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Office of the Vice President of Human Resources and Employee Engagement
January 9, 2012
To:The College Community
From: Sarah Miller Espinosa
Vice President of Human Resources and Employee Engagement
Subject: Election Day Support and Leave Approval Process
In support of the electoral process, the College will grant administrative leave to any employee who becomes trained and serves as an Election Judge regardless of the jurisdiction in which he or she resides. This applies for the Primary Election Day on April 3, 2012, the General Election Day on November 6, 2012, and any special elections where the County Board of Elections is seeking individuals to serve as Election Judges at polling places. Election Judges will be compensated by the county for Election Day. Montgomery County residency is not a pre-requisite to serve. For further information, please visit the Montgomery County Board of Elections Web site via the following link:
For information on serving as an Election Judge for a different county, please contact your local Board of Elections.
Leave Approval Process
In order to have the leave approved, please follow steps 1-3 below:
1.Submit a “Request for Short Term Leave” form in advance, noting the reason for leave as Election Day support. The form must be signed by the immediate supervisor and the unit administrator and forwarded to the Office of Human Resourcesfor approval.
2.Upon approval, you may report your leave as administrative leave when serving as an Election Judge. The College will support one day of training and one day as an Election Judge, not to exceed 15 hours of administrative leave. Furthermore, you may not report more than 8 hours in one day.
3.When you have completed your service to your local Board of Elections, you must submit a copy of your “Official Notice of Appointment” to the Office of Human Resources, attention: Records.
Thank you for considering this important community enrichment opportunity.