*Speaker's Biography (300 characters)
Di Monte, Patrizia
Architect by IUAV_Venice. Italian governm. scholarship for PHD studies abroad. Master and PHD ETSAB-UPC. Associate professor ETSA-USJ. Mastermind estonoesunsolar programme. Awards:1st pr. Eurocities Planning for People.1st pr. Innovazione Qualitá Urbana. 1Th pr. SAIE Selection Urban regeneration and development
Co-authors/Partners involved(Name/ Surname/ Job Title/ Company/Organization Name - 300 characters)
Ignacio, Grávalos Lacambra.
Architect by ETSAB-UPC. Professor ETSA-USJ. Mastermind estonoesunsolar programme. Awards: 1st Innovazione Qualitá Urbana. 1st Eurocities Planning for People. 1th SAIE Selection Urban regeneration and development
-Places and placemaking
-Ingredients of successful urban places
Submission Title (max 50 characters)
estonoesunsolar _ urban sustainable regeneration
*Brief (Provided a brief description of your paper)
Vacant lands, scattered throughout the urban fabric of cities, represent a new variable in the contemporary urbanism to reprogram the existing city. The urban regeneration strategy “estonoesunsolar” (thisisnotaplot) suggests its reuse to deal with an environmental and sustainable criteria for the city of the future.
The “Empty" plot of landas and buildings, scattered throughout the urban fabric of cities have introduced a new variable in contemporary urbanism. These areas represent the latent possibility of rescheduling the existing city to deal with an environmental criterion the city of the future.
Based on this premise, arises the urban regeneration strategy "estonoesunsolar" an experimental pilot program to transform these unexplained gaps into public spaces, responding to neighbourhoods concerns. Interventions were based on interim uses of vacant lands, placing value on the suggestion of emptiness, the void and unseen. These temporary overruns of consolidated framework permit an alternative and flexible reading that streamlines the public space, establishing codes of urbanism not drawn nor planned for the meanwhile.
The proposals have started from a previous study both urban as socio-economic of each area, areas claimed by citizens, and the uses to which they should be intended. A strategic selection of plots, both public and private, was made, aimed to establish links that would lead citizens. Demanded playgrounds, community gardens, green areas, sports courts, bowls, table tennis, plazas promoted sustainable mobility and increased the urban fabric of green areas. Each plot responds to a local demand. Efforts have been made to ensure all interventions are subsequently managed by associations (infant, youth, sports, older) or any neighbourhood colective interested in its use. Several cultural activities and festivals have been carried out within the program in collaboration with citizens associations.
32 interventions have been implemented in 13 months, balancing the city with new green areas, and upcling 60,000 m² of disused spaces in new public spaces for a new collaborative society.
public space; reuse; urban regeneration;vacant lands; meanwhile urbanism; citizens engagement; interim uses
Thisisnotaplot is a temporary intervention pilot program in Zaragoza PLOTS developed in 2009 and 2010, under which more than 42,000m² of abandoned and disused spaces where transformed into public space, in a total of 13 months. After some proposals made by gravalosdimonte architects to revitalize historic center of Zaragoza, Zaragoza Municipal Housing Society charged the same architects the development of an employment plan to address socially committed performances of "cleaning and fencing abandoned plots". Seizing the opportunity to intervene in these spaces, it was proposed to take a step beyond mere cleaning them, and was launched as a pilot program calling it "estonoesunsolar".
The initial objective of the “This-is-not-a- plot” program was to develop an Employment Plan. On this premise, it raised the possibility of developing a series of proposals, which beyond strictly complying with the objectives, would allow the temporary occupation of the historic centre plots offering a range of temporary uses so that these areas were usable for citizens. These ideas have their origin in the program of "Vacíos cotidianos" held within the framework of urban art festival "En la Frontera 2006", in which the same authors had the opportunity to begin to test their ideas about the temporary occupation of empty plots, this time in a "artistic" context, with different determining factors, but with the same concepts.
2_ the accident
The proposalsstem fromtheobservationofdifferentandnumerousexisting urban plotsinside thehistoric center ofZaragoza. Insomeofthe plots, thedemolition of asmallwallhasbeenenough for an unexpected gap to appear, showing its nakedcold, out of context,creating anewcontemporary urban space. V. Pérez Royo, in the wake of Bachelard, explains "It is taking over spaces, inhabiting them through imagination and memory, developing imaginative tactics to transform the existing space, to build a second architecture that overlaps the first ... "(2).
