This form and evidence is to be sent to the Head of School /College as soon as possible.

A copy of this form and evidence should also be sent to the Academic Registry for information at .

Please find further information concerning this process in the Academic Offences section of the Academic Regulations 2017-18, Section 12.1 – Academic Offences page 72-76.

Student Details
1 / Full Name: / 2 / Student ID Number:
3 / School/College: / 4 / Course of study:
5 / Name of Personal Tutor: / 6 / Name of Course Leader:
7 / Current level of study:
☐Level 4
☐Level 5
☐Level 6
☐Level 7 / 8 / Level of study when work presented:
☐Level 4
☐Level 5
☐Level 6
☐Level 7
9 / Direct Entry on course?
Module details
10 / Module Code:
Module Title:
Core Module?: ☐ Yes ☐ No
Assessment Weighting (e.g. 40/60):
Type of Offence: Coursework ☐ Exam ☐
Assessment: A1☐A2☐A3☐A4☐A5☐ / 11 / Module Leader:
Course/Module Administrator:
12 / Previous offences
13 / Name of member of staff making the allegation: / 14 / Name of marker to return work to after process completed:
15 Evidence Checklist
Coursework /
  1. Percentage of the coursework that has allegedly been copied (to include level on Turnitin report):
  1. Is the student’s original work included?
  2. Is a copy of the assessment question included?
  3. Is the source document/Turnitin report (in colour) included?
  4. Does the source document have the relevant passages highlighted and cross-referenced with original work?
/ %
☐ ☐ ☐
☐ ☐ ☐
☐ ☐ ☐
☐ ☐ ☐
☐ ☐ ☐
Exam / 1. Is the Invigilator’s report included?
2. Is the question paper included?
3. Is the evidence included? / YES NO N/A
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
Further Information / 1. Are there any contrasts between the result in this assessment and the student’s previous level of achievement?
2. Has plagiarism been explained to the student?
3. Has the student attended referencing skills sessions?
4. Viva minutes included?
6. Other evidence to support the allegation(please specify below): / YES NO N/A
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
☐ ☐☐
16 Allegation and Statement
(Please provide as detailed a statement as possible to include why an academic offence has been suspected, if any personal interview has been held, what was said, and any other advice given to the student to prevent plagiarism.)
Note: Lack of a statement will result in the case being returned to you for completion
Staff member making allegation (print name): Signature:
Date completed:
Date sent to Head of School/College:
Date copy sent to Academic Registry:
For Head of School/College Use
17 / Date case received: / 18 / Further evidence required?
19 / Nature of previous Academic Offence:
Poor Academic Practice ☐ First Offence ☐ Major Offence ☐ / 20 / If Major Offence, date sent to Academic Registry:
21 / Major Offence
Reason for processing Academic Offence at this stage:
For Academic Registry Use
1 / Date pack received: / 2 / Further evidence required?
3 / Stage at which Academic Offence is to be processed:
First Offence ☐ Date of meeting: Date outcome letter sent:
Major Offence ☐ Date of meeting: Date outcome letter sent:
Reason for processing at the stage selected above: