Project Submittal Checklist for Dams – Summary Form Date 04/20/2015
APRIL 2015
The Office of the State Engineer (OSE) rules and regulations governing Dam Design, Construction and Dam Safety require the submittal of several items to document the design of a new dam and for the investigation, alteration or repair of an existing dam ( New Mexico Administrative Code). The documents are required to provide the supporting information to evaluate the safety of the proposed design. The rules and regulations also require owners of High and Significant Hazard Potential dams to submit an Operation and Maintenance Manual and Emergency Action Plan. A copy of the rules and regulations governing Dam Design, Construction and Dam Safety can be obtained from the OSE website at The Dam Safety Bureau of the OSE has developed a checklist to assist in development of documentation for project submittals. It is required that relevant sections of the checklist accompany any document submitted for review to the OSE Dam Safety Bureau. The checklist must not be bound into the document.
Items in the project submittal checklist provide either a general or specific reference to the rules and regulations for dams contained in Title 19, Chapter 25, Part 12 of the New Mexico Administrative Code (19.25.12 NMAC). The checklist provides a place to indicate the location and page number where each item is addressed and inclusion of this information will expedite the OSE review process. This checklist is not intended as an outline for your technical report and must not be used for that purpose.
An electronic copy of the project submittal checklist documents can be obtained from the OSE website at The checklist is provided as separate documents to assist persons who may not need to submit all sections. Any documentation submitted to the OSE Dam Safety Bureau for review must be submitted in a format acceptable to the OSE. Both hard copy and electronic copy is required. Please review the OSE guidance paper “Technical Reports for Dams” that is available on the OSE Dam Safety Bureau website for guidance on formatting and preparation of a technical document.
The OSE Dam Safety Bureau requires that technical reports thoroughly document procedures and assumptions of all investigations, analysis and designs. Methodology must be discussed in detail and independently of any reference material provided or software used to perform the computations. All design input must be tabulated and justified and results must be interpreted with appropriate conclusions. Any errors or warning identified by a computer program must be discussed in the report. Analysis not required by the OSE need not be submitted in the Report to the OSE. A working electronic copy of all computer models must be provided in the submittal. Supporting documentation such as computer input and output files must be annotated if the computer models are not available to the OSE Dam Safety Bureau. Supporting documentation such as computer input and output files must be annotated if the computer models are not available to the OSE Dam Safety Bureau. If the models are considered a “trade secret” please indicate this condition and the model will not be subject to the inspection of public records act.
Persons who are preparing documents for OSE review are encouraged to contact the Dam Safety Bureau if they have questions so that the review process can proceed with as little delay as possible. If additional discussion is required regarding dam design and rehabilitation projects, please contact Charles N. Thompson, P.E., Dam Safety Bureau Chief at 505-383-4134.
Project Submittal Checklist for Dams – Summary Form Date 04/20/2015
Dam: File No.: ______
Owner: Date: ______
Design Engineer:
Application, Fees and Detailed Plans / Submitted / Not Required / CommentsYES /
1. Correctly completed Application ( as a separate document
2. Detailed Cost Estimate (
Submit as a separate document
3. Filing Fee and Plan Review Fee (
Check payable to Office of the State Engineer and attached to the transmittal letter
4. Water rights for water impounded by the dam ( Letter from the OSE Water Right District Office
5. Design Report ( Design Report may be organized into multiple reports. Submit as a hard copy report(s) and electronically in Adobe pdf.
6. Construction Drawings (
Submit in hard copy and single file electronic (PDF)
7. Specifications for the Project ( Submit in hard copy and electronically in Adobe pdf.
8. Plat of Survey (
Submit as a rolled paper copy. Do not fold.
9. Dam Site Security ( Submit as part of the design report or as a separate document and electronically in Adobe pdf.
10. Instrumentation Plan ( Submit as part of the design report or as a separate document and electronically in Adobe pdf.
11. Operation and Maintenance Manual ( Submit as a separate document bound in a 3 ring binder and electronically in Microsoft Word.
12. Emergency Action Plan ( Submit as a separate document bound in a 3 ring binder and electronically in Microsoft Word.
Note: References in parenthesis corresponds to the appropriate rule in Dam Design, Construction and Dam Safety, Title 19, Chapter 25, Part12 of the New Mexico Administrative Code (19.25.12 NMAC)