La Vega Office Personnel Technology Competencies

Technology Planning Committee Members: Ann Sadler, Beth Aldridge, Chris Borland, Diane Dietiker, Gary Williams, Jane Keahey, Jonathan Young, Karen Thompson, Larry Kaska, Lisa Cobb, Maria Green, and Tammy Brinkman

1.Ethical Practices

a.Demonstrate proper etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use of electronic information

and products while in a school, classroom, office, lab, or home using district equipment

(computer server, etc.)

b.Sign and follow district Acceptable Use policy.

c.Obey copyright laws.

-Software piracy

-Obtain permission to use copyrighted materials.

d.Model ethical acquisition and use of digital information, including citing sources.

e.Report any violations of Acceptable Use policy.

2.Competency with basic computer literacy.

a.Correctly start up, reboot, and shut down the computer.

b.Load, launch, and quit a program .

c.Save and retrieve a file to and from the hard drive.

d.Save and retrieve a file to and from a floppy.

e.Print a file.

f.Demonstrate Basic mouse maneuvering skills.

g.Create directories/folders.

h.Rename files.

i.Delete files.

j.Perform basic troubleshooting techniques:

-Check the cables- are they plugged in correctly?

-Quit and restart the program. Checking everything more

carefully when clicking.

-Restart the computer, turning everything on in the right

sequence. Peripherals-Monitor-CPU.

k.Use technology terminology appropriate to the task.

l.Save files to compensate for software version compatibility issues.

3.Competency with local e-mail and have a general understanding of the basic LaVega system.

a.Log onto the file server.

b.Save a file to the Homes directory.

c.Retrieve a file from the Homes directory.

d.Send an e-mail.

e.Receive an e-mail.

f.Reply to an e-mail.

g.Read and save an attachment.

h.Send an attachment.

i.Create Personal User Groups.

j.Forward and e-mail message.

k.Create folders to organize mailbox.

l.Set mail priority.

m.Set a password for e-mail.

4.Competency with basic word processing skills to produce job-related materials.

a.Create a new document.

b.Open an existing document.

c.Save a document.

d.Edit a document:




e.Change fonts.

f.Change font size and style.

g.Format a document

-Change margins

-Change orientation

-Shrink to fit

-Change spacing

-Set alignment

-Add bullets

-Add numbering

h.Insert a graphic.

i.Perform a spell check on a document.

j.Print a document.

5.Competency with basic spreadsheet skills.

a.Create a new spreadsheet.

b.Save a spreadsheet.

c.Open an existing spreadsheet.

d.Print from a spreadsheet.

e.Enter data.

f.Insert labels in columns and rows.

g.Resize columns and rows.

h.Create basic arithmetic formulas.

i.Make a chart.

j.Sort Columns

k.Add/delete columns and rows.

6.Competency with basic database skills.

a.Save a database file.

b.Open an existing database.

c.Create fields.

d.Define field type.

e.Input data.

f.Create a new record.

g.Show all records.

h.Sort data/query

i.Add a field.

j.Find a record.

k.Print data

7.Competency with Internet usage to enhance job performance.

a.Perform a search.

b.Create and use bookmarks

c.Follow Internet links.

d.Enter specific Internet site.

e.Use the Netscape toolbar.

f.Save graphics.

g.Identify and validate the source, relevancy, and content of information gathered from the



The assessment will be within the district employee evaluation process.

Last Update: April 2, 2007