Parish Council Meeting11th July 2016

Present :Chairman C Davis, Vice-Chairman R Broome, Parish Councillors T Flower, S Landfear and L Dyas.

Also presentCounty Councillor S Barker, District Councillor M Colclough together with 2 Parishioners

Apologies –Cllrs.M Simmons and D. Smith

Declarations – Members to declare any interests in matters for Discussion.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting13th June 2016 - Approved and signed by the Chairman

County Councillor - Cllr. Barker commented on the Devolution Bid which will change as negotiations continue and could mean more control for local areas although the money pot will not increase.

District Councillor – Cllr. Colclough commented on awards for two major projects – Teignmouth Pavillions and SDUTC. A new fixed penalty of £400 for Fly-tipping has been introduced but given the cost of hiring Skips to dispose of waste this could be insufficient as a deterant.

Planning –

2.1 –Planning Applications –16/01705/FUL Furze Moor West Ogwell – Agricultural Building – a standard steel framed timber storage building next to existing barns – no adverse comment.

16/0322/FUL Linhay Hill Quarry Ashburton – Extension to existing Quarry – Consultation as our Area is an alternative source of Stone supply – the proposed extension would give another 60 years on the Ashburton site and would probably alleviate pressure on West Ogwell for a considerable period and will continue to give significant employment in the area so for that reason as well as in our own interests we make no adverse comments.

16/01710/FUL 16 Westwood Rd – First floor extension on west elevation to include first floor windows on south and north elevations and Juliet Balcony on west elevation – This is a re-application previously turned down because of design and placing of windows which has now been addressed – no adverse comments.

37 Luxton Rd – update - Retrospective planning consent has been given for the Timber shed.

2.2 Forest School and Playground on Green maintenance – We agreed to renew the Forest Bark at a cost of £700-£850 for 9 tonnes – three quotes being obtained, go ahead with best quote. Re Forest School agreed Simon will strim where necessary otherwise Pre-School will do initial work and maintain.

2.3Meeting with Linden Homes and Teignbridge - Chairman to chase TDC re Linden Homes and Cllrs Landfear and Dyas will follow up on 106 monies.

is to submit a detailed Plan of Action to Teignbridge on their revised Plans for the we

2.4 Power on the Green – Meeting with Western Power for re-quote 20amp supply off top pole (could go up to 80amp) underground access including road crossing and duct for £1,686.48 and we sort out trench to cabinet. Proposed to accept this price Cllr Landfear, seconded by Cllr Dyas and all agreed. Cllr Flower will meet Eric Hannaford re digging trench – to be done once duct is in place.

3.Paths and Highways

3.1 Update re Cycle Route– There is £90K available from Ogwell Brook Development towards route from Larks mead to Newton Abbot but it will cost a lot more than that plus will need to get National Trust agreement for part of route.

3.2 Reynell Road – Gravel in road - agreed to send notes to householders asking them to sweep back gravel as Parishioners with Mobility problems had raised a concern.

3.3 Ogwell and Holbeam Bridlepaths - Green Lanes and Bridleways around the Parish are in a poor state of repair with large water filled ruts etc. Contacted Ros Davies as DCC is responsible. Jonathan Rowlands has costed repairs which are prohibitively expensive – will try to come up with some ideas.


4.1Report and update- Re Website Proposed by Cllr Broome seconded by Cllr. Flower and all agreed an initial budget of £200 to upgrade site and allow for some training as we now have an obligation to post information on the Website.

4.2 Basecamp – consideration of usage and cost - In the absence of Cllr. Simmons who was to provide the information this discussion is deferred to the next meeting.

5. Democracy

5.1 Finance Report –Cheques written since last Meeting and confirmed– Simon Jones 480.00 Grass cutting, R Hannaford £765.60 Stipend, HMRC £191.40 Tax & NI re Stipend, Ogwell Memorial Hall £56.00 Hire of room for Meetings, TDC £81.64 Emptying Dog Bins, SW Water £24.07 re Toilet Block – comment on improvement to monthly cost since water saving work carried out.

QuarterlyAccounts Quarterly figures produced for period 1/4/2016 to 30/06/2016 Discussed and approved. On-line Banking was discussed and Clerk to get information from our bankers, Lloyds Bank to consider at a future meeting.

5.2 Neighbourhood Plan Update–Meeting July 14th will be in the Memorial Hall.

5.3 TALC Meeting No new meeting to report on since last PC Meeting.

5.4 Solar Farm – Community Benefit Payment - the hard copy of the signed deed was returned to Martifer Solar U K Ltdin February 2016 and the payment of £19,152.54 is still awaited despite several chasers. The Chairman is in consultation with Kate Corvil of ORTA Solar and Freeths Solicitors to expedite payment. This remains the situation and several emails have elicited no response.

5.5 Casual Vacancies We have not received any notification that a by-election is required so can go ahead with co-opting any candidates. We have had contact via the web-site from a John Warnes who stated that he would like to be considered as a Parish Councillor. He gave no other information and I replied by email that he would be welcome at today’s Meeting to meet the Councillors and tell us why he wished to be a Councillor – he didn’t show. Cllr. Simmons has mentioned Brian Penfold who is involved with the Fair Committee and we will ask him to attend our next meeting.

6.Any Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman

6.1.Possible use of Canada Hill School for occaisional venue for PC Meetings to be explored and details of availability and cost to be considered.

6.2 Play Area at Dawes Close This Play Area is now looking very sad and needs updating so it was agreed to put on August Agenda and look at Play Park providers for ideas and costs to upgrade.

7.Date of next meeting – The next Parish Council Meetingwill take place on Monday 1st August 2016at 7pm in the Memorial Hall.


1st August 2016