NHSAgenda Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Officers: Angela Anastasi PRESIDENT


Lauren Angelina HISTORIAN



1.Schedule of Meetings for the year: (attendance is mandatory)Enter these in your iPad Calendar with a reminder.

Wednesday, September 11, 2:20 Lecture Room A

Wednesday, October 9, 2:20 Lecture Room A

Wednesday, November 13, 2:20 Lecture Room A

Wednesday, December 11, 2:20, Lecture Room A

Wednesday, January 8, 2:20 Lecture Room A

Wednesday, February 12, 2:20, Lecture Room A

Wednesday, March 12, 2:20 Lecture Room A

Wednesday, April 9, 2:20, Lecture Room A

Wednesday, May 14, 2:20 Lecture Room A


Mrs. Scherer will send out monthly e-mail updates and also post updates to Facebook Group “NHS Penncrest High School”. Please join this group if you are in NHS and feel free to post about activities that you are organizing.

e-mail if you will be absent


Red Cross Platelet Drive: Wednesday, September 18, during school. We need 15 donors by Friday!

Chairperson: and 3-5 person committee

Back-to-School Night: Thursday, October 3, 7:00 p.m. Need 10-12 students in hallways to give directions. Students arrive 6:30 p.m.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s: Sunday, November 10, 9:00 a.m.

Chairperson:and 4-6 person committee

Need LOTS of walkers!

NHS Induction: Tuesday, November 12, 7:00p.m

Attendance is mandatory for all current and new members.

Bucks for Birds: November collection.

Chairperson:and Need 8-10 people for collecting $$

Military Care Packages: Ellie Cardamone

Need 8-10 people to help with publicity for collection and to pack the care packages

Blood Drive: Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Assembly Co-Chairs: and 5 person committee

Publicity Co-Chairs: and 5 person committee

Recruitment Co-Chairs: and 15 person committee

Food Co-Chairs: and 10 person committee

Incentive Co-Chairs: and 2 person committee (incentive = t-shirt, goodie bag, etc)

Giving Tree: December collection.

Co-Chairpersons:and 10 person committee

Relay for Life: Student committee is open to all students at PHS.

NHS Liason:

Academic Tutors: September 2013 – June 2014

We will be working with Elementary Students this year to provide tutoring. We are working on an on-line sign-up for this. Hoping to get started in late September, early October. Stay Tuned!

Pretzel Sales: Every Tuesday in the Rotunda after school. Need at least 3 sellers

Chairperson: and need at least 3 sellers


Need 2-3 person committee to design and order shirts for NHS. Let’s make a goal of having the t-shirts ready to present to our new members at induction. 

Heritage School:

Chairperson: and 8-10 person committee

Pennies for Patients:

Chairperson: and 4-6 person committee

Flowers for Fair Acres: Collect prom flowers and distribute bouquets to Fair Acres residents.

Senior Chairperson: Serena Bachelerand 4 person committee (to collect at Junior Prom)

Junior Chairperson:and 4 person committee (to collect at Senior Prom)

Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Can hold lemonade sales throughout the year.

Chairperson:and 4-6 person committee

Homeroom Representatives:

Please represent NHS in your own homeroom. Reinforce announcements if students are not listening to morning announcements. Keep your homeroom informed of our activities so that people can participate.

Other Service Ideas?

4.Select speaker for Induction Ceremony: Begin thinking about inviting someone not on this list.

1996Mrs. Jenner2005 Mr. Batchelor

1997Dr. Haviland2006 Ms. Roman

1998Mr. Malkovsky2007 Mr. Casner

1999Mr. Wineman2008 Mr. Ciccarelli

2000Dr. Taylor2009 Mrs. Kuntz

2001Mr. Ludwig2010 Mrs. Sweeney

2002Mrs. Bury2011 Mr. Silva

2003Mr. Simpson2013 Mr. Zervanos

2004Mrs. Scherer