Ogden ACE Public Information Officer
Situation Manual
Time Allotted / 390MinutesACE – Ogden– Start Exercise
During the exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:
- It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.
- In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted. During this exercise, the following apply:
- The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented.
- There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.
- Exercise Basics:
- This exercise contains a total of 13scenario and inject pages.
- The exercise is self-paced and it should take approximatelythreehours to complete. However, based on the time spent on each scenario and inject the exercise may be completed in under threehours or it may take much longer than threehours to complete the exercise.
- A break may be taken approximately half way through the exercise.
- All videos embedded within this exercise can be enlarged to FULL SCREEN by simply clicking on the full screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video.
- Thoroughly review all scenario information and injects as they are presented during the exercise.
- At the end of the exercise you will need to complete an evaluation (Hotwash) on how your team preformed during the exercise. The Hotwash will consist of your team providing comments on three areas in which it performed well and three areas for your consideration to improveor modify existing plans for your agencies preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Found below are Hotwash examples:
Area for Improvement – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found portions of the plans and procedures that need to be revised.
- If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at:
Account Number –1076890 #
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– Scribe / No Image
As the scribe for your group, use the text box below to type in notes of key decisions, discussion and actions performed by the participants at your group.
This submission screen will remain open for 30 minutes.When the inject timer reaches zero the message found below will appear in the middle of the page. Simply click on “OK” to move forward to the next submission screen.
Your time on this page has expired.
Your input so far will be saved, and you will be directed to the next page.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Scenario– # 001 / No Image
Tuesday – 6:03PM
A Royal Airlines planeflight carrying152 passengers225and a crew of fiveeightis directed by air traffic control to perform an emergency landing at the St George Airport after the pilot reports engine trouble en routedivert from Salt Lake City International Airport to Los Angeles.Central City Airport in Ogden, UT due to thick fog.
As the plane approachedrunway 1Runway 030 from the southwest,the landing gear failed to engage causing the plane to crash. resulting in 97 fatalitiesIt is unknown at this time how many deaths and 60 people injuredinjuries resulted from the crash. First Responders are arriving on scene.
Video Library – General – Video # 27 – Sioux City Airplane Crash
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 002 / Image of Phone
Tuesday – 6:05PM
The airport has notified 911 Dispatch of the crash and initial notifications of emergency response agencies (Fire, Law Enforcement, EMS, Hospitals, etc.) have been completed.
Briefly describe the method of notification and the approximate timeline by which Public Information Officers (PIOs) will be notified of the incident.
Identify the agency that would be leadand the Lead Public Information Officer (PIO) for PIO responsibilities, along with the name and title of the lead PIO from that agency. this event.
Based on As the PIO for your agencies’ plans discuss as a team thenorganization, document what your role will be in this disaster, and specify the initial action steps for PIOs upon(procedures) you will take after being notified of the crash.
Are these procedures part of your organization’s Emergency All-Hazards Plan?
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 003 / Image of ARFF
Tuesday – 6:47PM
The airport’s Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) unit has established a Unified Command and is coordinating the agencies that have responded to the incident.
The Incident Commander (IC) is trying to deal with the media and the amount of information about the event which is rapidly unfolding. The IC recommends that the PIO establish a way to coordinate information flow to the media and the public.
As the Lead PIO identify and, craft an email to your Emergency Staff, briefly describe the actions that would be taken toyou are taking to manage the media and ensure efficient and accurate coordination of information.
(Note: Response to this inject should be based on the discussion among group members.) Email language may be submitted within the ONX System here or by sending an email to.)
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 004 / Image of JIC
Tuesday – 7:14PM
Based on current information, identify where the Joint Information Center (JIC) location will be established.
Has a JIC location been pre-determined in your jurisdiction or for your organization?
Has the location of a JIC been included in your organization’s Emergency All-Hazards Plan?
As information regarding the crash and its magnitude becomes more apparent, it isthe Lead PIO has determined that additional PIO personnel and resources will be needed to adequately support the Joint Information System (JIS) and Joint Information Center (activated JIC)..
Briefly describe howIdentify who you willrequest to help staff the JIC.
Explain how you will notify the additional PIO resources will be requested.PIOs.
Create the request to send out to the PIOs for support staffing in the JIC.
What would In this disaster, what will be the expected timeframe be for establishing a JIC/ JIS with staff and essential equipment?
