hrs of CE
Motion was made by Ms. Susan Barnes, seconded by Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, to approve the aforementioned program. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, , Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce and Mr. Brett Coble. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. JackiMillspaugh,Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson.
Carl Albert State College
Techniques for Greater Administrator Success
Internet On-line Courses offered anytime between 3-1-2013 – 12-15-2013
Requesting: 6 - 3 Hr Courses with a Total of 18 hrs CE
Dr. Mike Hopkins was present and explained the procedure regarding the internet on-line courses and answered various questions of the Board members.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Ms. Susan Barnes, to approve the aforementioned program. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
OKC Downtown College Consortium
Norick Downtown Library, 300 Park Ave, OK City
Spring 2013 Long Term Care Adm CE – April 2, 2013
Requesting: 2 to 7 Hrs of CE
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Ms. Susan Haws, to approve the aforementioned program. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas, Executive Director, led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the request of Mr. Barry Lewallen to take the NAB exam one more time. Discussion followed.
Motion was made by Mr. Brett Coble, seconded by Ms. Susan Barnes, to approve the request of Mr. Barry Lewallen to take the NAB exam one more time. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Thomas led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the request to change the regularly scheduled Board meeting date from June 26, 2013 to June 19, 2013. Discussion followed.
Motion was made by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, seconded by Ms. Denise Wilson, to approve the request to change the regularly scheduled Board meeting date from June 26, 2013 to June 19, 2013. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Bill Weaver led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the appointments and reappointments of the committee chairs and committee members. There were handouts of the appointments and reappointments within the packets. Ms. Denise Wilson asked that her name be removed from the Probable Cause Committee. Discussion followed.
Motion was made by Mr. Brett Coble, seconded by Ms. Stacie Ware, to approve the appointments and reappointments of the committee chairs and committee members . Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the Report of the Probable Cause Committee.
Mr. Thomas reported that the Probable Cause Committee recommended that there was no probable cause regarding Case No. 12-88(H).
Motion was made by Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, seconded by Ms. Denise Wilson, to accept the recommendation of the Probable Cause Committee that there was no probable cause regarding the aforementioned case. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – Mr. Brett Coble.
Mr. Thomas reported that the Probable Cause Committee recommended that there was no probable cause regarding Case No. 12-97(H).
Motion was made by Ms. Susan Barnes, seconded by Ms. JackiMillspaugh, to accept the recommendation of the Probable Cause Committee that there was no probable cause regarding the aforementioned case. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble and Ms. Susan Haws. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. Denise Wilson.
Mr. Thomas reported that the Probable Cause Committee recommended that there was no probable cause regarding Case No. 13-04(H).
Motion was made by Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, seconded by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, to accept the recommendation of the Probable Cause Committee that there was no probable cause regarding the aforementioned case. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. JackiMillspaugh.
Mr. Thomas reported that the Probable Cause Committee recommended that there was no probable cause regarding Case No. 13-02(P).
Motion was made by Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, seconded by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, to accept the recommendation of the Probable Cause Committee that there was no probable cause regarding the aforementioned case. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Mr. Bill Weaver, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. JackiMillspaugh and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – Ms. Susan Hawes.
Mr. Thomas led the review, discussion and possible action regarding the certification of the following administrators who attended training on February 5, 2013 to become preceptors:
Tammy Dawes
Dwayne Hill
Vanessa Neal
Tim Potteiger
Scott Rogers
Motion was made by Mr. Bill Pierce, seconded by Ms. Stacie Ware, to approve the aforementioned list as Certified Preceptors. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Ms. Susan Barnes led the discussion regarding the Financial Report and stated that the financial summary was in the packet and that the Board was consistent and that we had a good solid budget.
Motion was made by Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, seconded by Mr. Curtis Aduddell, to approve the Finance Committee Report. Motion carried with voting as follows: Affirmative – Ms. Susan Barnes, Mr. Curtis Aduddell, Mr. Jim Jakubovitz, Ms. JackiMillspaugh, Ms. Pat Bean, Ms. Stacie Ware, Ms. Nancy Pfeifer, Mr. Brett Coble, Ms. Susan Haws, Mr. Bill Pierce, Mr. Bill Weaver and Ms. Denise Wilson. Negative – None. Abstaining – None.
