OhioMHAS Access to Recovery

Handbook Amendment

Year 3 Memorandum

July 14, 2017

This memorandum is designed to augment the existing ATR handbook with additional items, policies and processes. Please note these updates are not intended to replace but to augment the requirement to adhere to the information listed in the ATR handbook.

General Updates

·  ATR is no longer accepting provider applications.

·  ATR calendar has been updated, keep in mind the ATR 101’s are now MANDATORY along with the Quarterly Meetings. We have reduced the 101’s to once a quarter.

·  As of August 1, 2017, the previous bio-psycho-social assessment requirement will be waived. The potential ATR clients will complete the CAGE Screening Tool identifying that the client has a positive screening for drug abuse/misuse along with the Recovery Support Screening Tool to identify the need for recovery supports. The VMS system is currently being updated to accommodate this request.


·  Client incentive gift cards for completing the 6 month follow up may exceed $10 up to but not to exceed $30.

·  All benefit coordination agencies will be responsible for increasing the GPRA percentage.

Increased ATR Access

·  New benefit coordination agencies are open and able to accept ATR referrals;

o  Stark County: CommQuest

o  Columbiana: Family Recovery Center

o  Summit: pending

o  Franklin: pending

o  Lorain: Let’s Get Real

Billing and Allocations

·  ATR is payer of last resort.

·  The agencies that identified closed vouchers from ATR Fiscal Year 2 have been opened and there is a window of 7 days to submit the billing requests.

·  During the third and possibly final year of the ATR grant (pending a no cost extension) no billing requests for reimbursement submitted outside of the posted windows listed in the VMS will be accepted. Please adhere to the billing calendar for details.

·  There is not a future opportunity to re-open vouchers. Please bill prior to the end of the voucher date, and benefit coordinators please communicate with the providers prior to closing vouchers.

·  All Year 3 allocations will be reduced July 31, 2017 to meet the required funding limitations of the year 3 funding. (Ohio was not able to request the carry over funds at this time. If Ohio can request the funds we will increase the allocations).

·  Please reconcile the receipt of reimbursement payments each payment cycle there will be no opportunity to go back after the Ohio ATR funds are exhausted.

·  Follow the description instructions on the updated Rate Sheet (attached).

Peer Support

·  All ATR approved agencies interested in providing peer support must adhere to the following items;

o  The agency cannot be a Medicaid billable agency

o  The agency must designate a supervisor that meets the Peer support supervision requirements and that has taken the 4 hour OhioMHAS face to face Peer support supervision training and the 16 hours of E-Based Academy courses.

o  The peers delivering the service must be credentialed

o  The agency must abide by all ATR specific funding policies and procedures

·  If your agency has completed the above-mentioned process, please indicate that by identifying the following to the OhioMHAS ATR staff in writing:

o  A statement that your agency is not a Medicaid billable agency

o  The certificate of completion provided at the Supervisor Training

GAP Funds

Please refer to the attached GAP Fund Policy. The new GAP funds discussed are on hold pending Ohio receiving the additional funds.

·  GAP Funds can only be issued when individuals are engaged with at least one of the following; recovery support services, drug court, and/or treatment.

Recovery Housing

·  Please ensure the ATR recovery housing vouchers are opened for individuals that are unable to cover the cost of the rent and the agency is not accepting reimbursement from both ATR and another source of funds including but not limited to payments made by the resident, resident’s family, or other payer source.

·  All ATR funded Recovery Housing agencies must be ORH compliant by January 1, 2018 to continue receiving ATR funds. No exceptions.

·  Please ensure all recovery housing addresses have received an ATR site visit before you can utilize the address to provide any ATR funded recovery housing services.

ATR Liaison added to the Northeast County Region

OhioMHAS will move forward with partnering with a local benefit coordinator agency to provide direct support to the ATR providers and system. OhioMHAS intended to open this opportunity to all of the ATR counties, however, with the carry over request on hold we had resources for only one liaison. The decision was made to provide direct support in the region that has the most enrolled ATR participants (Northeast Ohio; Cuyahoga, Summit, Stark, Columbiana, Mahoning) while OhioMHAS staff will continue to provide direct support to the Central and Southern ATR counties; Hamilton, Franklin and Montgomery. More information will be disseminated about the agency.