The possibilityof asecondarchitecture, subtle, an invisible geography shapedby events. Itproducesa readingofthe citywiththecodesof a"unplotted urbanism”, insome cases spontaneous, consolidated in othersEscuchar
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3 The Emptiness
Ithas beenvaluedthe suggestionof emptiness, the hollow, the invisibleandsilence. According to Careri, "The city is a psychic landscape constructed by gaps, in which infinite potential cities can be built ." (3)
Thesetemporaryframeoverrunsareadynamic tool, changing(temporal), which allows a flexiblealternative readingof thecityand the public space. It aims for non-material solutions,ethereal, expressing theprovisional nature ofitspresenceandestablishinga dialecticwiththeir already constructedsurroundingsthroughlightness. It is hoped that thegap would beacreativeforceof gravityon events.
In this sense, Sola Morales deepens on the relations between the city and emptyness, saying: "A vacuum, therefore, as an absence, but also as a promise, as a meeting, as a possible space, as expectation". (4)
4 thename.
Fromthe outsetit was consideredessentialto find anamefor interventions thatgavemeaning toaprogramwithout a program, an ownerwithoutproperty, an urban plotwithout a buildingora placewith no name. The program wascalled"estonoesunsolar (this-is-not-a- plot”. " It was intendedfromthe beginningto proposea new look(this is not a plot, this is notwhat it seems, isnotthisa plot, look at it through different eyes.) In short,itwasaninvitationto thinkagain, toimaginepossiblecontents, toproposenewsituationsand create enthusiastic spaces.
One ofthe most exciting aspectsof the programisthe willto agree different andseeminglycontradictory sensitivities. Different actorsandcomplex relationships converge at each urban plot.Theproposed usesare public. This hasinvolveda mixofdifferentsensibilitiesthat have been ultimatelyheaded inone direction, throughcomplexandintricateagreementswitheach owner. In addition, allinterventionshavebeenthe resultof theinvolvement ofneighborhood associations,nurseries, schoolsetc, andthemomentumofZaragozaMunicipalHousingSociety that has managed theprogram.
It is an aspiration to create links in difficult times, as posed by R. Sennet. "Overall we can say that the "sense of community” in a society with a vigorous public life, is born from this union of shared action with a shared sense of the collective self. But in an era in which public life is eroding, this relationship between the shared action and collective identity is broken. "(5)
In this same line, Jane Jacobs notes, "You learn from experience, seeing that other people, to which we are not linked by a special bond, friendship or formal responsibility, accept and practice a minimum of public responsibility with you." (6)
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A blog has been created to encourage on anotherlevel,theprocessof citizen participation, to disseminate information and to createanotherlevelofcommunication( It isanactive instrumentthatallows us topick upthe pulseofeach intervention.
Much effort has been investedinthe dissemination, inan attempttosharethis experiencewithother forums, othercities andother countriesthrough manylectures andpublications.Inthissense, it isaprogramthathasattractedtheinterest ofprofessional groups,university settings, public institutions, etc. and hasreceivednumerous recognitions and awards as , "Innovazionee QualitéUrbana"," SmartFuture MindsAward "," Saie Selection 10Award ", among others.
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For Simmel, "society is not then, as it were, any substance, nothing specific per se, but a happening" (7)
The richnessof theplotsliesin the indeterminacythat is transmitted bythese gaps, in thecreationofanexpectation(a doubt isa doorthatopens)andtheabilityofthesespaces to create desires. That is whythe interventions have amostlyneutralcharacterthat causes theoccurrenceof unanticipated events
M. Delgado describes a vision of the city as a succession of mircro-hapenings, in which, "The public life actor perceives and participates in discontinuous series of events, unrelated information sequences, materials that cannot be chained to make with them a consistent story but, at most, isolated sketches or vignettes featuring some internal consistency. "(8).
Alltheseideas, eventuallycrystallizeintoconcrete interventions. Every plot containsan idea, each spaceisalocaldesirein front of the"unreasonable silence of the word. "
It isnecessaryat this point,to distinguishthetwodifferentperiods inwhichthe interventions took place,,july-december 2009and june-december 2010,as these twoblockswhiledealing withtemporary interventionsinthe plots,hadavery differentcharacter.
