The Activities on these Portfolio Pages correspond with the learning objectives of the Guided Learning unit published in Nursing Times 104: 28 (15 July 2008) and 104; 29 (22 July 2008). The full reference list for this unit follows Activity 4.
Before starting to work through these Activities, save this document onto your computer, then print the completed work for your professional portfolio. Alternatively, simply print the pages if you prefer to work on paper, using extra sheets as necessary.
Recording your continuing professional education
To make your work count as part of your five days’ CPD for each registration period, make a note in the box below of the date and the total number of hours you spent on reading the unit and any other relevant material, and working through the Activities.
Hours: / Date:11
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 1
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryACTIVITY 1
Learning objective: Understand the rationale for offering surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for patients with colorectal cancer.
Activity: Explain the reasons for different treatment choices in individual patients.
RESPONSEBegin your response here.
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 1
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery11
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 1
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryACTIVITY 2
Learning objective: Know the possible side-effects that patients may experience in the first 12 weeks after surgery.
Activity: Describe the difficulties that could be experienced by the following patients in the first 12 weeks after colorectal cancer surgery:
· A 45-year-old man with three children, self-employed as a plumber who requires an anterior resection and anastomosis;
· A 87-year-old woman who lives alone who requires a left hemicolectomy
rESPONSEBegin your response here.
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery3
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery3
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 3
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryACTIVITY 3
Learning objective: Understand important nursing actions when preparing patients for discharge following colorectal cancer surgery.
Activity: Mary Green,* aged 75, is anxious about returning to her second-floor flat. It is three days since she had a sigmoid colectomy from which she has recovered well, although she still feels tired and sore. She is going home in two days’ time. Explain how you would address her concerns and describe what care you might offer to increase her confidence before discharge.
* The patient’s name has been changed.
RESPONSEBegin your response here.
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 4
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 4
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryACTIVITY 4
Learning objective: Know the key professionals nurses should liaise with before discharge.
Activity: List the various members of the multidisciplinary team and professionals from outside agencies with whom nurses should liaise over discharge planning.
RESPONSEBegin your response here.
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 5
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryFULL REFERENCE LIST
Bailey, C. et al (2004) Older patients' experiences of treatment for colorectal cancer: an analysis of functional status and service use. European Journal of Cancer Care; 13: 5, 483-493.
Camilleri-Brennan, J., Steele, R.J. (1998) Quality of life after treatment for rectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery; 85: 8, 1036-43.
Cardy, C., Taylor, K. (2003) Colorectal cancer - development of a nurse-led follow-up clinic. Cancer Nursing Practice; 2: 7. 25-29.
Desnoo, L., Faithfull, S. (2005). A qualitative study of anterior resection syndrome: the experiences of cancer survivors who have undergone resection surgery. European Journal of Cancer Care; 15: 3, 244-251.
Erwin-Toth, P. (2006) Ostomy care/rehabilitation in colorectal cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing; 22: 3, 174–177.
Hughes, L.C. et al (2000) Information needs of elderly postsurgical cancer patients during the transition from hospital to home. Journal of Nursing Scholarship; 32: 1 , 25–30.
Jephcott, C. et al (2004) Quality of life after non-surgical treatment of anal carcinoma: A case control study of long-term survivors. Clinical Oncology; 16: 530-535.
King, P.M. et al (2006) The influence of an Enhanced Recovery Programme on clinical outcomes, costs and quality of life after surgery for colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease; 8: 6, 506-513.
Knowles, G. et al (2007) Developing and piloting model of follow-up in the multidisciplinary management of colorectal cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 11: 224–225.
Long, A.F. et al (2002) The role of the nurse within the multi-professional rehabilitation team. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 37: 1, 70-78.
Suhonen, R. et al (2005) Patients’ informational needs and information received do not correspond in hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing;14:10, 1167–1176.
Taylor, C. (2007) Restoring embodied control: the process of recovery after curative surgery for colorectal cancer. Unpublished PhD thesis, King’s College, London.
Taylor, C., Norton, C. (1999) Information booklets for patients with major bowel resection. British Journal of Surgery; 9: 12, 785-89.
Ulander, K. et al (1997) Quality of life and independence in activities of daily living preoperatively and at follow-up in patients with colorectal cancer. Support Care Cancer; 5: 402-409.
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 5
hospital discharge after colorectal surgery
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 5
hospital discharge after colorectal surgeryFig 1. stages of bowel cancer
Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Preparing for Hospital Discharge after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer 5