Meeting Minutes
Grant County Commissioner
Regular meeting
Alton Zenker Myles Stoller John Reinhardt
Regular Commissioners Meeting was called to order on the 16th day of August 2017 at 9:00AM by Alton Zenker, Commissioners present Alton Zenker, Myles Stoller, John Reinhardt.
Public Present: Trenton Weekes, Jody Fuchs & Robert Campbell- Grant County Fair Board, Dave Reineke-Road Supt., John Foss-Sheriff, Grant Walker-States Attorney, Tana Zimmerman, Cherie Zenker, Ann Hertz, Rhonda Hillius- Carson QRU, Donna Vandenburg-City of Carson, Keith Johnson-Custer District Health.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve the agenda with the deletion of Board of Equalization for a reassessment all present aye motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve minutes of August 1st regular meeting all present aye motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve to pay bills as presented, roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
Old Business: Fire District Boundaries no action taken
New Business:
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve the Custer District Health 2018 Budget for $86,326.00 which is Grant county Share, roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve a Special Event Liquor License for 9-2-2017 for Glen Bahm DBA Shields Bar for a roping at Mike Weinhandle’s Place located at 3620 82nd ST Shields, ND all present aye motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to pay Mitch Eisenbarth for time, dirt, fuel and use of a truck for emergency services for 2009 or 2011 flood damage roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to resind the Burn Ban dated June 21, 2017 all present aye motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to declare a Fire Emergency and Burn Ban ( to include a ban on campfires and garbage burning) which will remain in effect when the North Dakota Rangeland Fire Danger Index is in High, Very High, extreme and or a red flag warning has been issued for Grant county, ND until further notice. Fireworks Ban is still on a total Burn Ban until further notice. All present aye motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve Sauber Engineering for Gravel Crushing Engineering cost of $580.59. roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve the gravel pricing for 2017-2018 Crushed Gravel $15.00/cy, pit run $5.00 less/cy and Rock @$20.00/cy all present aye motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to pay Leona Staiger for 9 loads of gravel @ 10cy per load @$4.00/cy=$360.00 roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to allocate $15,000.00 for Grant County Fair Association from the General Fund for 2018 roll call vote, Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve the preliminary budget for 2018 as presented roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve a percentage of the requests for the 2018 appropriations for levy #1228 Emergency Medical Services for the following Service area NL/Elgin Ambulance for $14547.00, Carson QRU for $12453.00, Flasher Ambulance for $6000.00 roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to Pay out to Carson QRU from Carson Ambulance Fund Balance for 2017 which according to century code 23-27-04.7 and 23-27-02 Definition of Emergency Medical Services roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye, motion carried.
FYI: The next regular meeting will be September 5 and 20th October 3rd will be the Final Budget hearing at 10:00AM.
Zenker adjourned meeting at 4:35PM
Chairman ______County Auditor ______
Alton Zenker Lynn Mutschelknaus
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