Offshore Check List Joan III


RORC ISAF 2011 Offshore Checklist (binding)

LYC HMR Highlights of Equipment (binding)

Yachting Victoria Declaration of Compliance (reference)

LYC HMR Seamanship and skills recommendation (reference)

ARC Safety Checklist (reference for Atlantic crossing)

Yachting World Safety Checklist (reference)

Offshore Checklist (reference but complete and practical)

Strategy Routes: Rumbline 152nm; NoRigs 158nm; FewRigs 156nm

Weather decision points

No Life Raft

Position Website: Testing Moostrax id: Joan3 pw: alberg37

Anchor chain: R=5m/15’; Y=10m/33’; Bl=15m/50’

Anchor rope: R=10m/33’; Rep=20m/66’; End=35m/116’ [change, check]

Electricity: Red is positive Toilet Code WFH October XXX

Confirmed Crew
1.  Maarten van Hasselt
2.  John Riddell
3.  Bill Courtney
4.  Kenneth (Ken) McMillen
5.  Joan Eischen / Stand By Crew
1.  Mike Weill
2.  John Folnovic
3.  ..
Maarten van Hasselt cell: 713-213-0505;
Joan Eischen cell: 713-775-0787;
John Riddell cell: 713-367-0268;
Bill Courtney cell: 281-455-1531 home: 281-225-8814;
Kenneth (Ken) McMillen: cell: 281-844-7263;

Personal Equipment/Crew Training:

-Safety harness and tether
-strobe light, whistle, crotch strap, flashlight, knife
-warm clothing
Crew 1 Ken
-Safety harness and tether
-strobe light, whistle, crotch strap, flashlight, knife
-warm clothing, sleeping bag
Crew 2 John
-Safety harness and tether
-strobe light, whistle, crotch strap, flashlight, knife
-warm clothing, sleeping bag
Crew 3 Bill
-Safety harness and tether
-strobe light, whistle, crotch strap, flashlight, knife
-warm clothing, sleeping bag
Crew 4 Joan
-Safety harness and tether
-strobe light, whistle, crotch strap, flashlight, knife
-warm clothing, sleeping bag / Do for Crew Safety
-Check cartridges
-medical conditions and prescriptions
-MOB training, heli position, engine
-safety item inventory and stowage plan
-check capabilities and assign:
cook, 1st aid, navigator,
-watch planning, course strategy
-sharpen knives
-GPS man overboard and other functions;
-VHF GPS to chart practice
-emergency roles and worst case instructions
-mooring Port Aransas Bill
-hotel PA Bill, [M&J in Bill’s house?]
-briefing sessions LYC
-register with LYC
-crew waivers M, J, B, K, L pending
-Moosetrack/Spot details
-Cars to/from PA Steff

Yacht Equipment:

