The purpose of this informal meeting is to provide a forum for Florida’s electric utilities to brief Commission staff on their 2014 hurricane season preparation.
1. Introductions & order:
- Duke - PDF
- Tampa Electric
- Gulf Power
- Florida Public Utilities
- Municipals
- Co-ops – Tri-County Electric
2. Purpose:
In 2006 the Florida Public Service Commission adopted a multifaceted approach and a response to ensure all utility 13 infrastructures will be better able to withstand the impact of hurricanes and implement lessons learned from the 2004/2005 seasons. The Commission adopted ten storm hardening initiatives and required investor-owned utilities to file formal storm hardening plans subject to the Commission's approval. In our July 2007 report to the Legislature the Commission cited our most critical recommendation that Florida maintain a high level of storm preparation. The annual hurricane season preparation workshop provides utility and local exchange companies a forum to advise us of their individual hurricane season preparation activities. This is, this is the eighth year we have conducted such a workshop. After years with no hurricanes visiting Florida, fading memories can lead towards complacency. We, however, should view the hurricane season of 2013 with caution and recognize that preparation is the key to minimizing storm impacts. The forecasters remind us that only one hurricane making landfall in our area will make it an active season for us.
3. Scope of presentations:
In our invitation, we have asked each participating utility to address the current status of all storm hardening projects and inspections, completed, in-progress, or planned. Each presentation should also cover storm drills, public outreach projects, and recovery plans. Finally, our goal is to share changes and lessons learned, as well as areas of growth, so each utility will have more options to consider for storm preparation next year.
4. Presentations
5. Final questions, information for IA presentation to follow