February 21, 2018, 8:00a.m.


The Board of Education of Ohio County met in special session on Wednesday,February 21, 2018, called to order by Ms. Carder, Board President Pro Tem in the absence of Mr. Abraham, Board President, at 8:03a.m., in the Board Room of the Board of Education offices at 2203 National Road, Wheeling, West Virginia, for the purpose of General Business.

BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Mr. Zachary T. Abraham, President, (via teleconference),Mr. Timothy B. Birch, Ms. Christine N. Carder,Ms. Sarah C. Koegler, Mr. Shane M. Mallett,and Dr. Kimberly S. Miller,Superintendent

GUESTS ATTENDING: Mr. Mark Fetty, Representativefrom American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Ms. Elaine Sedilko, Ohio County Education Association (OCEA) President, and Mr. Jerry Ames, West Virginia School Service Personnel Association (WVSSPA) Vice President, and Ohio County Schools Service Personnel Association (OCSSPA) President


Dr. Miller thanked all the guests for attending the board meeting, and Mr. Fetty, Ms. Sedilko, and Mr. Ames representing our local associations. Dr. Miller stated on Monday, February 19, 2018, Dr. Steven Paine, West Virginia State Superintendent of Schools, called a meeting of the Superintendents to discuss the current situation in legislature. She stated at that time, the Superintendents worked together to come up with a plan to allow an opportunity for our teachers and service personnel employees to put a plan together to work with our local legislators to make a change. The issues at hand are higher salary and better benefits. She said they came together to work and have a unified plan across the state. Dr. Miller stated it was decided by the Superintendents that if a settlement was not made by Wednesday, February 21, 2018, they would allow Thursday, February 22 and Friday, February 23, 2018, as a cool-off period time that they can work with the government and the legislators. She said the decision was also made to not cancel one-time events for our students. The State Wrestling Tournament and other events that are taking place in the state that could not be moved will take place. Dr. Miller stated the administration met with all our principals yesterday, and gave them target points to talk about to their staff so everybody would be on the same page. Dr. Miller stated on Monday, February 26, 2018, we are planning to work a regular schedule with everybody together. She said student safety is number one, and they are asking employees who are not planning to work on Monday to use the callout system so we can continually monitor who is planning on coming to work and who is not planning on attending that day. A call to cancel school could be made if that is what is in the best interest of our students. Dr. Miller stated at no time do we want students standing at a bus stop with no bus driver coming, or children going to Wheeling Park High School with no adequate supervision. She said we will err on the side of safety. Dr. Miller stated they understand that this is illegal, and an injunction may occur in the near future, which is an act that would force the Superintendent to force employees to come to work. She said the administration will work very closely with our teachers, service personnel, and representatives. Our teachers have been respectful to one another, and we all want to do what is best. Dr. Miller stated our teacher salaries are ranked 48th in the country, and we want to do our best to support them for higher salary and better benefits. Dr. Miller called upon the representatives to speak.

Ms. Sedilko thanked Dr. Miller for her cooperation and gave an update for Monday, February 26, 2018. She stated the AFT, OCEA, and OCSSPA met last night, and the next step would be a “rolling action walkout” which means different counties would walkout on different days. She said this may not be on Monday, but could be on different days the next two weeks. This would be done in order to avoid an injunction. Ms. Sedilko stated the 1% salary thatlegislators proposed was “a slap in the face which amounts to $1,” and she is a Reading Specialist. She said other items on the table other than salary and benefits were taking away seniority, choice of payroll deduction for the association members which they would have to sign every year, and taking money away from public education for charter schools and vouchers. Ms. Sedilko stated the situation has been stressful, but everyone is working together the best they can. She said the students are number one priority.

Mr. Fetty stated one of the other reasons why they were talking about rolling walkouts was because if that occurred, it would not be so damaging as if they did an entire state walkout. He said it would be a few counties here and there that would be adding a day to the end of the year. Mr. Fetty said his big concern is food for the children. He said he knows there are community efforts going on, and he is looking into that today. Some of the teachers will be volunteering at those places. Dr. Miller stated Ms. Renee Griffin, Ohio County Schools Child Nutrition Director, will be notifying the Soup Kitchen of the situation. Ms. Griffin said they will be giving extra food out to the students today.

