Principals OHS eLearning Update

Welcome to the OHS eLearning Update page. This page is designed to provide Principals and Management OHS Nominees with specific advice and assistance on the OHS eLearning program.

The Employee Safety and Wellbeing Branch will update this page when required to ensure the latest information is available.For the 2015, Term 2 eLearning program Principals are asked to:

  • inform all staff of the requirement to complete their assigned eLearning modules by 30 June 2015
  • contactstaff with the relevant specialist roles notifying them that they are required to complete specialist eLearning modules by 30 June 2015
  • complete the specialist eLearning modules(if applicable to the risk profile of the school). For example Principals in secondary schools offering Materials Technology should complete the Technology Safety eLearning module
  • utilisethe OHS Management System OHS Training Planner/Registertoplan and record completed eLearning modules.Assistance with the OHS Training Planner/Register is available by contacting the OHS Advisory Service (see contact details below)
  • citecertificates from staffthat have completed their assigned eLearning modules. This is currently the preferred waypending further upgrades to the Learning Management System.

Additional information:

  • Please note that the target audience examples listed in the updated OHS eLearning Schedule (below) are only indications. If you identify employees that would also benefit from the training they can access the modules in the Health and Safety section of the course catalogue on the Learning Management System (LMS) Dashboard.
  • Detailed instructions on how to access the Specialist OHS eLearning Modules are available inSection 4.0 in the Guide to the Learning Management System (LMS) in the OHS Induction and Training section of the DET OHS Management System.
  • The Guide to the LMSassistsemployees who have forgotten passwordsand contains a Trouble Shooting Guide.
  • Further OHS advice and support is available by contacting the DET OHS Advisory Service on 1300 074 715 or email
  • Further Workers’ Compensation advice and support is available by contacting the DET Workers’ Compensation Advisory Service on 03 9637 2441 or email


Module Name / Target Audience / OHS eLearning Modules on LMS Course Catalogue / Completion by:
Asbestos Management / Principals
Asbestos Coordinator (to be directed by Principal/Manager) / December 2013 / 21 April 2014
OHS for Employees / DET employees, excluding Principals and Managers / December 2013 / 21 April 2014
OHS for Managers and Principals / Principals
Managers / December 2013 / 21 April 2014
RTW Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities / Principals
Employees that are part of RTW process (to be directed by Principal/Manager) / December 2013 / 21 April 2014
Contractor Management / Principals
Employees that are part of Contractor Management process (to be directed by Principal/Manager) / May 2014 / 14 July 2014
Ergonomics / All DETemployees including Principals and Managers / May 2014 / 14 July 2014
Hazard and Incident Reporting / All DET employees including Principals and Managers / May 2014 / 14 July 2014
Manual Handling / All DET employees including Principals and Managers / May 2014 / 14 July 2014
Module Name / Target Audience / OHS eLearning Modules on LMS Course Catalogue / Completion by:
Slips, Trips and Falls / All DET employees including Principals and Managers / October 2014 / 30 June 2015
Emergency Management (Treasury Precinct) / VPS Managers
VPS Employees
Contractors (at Treasury Precinct) / October 2014 / 30 June 2015
Chemical Management / Principals to direct module to relevant staff
Employees using or purchasing hazardous substances and/or dangerous goods i.e. Teaching staff in these curriculum areas:
-Materials Technology,
Support staff:
-Laboratory Technicians,
-First Aid Officers / October 2014 / 30 June 2015
Technology Safety / Principals to direct module to relevant staff
Employees using or purchasing Plant and Equipment i.e.
Teaching staff in these curriculum areas:
-Materials Technology,
Support staff:
-Maintenance Personnel / October 2014 / 30 June 2015
Understanding and Following SWP / Principals to direct module to relevant staff
Employees using or purchasing Plant and Equipment i.e.
Teaching staff in these curriculum areas:
-Materials Technology,
Support staff:
-Maintenance Personnel / October 2014 / 30 June 2015
Module Name / Target Audience / NeweLearning OHS Modules to LMS Course Catalogue / Completion by:
Workers’ Compensation Claims Management for Workplace Managers / Principals
Employees that are part of the Workers’ Compensation process (to be directed by Principal/Manager) / April 2015 / 30 June 2015