Theproceedingsof2009, framedexclusivelyinthefieldof historicZaragoza, hadavery small scale, sinceinmanycasesthey dealt withsmallplotsof the historic quarter. On the otherhand, it waspursuedto give acoherence toallof them, given theirphysical proximity, so thataglobal readthem all could be possible, forming a"voids network" thatwouldaddress specific problemsof thecity butwerebehindaglobal proposalfor theneighborhood.The interventions took place mainlyin thedistricts ofSanPablo, MagdalenaandArrabal.
SanPablo quarter. The firstintervention was very specialsinceitwas anexperimentalprogramand shouldbethefirstcontactwith thecitizens. An urban garden was plannedinSanBlasstreet, forming a seriesofplatformsofwooden palletsthatweredetermininggreen spacesof lavender,rosemary, anddifferenttypesofplants acting as abotanicalgarden. This “green”idea continuedwiththe hidingofone ofthe party wall, onwhichhanging plantswere placedandalargegreen carpet was createdbetweenthe horizontalandvertical plane.
Followingthisintervention, which providedawonderfulwelcome fromtheresidents, we continued withtheexecution of anurban garden, which had thesame character asbefore, offering the mixtureof differentagentstogetherbya plot. Newgreen spaces were continued to open, through the provisionoftrees, temporarysecondedby the Council.Atothertimesweresufficientminimal interventionsin small spacesas thecaseof a plot conditioned fora “petanca”,near asenior centerthat wasofferedtoits users. Todayisalargerspace inwhich old people meetand is inconstant activity.
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La Magdalena quarter. Severalurbaninfiltrations were made, mainly forchildren and young peoplein the neighborhood. A giant ludo gamewasperformed in a plotpaintedon thefloor, as well as a seriesoftraditional children'sgamesanda race trackfortricycles, resulting in aspaceusedby various children associationsof theneighborhood butopento allcity. Basketball and ping pong courts were also made.
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Completed the year 2009, andgiventheexcellent performance ofthe interventions, theZaragozaCity Councildecided to continue with theprogram"estonoesunsolar", interveningin eachof the 14 districtsof thecity.
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The proposalsof 2010hada different characterasit wasworkedwithheterogeneous plots, with different shapes, sizesandurban contexts. However, it was consideredessential to continue with the sameprinciplesofthe programbasedprimarilyoncitizen participation. The following interventions were made among others:
RavalDistrict.The siteislocatedon thebanksofthe Ebro river, banksrecovered from theInternational Exhibitionof 2008thathad revalued theriveras the backboneofthe city. This plothas anintermediate level between thewalkfrom theshoreand theriver itself. Taking advantage of thisgapit was decidedtoraisea largegreenslopelinkingthesetwolevels andhousingthreedifferentsquares. Thesethreeareaswereconnected togetherbya wooden walkwaythat presentedan alternative routebetweenexistingtreesand aromaticplantations. Threeways of relatingtotheriverand thecity.EscucharLeer fonéticamente
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ActurDistrict. A spacewas raisedwiththreedifferenttextures anddimensionsso that it couldaccommodatevarious applications.In one case, with trowelledconcrete termination, a basketball court was made. Intheothersasynthetic floorarea was built, and other withartificialturf, allstrung togetherbyacircularbankrunandalampwithpetalsof lightilluminatingeach ofthetracks. Intheboundarylying tothetraveled way, it has been arranged awall made of pallets, deep, internally illuminatedsothatseparatesthetwoareasand makes intervention visible.
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Casetas (Huts) District. A plot locatedon the urban edge was chosen, as it couldbe interpretedasa transitional spacebetween the urban environmentandthe existing natural landscape, formed by cropfields. The plot, with a rectangulargeometry,wasdividedinto two zones,onecontainingtheindividualgardens, andother public, withawooded area. In this area apergolawithapicnicasa meeting place was created. In the orchards, a seriesofwooden “huts” was set, internallylit,to storetoolsinside, but theywere also givenalandscape dimension, since it valuedand includedtheareaoforchards into the cityscapeat sunset. It was considered to beveryimportant thatthesespaceswerequitevisuallypermeable, soacorrugatedironenclosure was designed,engaging in adialoguewiththe landscape ofadjacentreeds.