Identify Identifywho will be the agency that would be responsible for activating and Lead PIO in coordinating and communicating with the JIC.Office of the Medical Examiner and Dr. Gray.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 005 / Image of Social Media
Tuesday – 7:23PM
Media outlets are reporting that many people observed an explosion before the plane crashed.
Rumors of terrorism are beginning to show up on Twitter and Facebook.
Because the media is now integrated with Facebook, Twitter and other social media sources, it will be important for PIOs to monitor and post messages to social media sites.
Identify the Twitter account(s) that would be used to post information regarding the crash for your organization.
Create a hashtag for this event.
Prepare a Tweet to be posted to the identified account(s).
(Note: Tweets are limited to 140 characters.)
Identify the Facebook account(s)Lead Agency that would be used to post crashprovide and verify information for your organization. their social media, i.e. Twitter, Facebook.
Would other surrounding agencies post information and tweet on their own social media accounts?
Prepare language for athree key messages to post on your organization’s Facebook posting to the identifiedand Twitter account(s).).
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 006 / Image of Local Media
Tuesday – 9:05PM
Shortly following the crash, Royal Airlines activated its Family Assistance Hotline.
Describe the role the JIS / JIC would have in ensuring local / regional media outlets are aware of the hotline phone number.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Scenario– # 007 / Image of Family Assistance Center
Wednesday – 8:37AM
Overnight response activities on the airfield have shifted to recovery activities and setting up a Family Assistance Center.
(Note: Access the Family Assistance Center Fact Sheet to review the activities that take place at a Family Assistance Center.)
Royal Airlines and the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) Transportation Disaster Assistance Division (TDA) have been working with local agencies to establish a Family Assistance Center in a Courtyard by Marriott Hotel located at 185 S 1470 E in St George off I-15 about 3.5 miles from St George Airport. Communicate with the Emergency Operations Center or Royal Airlines (through the SimCell) to learn where the FAC was established.
(Note: To thoroughly understand the roles and responsibilities regarding the establishment and management of a Family Assistance Center access the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 and the Federal Family Assistance Plan for Aviation Disasters.)
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 008 / Image of FAC
After reviewing the Family Assistance Center Fact Sheet, briefly describe the roles, if any, the PIOs will have in establishing or supporting the Family Assistance Center.
Based on the information in the Family Assistance Center Fact Sheet, create a news advisory about the Family Assistance Center.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 009 / Image of Fatality
As a PIO you are contacted by the media requesting names of victims and hospitals to which the injured have been transported.
Establish coordination and communication between the JIC and the hospital PIOs.
(Note: If you are assigned to the JIC you should call the hospitals and if you a hospital PIO you should call the JIC to establish a plan for releasing information to the media. Access the exercise Communication Plan for a listing of phone numbers.)
Based on the discussion between the hospital and the JIC develop a set of key messages for all PIOs to release to the media.
Do you have access to the number of fatalities, injuries and the hospitals where the victims are located? / Yes / No
Where would or would not have access to suchyou obtain accurate information. regarding the injured and deceased?
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 010 / Image of Medical Examiner
Friday – 10:43AM
Medical Examiners from across the state have been deployed to Ogden to support mortuary services.
As the identities of victims are determined, the process of notifying the next of kin begins.
Describe the role, if any, that PIOs would have in supporting death notifications.
(Note: Access an example of Death Notification Procedures.)
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject – # 011 / Image of Press Release
Given the overwhelming number of media requests, is the Lead PIO considering a news conference?
What information would be appropriate to provide to the media at this point?
Family members continue to call the Family Assistance Hotline. They are inquiring about when the Medical Examiner will finish identifying the deceased and when the bodies of their loved ones will be released.
Based on theWhat information provided in the News Release, craft a message to should you share with families explaining how to explain the process involved?
Develop key message for PIOs to share with the families of the identification of human remains works in Utah. casualties.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 012 / Image of Downsizing
Friday – 7:30PM
Given the fact that the media works on a 24 hour news cycle, the nation’s attention has moved on to other news events.
As activities related to the crash and the Family Assistance Center continue to wind down,briefly describe the role of PIOs, if any, in the days and weeks to come.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
ACE – Ogden – Inject– # 013 / Image of Review
Identify and describe additional resources such as templates, checklists, guidelines, etc. that would be beneficial to PIOs during a Mass Fatality incident.
List and describe any planning and / or resource gaps that were identified during today’s discussion. In addition, list any recommendations that can be implemented to improve PIO response during futurea Mass Casualty/ Mass Fatality eventsevent.
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –