December 15, 2006, Teleconference
Present:Grace Mickelson, Liz Harrison, Patty Solomon, Brenda Sawatsky-Girling, Theresa Sullivan, Celine Monette
Regrets:Andrea Burton, Kathy Copeman-Stewart
Item / Topic & Decisions / Action & Timeframe1.0 / Introductions.
Patty Solomon was welcomed as a new member
2.0 / Previous minutes – Nov 24/2006 reviewed.
3.0 / 3.1 Followup to CIHC Inaugural Meeting
Brenda updated committee on the Research Meeting and the CIHC Inaugural Meetings
-85 people attended inaugural meeting
-approximately 3/5 people attended each small group sessions including our session on KT
Liz updated committee on the KT sessions.
-Three sessions were held with key issues identified via flipchart and detailed note taking for two of the sessions. Linda Ferguson and Liz Harrison facilitated these sessions.
- A number of priorities were identified including:- Need for immediate connection with Phase 1 and 2 meetings.
Brenda commented that a number of initiatives have been advanced to achieve this goal: 1. the CIHC website currently has information related to the Phase 1 projects and Phase 2 will be up in the near future; 2. the project administrators have formed a group and this can greatly enhance communication between projects; 3. the research posters from the projects (presented at inaugural meeting) are now posted on the CIHC website.
-Another priority discussed was that the KT sub-committee could provide input to a good KT Toolkit for projects, others involved in IPE / Action: Harrison to compile summary of key issues identified in KT sessions during the day for committee members. This information will be posted on the CIHC KT Sub-committee protected portion of the website. A copy of Janet Helmer’s KT presentation is already posted on the CIHC website (this will also be posted in the KT sub-committee site)
4.0 / Role of KT Consultant
-Brenda discussed how Andrea Burton’s work as KT consultant will connect with CIHC and her liaison with KT sub-committee. On Dec 14 Andrea presented a draft document on a CIHC Dissemination Strategy. An example of some key issues that are being considered:
-Publication – how to acknowledge IPE collaborative publications (strategies will be presented)
-Need for Key Messages – For CIHC; For each Project – what are the key messages (considering an approach that relates these to primary goals) Discussion ensued that it will be important to identify key audiences/target groups – for example Patty mentioned recently third party insurers had interest in IPE) It is obvious that policy makers are important to target early (Theresa pointed out this fits well with our earlier discussion about micro/meso
Brenda also discussed that the KT Tool Kit may include the dissemination strategy as a component.
- Andrea will be redrafting the dissemination strategy and this will be forwarded to the KT committee. / Action: It will be important for KT sub-committee to link with the Partners sub-committee to discuss target groups as this is key to identifying our strategy
(Brenda will bring this item forward to the next Partners meeting and suggest that Grace, Liz and Brenda have a joint meeting with the Parnters Chair and/or others in the sub-committee)
Action: Brenda will ask Andrea to provide a short bio for our committee members to understand her background (she has much experience and will be an outstanding resource for the KT sub-committee)
6.0 / KT Background Information
- We will use the password protected KT sub-committee site for our committee documents.
- When we move to more public access to KT information on the website that we must be focus on IPE versus general information on KT (we can certainly include links to other organizations as there are excellent resource in KT )
Additional item:
Sue Beardal (Health Canada) is pulling together a package of information that she can have available for meetings with key policy makers in government. As this is an immediate need it was suggested that Brenda use KT sub-committee members to provide input. Brenda will be circulating a document and asking the sub-committee members to provide input/feedback.
Meeting schedule was reviewed. It was recognized that we will need to engage our committee members through various forums as not everyone will be able to participate in the conference calls.
Brenda also suggested that the CIHC website will have ability to have interactive forums. We will discuss the issue of “communicating” with KT sub-committee to ensure feedback/input at next meeting. Anyone with ideas of best methods (bulletin boards, blogs, etc) please bring forward for next meeting
Meeting Schedule:
Please make note of the time in your time zone
(8:30 pst / 9:30 mst / 10:30 cst / 11:30 est / 12:30 ast)
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
May 25
June 22
July 27
August 24
September 28
October 26
November 23
December 21 *
*moved due to holiday / Action: The CIHC website KT sub-committee will use the password protected site to store our documents for now.
Action: Minutes will be sent via e-mail with all e-mail addresses attached and we will include meeting schedule with each of the minutes.
Action: All committee members do have their password information for CIHC (Brenda will check with Patty and Ivy as they will need access)
Action: Grace will follow-up with Juliet Ho (CIHC secretariat support) as she will be taking on the administrative duties related to our sub-committee meetings (ie. meeting agendas, sending out information, organization).
(Thanks to Sarah Titcomb for doing this activity during our start up)
CIHC KT CommitteeMINUTES, 11-24-061