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San Jose District. It is located at a point near a an Alzheimer health center and a nursery. We were excited to work with the concept of memories and memory. Space could be understood as a common point among those children who began to store memories and old people, who began to lose them. After studying the problem of Alzheimer's and they working methods, they set a series of mechanisms that could activate and exercise the memory. We raised a journey through the land, which started on a concrete slab then was materially diluted like memories, to turn back to the starting point. A journey that went through various stages, through aromatic plants, posters with pictures and rote exercises. In one phase of the route goes through the demolished house that has been put in value, preserving the mosaic pavement, this time poured into the public space, like a house "open" to the plaza, which on this occasion is an urban living room, in which tables, chairs and a garden habe been arranged. On the middle part, icons have been painted to resemble these spaces (bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen ...) referring to the construction of memory. At the confluence of the material course and the beginning of the material vanishing a playground was placed. As a tribute to Miguel Hernandez, one of his poems travel the road of memory, discovered on the floor step by step: "I remember and I do nor remember that story ..."
It has been very important for the programto maintaina sense of playthroughoutall processes. We triedto givevisibilitytoconceptssuch asfragmentation, disorderorrandomnessas core valuecreatorsof newmeanings. Inthissense asemantic game was created, and eachworkerwears ashirtwiththe wordsof theprogram:"Esto ","no ", "es", "un", "solar" (this-is-not-an-urban plot). This way, compound phrasesare createdbychance, according to the layout of eachworkerevery time. ("This is not," a plotis not this"," Thisplotis not, "" Thisisa plot, "a plotisnotaplot"...)Escuchar
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10_thetext andsymbol
It has been already mentioned thatallthese 2009 plots , haphazardly dottedalongthe urban area, form some sortof"empty network" becausethroughtheirintentions, activitiesand uses, establishsubtleconnectionsbetweenthem.We proceeded toname, number and identifyeachofthechosen plots. Each plotislabeledwithan identification number, which has the strangeand abstract virtue tonumber the non-existent,thevacuum. Once the stampof "estonoesunsolar" is placed in their dividing,thespaceis readyto becolonizedby the inhabitants andbecome"100% usable. "
The interventionsof2010 lostthatconditionof proximity betweenthe plots, sowe selected a more globalscaleandinsteadof numbers,geographic coordinates were assignedtoeachofthem, visible just from the google eye. A mathematical, rational andaccurate way to designatethe realizationof apublicwill.
patrizia di monte + ignacio grávalosarchitects
Fig 1: intervención de jardín temporal en la c/ San Blas. Colaboración con Colegio S. Domingo y As. Lanuza
Fig 2: cancha de baloncesto en c/ Palafox, Casco Histórico. Colaboración con Centro infantil Gusantina
Fig. 3: Intervención en el paisaje de las riberas del Ebro, Vadorrey.
Fig. 4: pista multideporte en distrito Actur. Colaboración con Centro infantil Os Mesaches.
Fig. 5: huertos urbanos en distrito Casetas. Colaboración con Junta de Distrito.
Fig 6: Playground. Colaboración con centro de Alzheimer y colegio San José.
Fig 7: Plano de intervención de los 28 solares transformados en espacio público.
Fig 8: Proceso de la estrategia estonoesunsolar e integración de la población.
Todas las imágenes son de los autores del texto.
1. A. CAMUS. El mito de Sísifo. Alianza Editorial.
2. V. PÉREZ ROYO. Caminar entre arquitecturas invisibles. Dentro de Cairón 12. Revista de estudios de danza. Universidad de Alcalá. 2009, pp. 245
3. F. CARERI. Walkscapes. Camminare come pratica estetica. Einaudi. Torino 2006, pp.73
4. I. SOLÁ-MORALES. Terrain Vague, en Quaderns 212, Barcelona 1996, pp.37
5. R. SENNET. El declive del hombre público. Anagrama, Barcelona, 2011, pp.275
6. J. JACOBS. Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades. Capitán Swing, Salamanca, 2011, pp. 112
7. G. SIMMEL. El individuo y la libertad. Península, Barcelona, 1986, pp. 253
8. M. DELGADO. El animal público. Anagrama, Barcelona, 1999, pp. 184
Bibliografía:Título escrito en Arial, tamaño de la fuente 8 pt., estilo de la fuente negrita.
2 Cada una de las referencias aparecerán en un párrafo distinto separadas por un espacio en blanco.
3 Consultar el estilo en las Normas de envío
Figuras. Título escrito en Arial, tamaño de la fuente 8 pt., estilo de la fuente negrita.
Fig. 1: Leyendas escritas en Arial, tamaño de la fuente 8 pt..,estilo de la fuente normal.
Fig. 2: Cada una de las figuras aparecerá en un párrafo distinto separada por un espacio en blanco.
Fig.3: Título, autor y año