-strobe light
-MOB pole (ordered) Fittings
-radar reflector
-updated paper charts NOAA (POD #11300) ordered 9/30
-Print booklets (1 work copy and 1 spare) 11300, 11323 (A-G), 11321 (A-FP),11316 (A-MG), [11313 (MG-PA)], 11307 (A-PA)
-Check detailed ICW charts
-Print Coast Pilot 5
-Print Tides PA
-Print light list (filed on Ipad)
-print log and sail plan
-new jib sheet
-heaving line >50ft >1/4” (throwing sock type) Ken
-wood for emergency repairs John
-spot locator (Moosetrax/Endomondo)
-spare navigation lights Ken
-bungies to keep charts on table
-mirror next to engine
-mirror on a stick
-Sail ties (5*5ft)
-Magnifying glass (ordered)
-Storm sails (storm/heavy weather jib)
-emergence VHF antenna (ordered) -independent radio receiver for weather forecast (Sony doesn’t have SSB) Bill
-Bolt cutter John
-spare winch handle
-thin line (throw and fix)
-plunger hand pump
-manuals, sheets with navigation info in closed plastic folders
-canned food, tin opener
-spare water, TP, Paper towels
-sunscreen lotion
-alarm and egg timer
-plastic wrap, alu foil, ziplock bags,
-energy bars, chocolate,
-ice; biscuits
-food Joan
Take onboard
-thermos + 3 mugs + large coffee pot
-radar reflector
- take sony radio
-spare batteries
-engine handbook and other manuals
-white pvc cover (ex Ensign)
-documents (M also GC)
-log sheets with right entry fields
-tape recorder
-smaller jib as spare (garage)
-print long range weather forecast and wind pattern
-pictures top of mast and underwater
-fire extinguisher
-MOB and sign certificate Quick Stop Method Practice
-crew briefing
-practice runs (night)
-  Mainsail and headsail reefing
-  Heaving-to
-  Anchoring
-  Non-GPS navigation (3 bearing fix, running fix)
-  VHF radio
-  MOB recovery
-  Emergency steering
-  Bilge pumps and through-hull fittings
-  Life vests and harnesses
-toerail at sb shrouds
-wheel paint
-top topsides blue
-racing flag and pig stick / Do with help
Rigger (North Marine 281 549 400
Sept 2 0800)
-install new windex
-calibrate wind indicator
-replace top light
-jib halyard exchange old for new
-general check
-re-install stay tension tackle?
-block on backstay remove
-Check roller-furler
-diver to clean hull
-repair hand pump
Lou Stahlberg (Sept 2 0700)
-Insurance survey
-repair dodger (ordered)
-lee clothes (ordered)
-life sling (return)
-Canvas with sail number/name
-Genoa for repairs at C&C
William Henley (mechanic)
-service, oil, filters, spares, show how
-spare screws for water pump
-overheating/cooling water check
-check contacts lower bilge pump
-label manifold water tanks
Train with Crew/Verify functionality
-start and finish all crew pfd (US Sailing rule)
try emergency tiller
-try storm sails, jibs and label with sheets and sheeting arrangement
-Boom on deck? NO
-Change position life ring; place for second
-names on buoyant equipment plus reflective
-try oven
-try Ipad weather/chart download 3G
-label switches
-try Ipad Navex app without 3G/Wifi
-practice: no rudder steering; MOB; night; reefing; heaving to; emergency
-mainsail reefed 40%
-access panels engine
-move things from lazarettes to more accessible
-check sail track boom
-stowage of solent stay on spreader and on deck
Do with crew or alone
-Deep clean
-check inflatable vests
-calibrate GPS 1 and 2 to chart definition
-trip planning sheet and waypoints
-top up diesel
-top up water
-Stowage plan
-Attachment points cockpit
-Protect dashboard
-install retaining for washboards and hatch and storage solution
-second reefing line/mizzen reefing
-mizzen sheet arrangement
-swivel off anchor and connect/change rodes
-sleeves around back stay to protect main sheet
-lanyard on pump handle fix
-lanyard on buckets
-electricity for gps
-electricity to charge VHF (and phones
-tighten lifelines and replace spanners with lashings
-swing compass (with/without engine running; check GPS and VHF infl./make deviation chart
-reserve navigation lights separate power source Ken
-repair heck light (screw in toerail loose)
-nav light schedule on switchboard
-lash end of rode, mark anchor chain and rope
-stow anchor against rattling
-install and check log repair
-lifebuoys and slings and PFDs
with reflective tape and name
-plugs next to thru hulls and secure with lanyard
-secure fire blanket
-how to get water out of tanks without electricity
-bung chain pipe
-retainer prop shaft ?
-secure batteries check/better
-program VHF MMSI
-closure dorades
-check leak front hatch/additional cover
-cotter pins in turnbuckles and protective sleeve/tape
-check water 1AG/day, person
-non skid/side restraints companion way steps
-locker latches inside strong or improve (no suddenly opening
-dead end wires and wrong wire connectors change
-spi pole re-rig or leave at dock
-winch service
-check steering cable
-mainsheet boom bail turn 180 degrees
- try autopilot? Tried, doesn’t work.
-boom preventer
-crash bar stove John
-galley strap
-secure refrigerator lids
-spare winch handles
-update garmin GPS NO
-Change out Bruce for CQR
-jack lines prepare
-secure hatch old lpg lazarette
-Secure lazarettes when no lock
-repair cupboard hatch behind toilet
-red light bathroom pending
-secure floorboards
-lanyards in v-berth
-Bottom galley cupboard John
-Bookcase retainer glue
-one round of varnish
-mizzen mast stays trim
-kerosene light install
-prop-shaft tube re-bedded
-2 seacocks replaced
-hoses cockpit drain replaced
-leather stitching spray-hood bar

Joan III Off Shore Check List 2012 August 25, 2012