2018 Princess of
Cabarrus County Pageant
Official Qualifying Pageant to the Princess of North Carolina State Scholarship Pageant
Visit their website at www.princessofnc.com
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Mt. Pleasant High School Auditorium
700 Walker Road, Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
Pageant begins at 11:00 a.m.
(Our beautiful custom age division crowns, designed just for preliminary winners of Princess of NC)
Director: Denise Cooper
(704-436-2486 or 980-521-7279)
Deadline to enter: March 25, 2018 (this deadline will not be extended)
**Early Bird Entry** Deduct $10 from Mini Supreme and Supreme fees
if all fees are paid in full by March 17, 2018
Age Divisions
(Age determined as of day of pageant)
Doll Miss 0-17 months Little Miss 7-9 years
Baby Miss 18 mo - 2 years Junior Miss 10-12 years
Wee Miss 3-4 years Young Miss 13-15 years
Tiny Miss 5-6 years Teen Miss 16-18 years
Miss 19-26 years
Mandatory Competition for Age division titles
Doll-Tiny Miss: Beauty and Casual Wear
Little – Miss: Interview, Beauty, Casual Wear
Optional Competitions for Overall Mini Supreme and Supreme titles
Doll – Tiny: Photogenic, Sleepwear
Little – Miss: Photogenic, Talent
**To be eligible for the Overall Mini Supreme and Supreme titles, you must compete in all optional competitions for your age division. Supreme winners will not win their age division—
**we do not double crown**
Age Division Winners
Age division winners will receive a full round official preliminary crown, monogrammed satin sash, trophy and beauty fees paid to the Princess of North Carolina State Scholarship Pageant, July 21-23, 2016 at the Paramount Theater in Goldsboro. Runner-up contestants will receive a trophy and all contestants will receive an award.
Mini Supreme and Supreme Winners
Contestants with the highest combined scores from the mandatory and optional competition will be crowned Mini Supreme and Supreme. They will receive full round official preliminary supreme crown, monogrammed satin sash, trophy, beauty and talent fees paid to the Princess of North Carolina State Scholarship Pageant, July 21-23, 2016 at the Paramount Theater in Goldsboro. *Must have 20 paid contestants for 2 supreme titles to be awarded.
Royalty Divison **This is not a crowned title**
This division is for anyone who has already qualified in a Princess of NC preliminary for the 2017 state pageant and want to participate for practice and critiques. The judges will not know which contestants are royalty during competition. Royalty entry fee includes all mandatory and optional competitions for their age division. All royalty contestants will receive a gift. With at least 5 participants, the highest score in the royalty division will receive at $50 cash award. With 10 participants, we will award the highest scoring participant $100 toward state fees!!
Competition Guidelines
Beauty (required all age divisions):
Doll, Baby, Wee, Tiny Miss—short pageant or party dress. White shoes/socks. No tights.
Little—short pageant or party dress or long formal gown. White shoes/socks if wearing short party/pageant.
Junior – Miss –long formal gown
For all contestants, make-up is allowed but should be age appropriate!
Interview: (required for Little – Miss divisions)
Interview will be a 3 minute private interview. Attire should be white or black bottoms (pants, skirt, skort, capri pants, or shorts). We will provide your Princess of Cabarrus County t-shirt. Attire should be age appropriate. Contestants may wear shoes, belts, and accessories of their choice. Provided tshirt should not be embellished in any way for interview.
Casual Wear: (required for all ages)
Attire should be age appropriate, casual dressy, neat and stylish. Custom outfits are allowed, but must not be over-the-top. Casual wear should not look like a costume. No bare mid-drifts. Embellishments (stones/sequins/trim) may be added, but should be kept to a minimum. Carry on props/accessories are not allowed. If you have questions about what is appropriate, please ask. We’re here to help!
Talent: (required for Little – Miss divisions)
Talent may not exceed 2 ½ minutes. Music should be on a cd and contain no other music. Please label cd with name and age division. Music should be age appropriate and should not contain profanity. Please bring a back-up cd of your music.
Photogenic: (Optional for all age divisions)
Photos may be color or black and white, 8X10 (or 8.5x11) photos, and should be placed in a clear cover and label with the contestants name and age division. All photos should be head or head/shoulder shots . Makeup is allowed but should be age appropriate and should look the age of the child. Photo should be natural with minimal retouching. Photos should be turned in at registration and can be picked up at the auditors table after the pageant.
Sleepwear: (Optional for Doll – Tiny divisions)
Carry on props allowed. Sleepwear should be age appropriate.
Competition Rules and Regulations
1. No pro-am modeling is allowed. A diagram for the modeling pattern is included in this application
2. Only one chaperone is allowed backstage with contestant. Men are not allowed in the dressing areas or hallways leading to the dressing areas.
3. Scores can be picked up at the auditor’s table following crowning. All judges decisions are final. At no time should contestants/guardians approach a judge before crowning. Doing so may result in immediate disqualification.
4. Poor sportsmanship before, during, or after the pageant will not be tolerated and could result in disqualification, removal from the pageant without refund, or participation in future pageants.
5. Contestants must be a resident of North Carolina.
6. Information of who is competing and how many are competing will not be disclosed.
7. Lineup of each age division is determined by date/time of receipt of each completed application and entry fee. First in, last out rule will apply – first applications in hand will be the last contestants in the age division lineup.
8. Due to liability issues, we allow fake hair. We will not put our hands on children checking to see if hair and teeth are real or fake. However, we ask that you please keep children looking as age appropriate as possible. This is a semi-glitz pageant and not a full glitz pageant, so please keep it toned down.
