given by Mrs Melanie Odell
22nd January 2005
Charity Burns Night Supper, Haslemere Hall
Oh thou who strives wi’ might an’ main
In Scotia’s tongue, but strives in vain
Take comfort, thou art no thy lane
In failed endeavour
I meikle trouble too have ta’en
Succeeding never!
Sae, Victor thou’ thy name belie
The ruin that both you an’ I
Have suffered as we vainly try
To win the battle
The de’il tak Rabbie an’ forbye
His bizz and brattle
Tho’ kimmers scoff an’ gillies glare
My mither tongue I’ll no forswear
Nor to you blinkin’ bard of Ayr
Serve as a lackey!
Nor do I reck the stony stare
of Mister Mackie!
O’ there’s bin spak of this great bard
So many lasssies fund him hard
To tame, to keep his high regard
Except dear Jeannie
These flickering giglets held nae card
Only Jeannie
She rais’d the weannies, hers or not
She cooked, she cleaned, worked as a stot
An’ so we see the thanks she got
A poem cannie
For all her toil she got a lot
Becam a Grannie
But modern man, tak heed, be mindfu’
That lassies nae are maur a handfu’
Your phraising is nae du a lapfu’
Ye’ll have to beg
And whan ye’re really really sinfu’
Expect a fleg!
Nae maur your feckless drunken chatter
Nae maur your flether or your clatter
Nae maur your promises that matter
I see’d your sooth
Nae siller bring wi’ all your patter
Ye’ll slip forsooth
Us dizzie lassies ken our needs
So laddies nou shu’ld tak great heed
Be strappin’ , wordy, trim o’ deed
Nae Hornie in ye
But braw an’ bauld your bairns to feed
So nau ye see
Tis simple wark, e’en fau a man
One – we canna read a plan
Or map – tis just beyond our ken
Dinna ask it
And whan we share a problem men
Dinna solve it
The toilet seat – just put it doon
It wuld not cost ye half a crown
But it wuld sav ye many a frown
Just do it
And dinna pinch the eiderdown
Leave us a bit
Your sports and games are full and fair
But so is shopping we declare
Ye tak us oot, we wanna care
To look the piece
Wi’ notting new, our brats we’ll wear
An full of crease
An’ whan we’re runckled wi’ your ramblin’
And we fall silent, almost tremblin’
What’s wrong ye beg, wi’ little thinkin’
Nothing we sae
Beneath that word, if said wi’ glowering
We’re full o’ wae
An’ if ye fund us quietly sobbing
Forfairn and faughten, rarely stopping
Reck ye afor ye come in happin’
The saul is brack
So be a man an’ stop us grievin’
Tis jus a knack
Be couthie, crousely, cozie too
There’s many a thing ye lads can do
To keep a lass ye must us woo
Till gloaming falls
And then forever we’ll be true
Till forbears call
Ye talk o’ ribs, twas Adam’s loss
An’ prime o’ course t’ mak a boss
You did forsure mak your own cross
On which to siffa
But if ye truly give a toss
Ye’ll have a lover
So chieftain o’ the Waverley clan
In Haslemere so oft ye stan’
Nae party noo will tye your hand
We welcome ye
And hope on cuts ye’ll tak a stand
On arts, on sport on economy!
Sae Victor thou our present Mayor
A toast to ye and Janet fair
An’ highland James, a spirit rare
In our communion
An’ let the torch o’ friendship flare
In Burns reunion.