Mr. Ames stated he has followed the legislators in Charleston. He said last night the House did pass the amendment for teachers and service personnel (House Bill 267), which gives teachers 2-1-1 percent raise and the service personnel 2-1-1 percent raise along with the State Police. He believed what happened was that the teachers were still upset because they actually had 5% at one time with 2-1-1-1 percent, which the legislators took away and the House concurred with that decision. Mr. Ames stated the vote was very close last night at 53-43, but some of the teachers are still upset, and have to deal with the cost of renewing their certifications. He said they appreciate what Dr. Miller and the administration have done keeping the lines of communication open. Mr. Ames stated they want to thank the board, Dr. Miller, and the administration for working with them through this situation. He said someone was on the phone on the Steve Novotney Show worried about food for the students, and Mr. Ames gave his cell phone number to call, and said that he would get volunteers to help serve the children or whatever they needed.

Ms. Sedilko reported on how they were handling the picket line protocol. She said there would be captains at each school with protocol on where to stand. They may be lining where businesses are, National Road, and 29th Street in different shifts during the regular school day. She said they will be professional on how they act, the way they speak, and what they write on signs. It will be civil, professional, and appropriate. Ms. Carder was concerned about the safety of students at Wheeling Park High School who want to support their teachers on the picket line. Mr. Fetty and Ms. Sedilko said they are concerned about students’ safety and they will be protected.

Ms. Koegler asked what the associations are actually aiming for, and what would it take. Ms. Sedilko stated the two most important items along with seniority and payroll deduction were that they want PEIA insurance to be funded, and not just freezing PEIA as they proposed, and a 5% salary increase. They want to keep highly qualified teachers in West Virginia, and there are approximately 727 teacher vacancies in the state. Mr. Abraham asked if PEIA insurance was being addressed, and the change of premiums to be based on wellness. Mr. Ames stated GO 365 was proposed, and the governor wanted everyone to wear a Fitbit. He said the governor dropped that idea, and House Bill 4341 was developed based on the 5% excise tax on gas that was going out of West Virginia, and changing that to 7.5% with the extra 2.5% dedicated to PEIA for insurance. Mr. Abraham stated the wellness component is important and drives the cost of health insurance. He said you would not see the return of results on wellness for about 3-5 years, but it is important that wellness gets fostered into the bill. Mr. Fetty noted wellness is invasive to peoples’ privacy, as well as HIPPA regulations. Mr. Abraham stated he is aware of that, but there are ways around that, and this is his concern that he wants them to take back to their representatives.

Ms. Carder stated the board has agreed to support the teachers the next two days on Thursday and Friday, February 22 and 23, 2018. They hope there will be a resolution by the weekend. She said the board will work closely with the associations as much as possible, as long as it does not continue to affect the students. Mr. Abraham thanked Mr. Fetty, Ms. Sedilko, and Mr. Ames for working through the situation.

Ms. Koegler inquired about the concern of families making the choice of going to work or leaving their kids home unsupervised. She asked if any of our community partners are offering any services. Mr. Ames stated he believed the YMCA was offering services. Ms. Raquel McLeod, Ohio County Schools Director of Student Services, stated the multi agencies got together and sent out a flyer on the different camps and food pantries in the area that will be distributed today to every student. She said Mr. Gabe Wells, Ohio County Schools Communications Director, will put this information on our website, and the principals will put it on their social media.

Dr. Miller gave a quick summary and said hopefully by the end of today there will be a resolution. She stated if there is no resolution, Ohio County Schools will move forward with the rest of the counties and will close on Thursday and Friday, February 22 and 23, 2018. She said one time extra-curricular events will still take place as plannedand instructional minutes will be made up from these two days. Dr. Miller stated a callout will be made to keep everyone informed. She thanked everyone for attending the board meeting, and appreciated our community members who came, and said it was obvious they care a great deal about what the school system is doing and how we are moving forward with this situation. Dr. Miller stated we will always put safety of the students first.


There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjournedby Ms. Carderat 8:55a.m.