9. The Princess of Cabarrus County pageant is a qualifying pageant to the Princess of North Carolina State Scholarship pageant to be held in July. Participating in a preliminary qualifies a contestant for the state pageant. You may only hold one PONC preliminary title to advance to the 2018 PONC State Pageant. Princess of Cabarrus County differs in some competitions and rules from the state pageant.
Princess of Cabarrus County does not have appearance requirements, but winners are encouraged to represent the title and participate in activities when possible. We also encourage contestants to attend the Princess of NC state pageant and will be happy to help you to prepare for this wonderful experience!
10. Your application is not complete until all paperwork and fees are received. Please turn them in all together – without complete paperwork, your application will be held from the lineup process (first in – last out rule) See #7
11. All contestants must be on time for each competition. Points will be deducted for being late to lineup for competition. If an emergency happens, please notify the director. Things do happen and we can make accommodations if at all possible!
12. HAVE FUN!! Pageants are a learning process and should be a fun activity for you and your daughter. Not everyone will win a crown but your daughter wins every time she is on that stage. She wins confidence, poise, and learns to conquer her fears with each pageant.
13. Ask questions!! As a director, pageant mom, and former mom of a PONC queen, I am here to help you in your journey in the Princess of NC system and pageant questions in general. Really, ask away! I love to help and want to make sure you feel as prepared as possible.
Tentative Schedule
Doors open at 7am for Little – Miss contestants.
Registration Little – Miss – 8am
Interviews begin at 9 am.
Stage will be open for modeling practice immediately following interviews
Registration Baby – Tiny contestants – 9 am
Pageant will begin promptly at 11 a.m.
Order of Competition:
Beauty (all divisions)
Casual Wear (all divisions)
Sleepwear (baby-tiny)
Talent (little-miss)
$5 at the door
Children 10 and under free
Visiting queens are no charge with current sash and crown
Stage Diagram
Contestants will enter from stage left
Back of stage
Stage Right No Turn At stage left
Center back of stage
Exit Stage
1st turn 2nd turn
********** (Judges Table)
You will make a full turn at two X's on front of the stage. Do not exit stage until MC says so.
(Please note this is not the diagram for the state pageant. It is adjusted for Princess of Cabarrus and our facility.)
Contestants Application and Fees
**Deadline for entry March 25**
Choose ONE of the following:
AGE DIVISION TITLE AGES 0-6 Beauty and Casualwear $100.00
AGE DIVISION TITLE AGES 7 & up Beauty, Interview, Casual Wear $115.00
(includes tshirt for interview)
OVERALL MINI SUPREME PACKAGE 0-6yrs $125.00 ______
(INCLUDES Age division title (beauty and casualwear) plus optional sleepwear
and 1 photo entry. Does not include tshirt for interview.
OVERALL SUPREME PACKAGE Age 7-26 yrs $135.00 ______
(INCLUDES Age division title (beauty, interview, casualwear and official t-shirt
plus optional talent and 1 photo entry
EARLY BIRD: You may subtract $10 from the Supreme Packages only if all
fees are received by March 17 - $10______
T-shirt size (please circle one): YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL AXXL
**Only Little Miss – Miss divisions will need a tshirt for interview
Additional Princess of Cabarrus County t-shirts $15.00 ______
*If you would like to order a t-shirt for your wee baby, baby, wee,
and tiny contestant (not needed for competition)
please list size here______
Additional photos ~All Divisions $ 5.00______
$5.00 each if entering more than one
Royalty Competition Only! $ 50.00______( For contestants who have already earned a PONC preliminary title and are wish to have stage practice, scores and comments for PONC)
Please Mail: Contestant Application Information, Signed disclaimer, Fee Sheet, and full payment to
Money orders, Personal checks and Paypal accepted
Please make checks payable to Denise Cooper
8688 Oldenburg Drive
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
If using PayPal please include the 4%paypal fee. Paypal
Disclaimer below must be signed and returned with application before application can be accepted.
**I understand that all fees are non-refundable and I have read and agree to abide by all pageant rules. I further agree not to hold Princess of North Carolina pageant, Princess of Cabarrus County Directors, staff, queens or their families, or Mt. Pleasant High School or its staff responsible for any injuries, losses, damages, thefts, or accidents, which may occur, at any Princess of North Carolina event, or while traveling to or from any event. The Princess of Cabarrus County pageant is a sole proprietorship and is not owned by Princess of North Carolina State Pageant. The director, Denise Cooper is the sole proprietor of the Princess of Cabarrus County pageant. I understand that judge’s decisions are final. Any act of bad sportsmanship from contestants or family member will NOT be tolerated and will result in disqualification without refund. There will be a $35.00 service charge for all returned checks. By signing this form, I also release use of any pictures taken at the pageant to be used for advertising purposes. Princess of North Carolina Director and their appointed representatives reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. This event is non-refundable. This is not a binding title, however the winners are encouraged to return to the 2018 pageant and crown their successor.
Contestants Signature ______Date ______
(Parent/Guardian’s signature if under 18 years of age)
2018 Princess of Cabarrus County Contestant Information Sheet
(Please return this completed information sheet with your entry form)
Contestant Name______Age Division ______
Parents Name______
Full Address______City______State______Zip_____
Email Address ______
Telephone #s (H)______(W)______(C) ______
Birthday______*Age as of Pageant Date ______Hair Color______Eye Color______
Favorite Food______Favorite Place______Fav Entertainer______Fav. Movie ______
Favorite TV Show______Person Most Admired______
School Attending ______Fav. Subject______
Favorite Personal Belonging______Fav Color______
3 Words that best describe myself______
Extra Curricular Activities______
Future Ambitions______
Interesting facts about me!______
Talent Information:
Description of Talent Performing______
Microphone? (yes or no)______Hand held/stand?
Approx. time: (2 1/2 min. max)______