Mr. Bill Pierce, Chair of the Rules Revision Committee, stated that there would be a rules committee meeting after the Board meeting.
Mr. Gaylord Z. Thomas, Executive Director, gave his report as follows:
1. NAB REVIEW: Held February 25 and 26; seemed to go well. Have scheduled Mr. Townsend back on July 15 & 16. Still looking for a similar RC/AL review and have heard that Dr. Hopkins (who participated in the original NAB test creation for RC/AL) may be conducting such a review and we may be hosting him in our conference room similar to how we host Mr. Townsend’s reviews.
2. LEGISLATION: As we have had no Legislative Chair, I thought I would give a brief update. I have been trying to track about 12 bills. Concerning the ones that are important to this Board, more of you need to be contacting your Senators and Representatives and the members of the pertinent committees. When I go, I let them know that I speak for the Board (when I have your position), however, there is a big difference when I speak alone and when you all speak with me. As a special note, SB852 (regarding the education requirement change for Nursing Home Administrators) went through committee and has already passed on the Senate Floor. I continue to learn about the legislative process myself.
3. AU: It has been very encouraging to see the class jam packed with 27 students. We did refer 8 additional students to the August class.
4. CEU AUDITS: So far, they’ve been going well; only one with a “shortage” in the 26 audits conducted so far. Planning to stop the audits at just over the required 5% (35) unless the Board directs us to do more or if we start to get an influx of more problems. We could be done with our audit notices by the next Board meeting (perhaps pending some final responses). This also includes background checks along with the the CEU audits.
a. We did have another CEU shortage not related to our random audits but from a late renewal (Tax Compliance issue) that required an audit for the renewal.
b. Per recent rules change, CEU audit issues such as this will result in a “final order” based on the rule and when it has been executed, I will inform the Board much the same way I inform the Board of Administrative closure of cases.
5. SCHEDULE: Our schedule, as always, is still very busy in the near future…
Mar 12 – RC and RC/AL State Standards Exam Review
Mar 13 – Adult Day Care Training/State Standards Exam
Mar 15 – RC and RC/AL State Standards Exams
Apr 10 – Preceptor Training scheduled
Apr 17 – NHA State Standards Exam
6. MET WITH DR. CLINE (OSDH): I had a meeting yesterday with Dr. Cline and Dr. Hartsell from the Health Department and we planned to touch on several pertinent topics. Among them (I wrote this prior to that meeting):
a. “Nursing Issues” and the referral of substandard tags to this Board. We intended to talk about a certification process for DONs in Oklahoma and about how to resolve so many of these “nursing issues” that our Board dismisses (out of the scope of the administrator) and our inability to know if the OBN received the same referral or not, etc. Many who have been involved with the Probable Cause process have noted this “weakness” in the system and the apparent lack of holding someone accountable and actually fixing some of these kinds of issues.
b. Survey team composition. The pros and cons of only “nurses” (and a Life Safety Code inspector) and the possible need for putting some “Administrators” on those teams.
There was discussion regarding the pros and cons of the nursing issues.
7. TRAVEL: A couple of years ago, I was selected and the Board allowed me to attend the first National Emerging Leaders Summit (NELS) in Washington, DC. Brett Coble also attended – that’s where we first met, actually. I’ve been invited to come back this year and participate as a panel member discussing some of the progressive things going on in the industry (such as our initiative to license RC, RC/AL and Adult Day Care administrators). I would be out of the office 1-2 days (travel) but it’s scheduled for the same day as our June Board meeting which is why I’m requesting a change to our June Board meeting date… I also plan to attend the NAB’s Annual Meeting (June 12-14) in Seattle, Washington. Would like to see another Board member go to the Seattle meeting if anyone is interested in getting involved with NAB as an “item writer” (particularly for the RC/AL exam) or as a “reviewer” reviewing continuing education requests. My travel is now paid for NAB (as a committee chair) and since we have budgeted for one meeting, I’m hoping we can get another Board member involved with NAB.
Mr. Thomas informed the Board that Ms. Susan Haws has shown interest in possibly attending the June 12-14, 2013 NAB meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,