Officer Descriptions
40. (1) The President shall:
i) preside at all meetings of the Association, the Board and the Executive Committee;
ii) enforce the observance of the Association’s constitution and bylaws;
iii) be an ex-officio member of all committees other than the nominating committee; and
iv) exercise general care and superintendence of the affairs of the Association.
v) conduct or cause to be conducted the official correspondence of the Association;
(2) The first Vice-President shall:
i) in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting have all the powers and be subject to all the responsibilities hereby given or imposed upon the President;
ii) upon the death or resignation of the President automatically become President.
(3) The second Vice-President shall:
i) in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the first Vice-President;
ii) in the absence of the first Vice-President, perform the duties of the first Vice President;
iii) upon the death or resignation of the President and the first-Vice President automatically becoming the President, automatically becomes the first Vice-President;
iv) upon the death or resignation of the first Vice-President, automatically become the first Vice-President.
(4) The Secretary shall:
i) be responsible for ensuring all records and minutes of the Association have been reviewed and prepared for distribution;
ii) be responsible for presenting the minutes of meetings of the Association.
iii) ensure that committees of the Association have minutes of meetings;
iv) be the custodian of the seal of the Association;
v) be responsible for ensuring proper notices of the Association have been done in a timely manner and meet any bylaws of the Association.
(5) The Treasurer shall:
i) ensure the proper keeping of the books of account and such other records as may be prescribed by law or as may be required by the Association;
ii) present to the Board at each of its regular meetings, a statement of financial accounts showing the current balance of funds on hand, the details of all receipts and disbursements of the Association's funds for the unreported period preceding each Board meeting, the details of all accounts payable for which the approval of the Board is required before payment issued and such other information;
iii) ensure the preparation of the duly audited statement of the receipts and disbursement during the financial year of the Association, which shall end on the thirty-first day of March in each year;
iv) ensure all monies payable to or accruing to the Association and shall not invest them without due authority by the Association;
v) promptly issue or cause to be issued all cheques for monies to be paid and all notes and drafts payable to the Association, and endorse cheques and all other negotiable paper made payable to the order of the Association;
vi) be custodian of the financial records;
vii) be the chairperson of the finance committee.
(6) The Youth Representative shall:
i) shall be the direct liaison between the Executive Committee and the Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council.
ii) represent the interests of Aboriginal youth on the Board and the Executive Committee.
iii) serve as a voting member of the Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council and attend all council meetings and adhere to all Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council policy and procedures, in addition to their responsibilities.
iv) be responsible for youth related activities during the regular proceedings of the Board.